Go youtube "Bastian's Birth" it's a mom who has her son in a kiddie pool in the living roomNot that I'm judging, but it looks super painful. Sometimes I'm glad I didn't have a vaginal birth. I wish I could have just had her thrown on to me like that though.
Omg--- I had a vaginal birth- At home on my kitchen floor.. very much so UNPLANNED.. hurt like a bitch ..fuck man.. no more kids for us
Just wondering. Have any of you left your babies overnight with someone else yet?
I haven't yet. I've only left her once during the day when she was 2 months old for hubby and me to celebrate our anniversary. Quickest meal I've ever had.
We have Left Ava over night while we went away for 1 night (we are pathetic) she did well, she was young ... I donno.. I don't really like leaving my kids overnight... im crazy like that LOL
Today Sophie has been showing some signs of seperation anxiety, weeeheey!
Omfg... Separation anxiety ... we went through HELL with that, once Ava learned to crawl.. she was WAY better, but she is that clingy..whiney... can't be away from me type of child. Oh and no one else could replace me , it always HAD to be me.
Do ALL babies get separation anxiety? Is it mainly a personality thing? Just wondering because the things people moan about most are 4 month sleep regression, teething and separation anxiety. Some of my friends babies are displaying anxiety already at 6/7 months and I wonder whether more needy babies are the ones who suffer with it worst or does it strike all babies equally? Do babies go from being quite aloof and playing by themselves to full out screaming when you leave the room?
I really don't know this, but thought I would comment. My son he never had ANY separation anxiety ... he loved everyone.. I didn't even know it existed to be honest... until Ava...
Ava is a really needy baby ... she is demanding and wants what she wants NOW.... She went through crazy anxiety it was horrible.. i was ripping my hair out with it... I was SOOO SICK OF IT.. anyone would talk to her she would scream.. i would leave the room she would scream.
Now she plays on her own.. and just does her own thing.