Mmm I can tell you what I did with Sophie. It wasn't easy though and it took me at least 2 months for her to go down smoothly.
I always had to nurse her until she was in a full sleep. What I started with was taking her off after she had comfort sucked for about 10 minutes. So she had stopped drinking and swallowing, but did get all relaxed from the comfort.
When I took her off I would then cuddle her and gently put her down. In the beginning about 19/20 times she'd start crying. So I'd pick her up again, let her nurse for 1-2 minutes until calmed down and started over again by gently putting her down. Sometimes it would take me 1.5 hours to put her to sleep at night, but I persisted.
She slowly started learning I would be there and I wouldn't just leave her alone and upset. So I would have to pick her up less and less often.
Then the 4 month sleep regression hit

. And all was fucked! But hey ho!
When we got through that, I just continued doing what I did. And now I can take her off when she's finished feeding. I cuddle her upright for about 2 minutes to make sure she doesn't have any wind stuck. Then I walk her to her room and put her in her cot.
In the beginning she'd quite often start crying in her cot, so I'd shush her and hold her hand or sing to her. I would pick her up if she'd get hysterical.
Lately we haven't had much problems at bedtime at all (knock wood). We start nursing about 6.45pm after her bath and by 7.05 or 7.10pm she's normally in bed asleep (unless I'm watching Big Bang Theory, then I'll cuddle her a bit longer

It's taken me 3 months to get to this stage though, as I refuse to let her cry it out.
The putting down drowsy also works during the day for naps.
I really hope you manage to work it out! I think you mostly need a lot of perseverence and a hell of a lot more patient. Also an OH who is willing to help out when you get frustrated. In the beginning I would sometimes have to call on my husband to hold her or soothe her for a while so I could take a breather and control my emotions

Good luck!