Welcome Rayray!
Cary, so glad everything is going well!! That's fantastic news about your sonogram results!!! Like Red, I was really worried that something was wrong when we didn't hear from you!!
So glad that's not the case!
Starry, I second Red! I'll be mad at your body too! That would be so horribly unfair! I'm praying for you with all of my might!!!
Red, I used to O on CD21-22 and the Clomid made me ovulate on CD16, so I bet you're right about to! The temp drop is a really good sign too! And I have no idea why getting pregnant is so hard! Really, you'd think it would be much, much easier. God's idea of population control, maybe??
Afm, 13dpo today and still no sign of AF. After yesterday's BFN, I'm waiting it out a little bit to see what happens. It's hard not to get excited when another day passes without AF, but even if it comes, it's nice to know that the Clomid is extending my luteal phase!! In the past, my LP has never been longer than 12 days, so we're already going good! Hopefully that will help us get a sticky bean soon, even if it's not this month.
I've been toying with the idea of NTNP for a couple of months just to give myself a mental break, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to interrupt the Clomid treatment. And if I'm going to use Clomid, I really do neeed to be temping, getting progesterone tests, and timing BD properly, otherwise there's not much point to taking the meds! I'm still thinking it over. As much as I want a BFP, I think it would be really nice to have a couple of months where sex is just fun again!!