My husband does change James, just doesnt like to play with him as much. When he knows Ill be gone for a while he will strap James in a carrier and walk him. But In the evening he wants to visit with me instead of give me a break so hell do things like follow me around (while Im loading the dishwasher/going through mail/taking a shower)while holding the baby even if the baby is crying. He doesnt know what a proper break is while Im here. I was upset last night, just worn out from the day and thought changing the baby twice and getting him ready for bed was enough to help out for the day and then he could just take care of himself (showering) without regard to what more he could do to help. I couldnt shower because its right next to the babys room while hes sleeping. I seem to only get to shower while the babys in the room with me (either I have him in his saucer while its just us) or my husband will bring him in to talk to me (BUT Ive started locking the door to prevent this!!). Sorry, Ill stop complaining now! I really do love him, just some days I want more help.
Neko -

sorry avery wasnt feeling well. Averys old enough to eat M&Ms, nothing wrong with that! Whats the emergency????
Lauki James gets up about 8:30 and doesnt nap again till about 11 or 12. So I guess 3 hours? Then a 2ish nap and a 4ish nap (but most of these are at most 45 minutes, usually only about 20-30 minutes.) Keep rubbing in how wonderful your husband is!!! No, we wont smoother you in your sleep.
Jessica AWESOME for the crawling! BC does seem less relevant, which is why I LOVE this thread! It is inbetween BC and Toddler Club 
Whit- that is the best fist pumping picture! For sitting I would just have James on my lap and hold his thighs, hed lean against me if he needed to but holding his legs was a big help while having him work on his balance. LOL about your cousin and whether or not the baby is cute. My husband and I were looking at newborn pictures the other day and are, for the most part, ntnp now. Though if I dont like him enough ot sleep with him some days I dont know if that counts
My guilty pleasure was Jersey Shore, but now we dont have cable. Love hating them!!!
What's a rusk????