Hopefully be able to request an aisle seat. But there's lots of technical faults on their website atm..
I put Soph down when sleepy next to me on the sofa now and she sleeps there. She has been asleep since 9.30am and it's now 11.05 I never had to soothe her back to sleep or anything.
I love Elizabeth P! The one thing I disliked was how she said that it was so important for babies to nap longer than 45 minutes for their developtment. And it reaaaaaaaaaaaaally stressed me (and Sophie out). When I finally made peace with the fact Sophie was a catnapper, about a month later she started sleeping longer. I think it just had to do with age..
She did however help me from going to having to nurse Sophie laying down in bed and staying with her for at least 30 minutes before sneaking out to now nursing her in my bedroom and then walking to her bedroom and putting her down to sleep with most nights no problems at all.
Obviously some nights when she's overtired or poorly she needs extra cuddles. But it gave me the techniques to work with.
Do you put her down awake? LO screams fucking blue murder unless put down fast asleep