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On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

Great news Starry... Will you be referred to a fertility clinic?

After seeing the re... DH and I opted for not going any further with testing. Everything would have to come out of our pocket and that is not an option right now
No, I'm not getting referred. Right now it looks like this is all the testing I'm going to get unless I have another m/c and even then she said she would be doing the testing. I'm OK with that as then it would be covered by our health care. I can't afford private care anyways.
I understand that...

My ewcm changed to a atretchy lotiony cm after two days... It's like I had a completely normal cycle. After AF I had nothing, then I had some lotiony cm, then it got clearer and stretchy, then watery and stretchy, tans now it is a little stretchy but has lotiony qualities.

We are bding every other night through next week just o make sure, but I'm thinking I ovulated Wednesday night or Thursday. I had twinges Monday and Tuesday on my left side and tinges on my right side on Wednesday. I got the watery cm Wednesday night so even though we bd on Tuesday we also went for it Wednesday. I'm feeling really positive this month and I'm really liking these smoothies...
I've also noticed that one of the cellulite that I've had on my legs since I had to take steroids when I was 16 have gone down.... And the varicose veins on my legs are getting better!!! Yeah!
Wow, Cary! That is so great that these shakes are really helping with your cycles. Sounds like you are finding the right foods for you. I hope this brings you your rainbow baby this cycle! Good luck!
starry: so glad to hear the good news, and glad you like the new doctor =) long cycles are super frustrating. i cant even tell u how late i am this time.... really late. feels like ill never bleed again... hope we both get some AF dust soon buddy...

cary: that is awesome girlie!!! so glad the smoothies are working so well. i keep forgetting to get the stuff to make them when i go shopping =/ i did buy some really nice looking asparagus and broccoli tho... and my granola is almost gone...

hope you girls are doing great, and having an awesome weekend so far!!
F*&#!!! I just got a very light line on my internet cheapie test. I'm super terrified. This used to be fun. :/
Red - :hugs: I really hope this is the start of your new bfp! I understand that it isn't fun anymore. Take it one day at a time. Anything more would be too daunting. And we're always here no matter what. :hugs:
Thanks Starry. I called my midwife and she wants me to get quantitative betas done tomorrow to confirm or deny so tomorrow I will know. If I am pregnant she is putting me on progesterone immediately due to my history and the fact that while my post ovulating progesterone levels were normal, they were on the low side of normal and could be responsible for my early loss last time.
:hugs: Red.... I'm thinking about you... I pray this is the start of your beautiful rainbow....

I've heard so many people talk about how progesterone saved their lo.... FX'd or ya...
Thanks Cary. I tested 3 more times this morning and all had lines so as far as I can tell, I am indeed pregnant. Right now I have no symptoms so I don't know. I sort of feel like this is going to be another chemical but only time will tell.
Try not to let your mind go there until you have to, Red.

afm - I had a dumb moment and took another pregnancy test today even though I was not going to. Negative, of course. So now I wait until next Saturday to test again. At this point I just want AF to show so I can get on with things.
Starry I know how you feel. I've been testing periodically for the past few weeks and a lot of them were just on a whim because I was feeling dumb. Actually last night was one of those times and I really didn't expect to see anything.
Red ( am I allowed a little smile for you ? ) I completly understand your worry and anxiousness I'm still there myself !!!! Best advise I can give is take it one day at a time and don't look too far ahead . Set small goals like tommrow and getting betas then after that another small one :) I have everything crossed xxxxxx
Of course you can smile a little for me. After all it is a small success and that's something to be happy about. One day at a time is my motto right now.
Of course you can smile a little for me. After all it is a small success and that's something to be happy about. One day at a time is my motto right now.

Ok only a little one mind :winkwink: ya can borrow my mantra I have
Today I am pregnant and I'm ok . Have not thought beyond that and won't for quite sometime :) Xxxx
I have to admit that I am starting to panic a little that I'm now on CD48 with no AF and bfn. I am starting to imagine the worst things like that the d&c "ruined" me, that I'm never going to ovulate again or even get a period again. I'm trying to calm myself down that my body needs some time to heal and whatnot but I really do hate that I can't be a normal person with 28 day cycles where 31 days is "late". I'm on CD48!! And I haven't even had any distinctive ov signs. I had some painful, one-sided pinching last Thursday so right now I'm hoping against hope that was it so I know I can expect AF sometime next week.

I'm so sick of this drama. *sighs*
Today I'm pregnant and I'm ok. Day one.

Starry I'm sure all is well. You said you've had long cycles in the past. If you're worried call your doc but I really think they'll just tell you to wait it out.
That's the spirit :) any time you feel yourself panicking about the future and what may happen , just go back to that thought " TODAY Im pregnant and I'm ok " it's hard but that way you only worry about today . I read another post on another thread yesterday from a lady who just got her BFP after a late mc . I really admired her attitude , what she said was
She was of course terrified and delighted too but has decided to think of it this way

" if the weather forecast said there was an 85% chance of a beautiful summers days , what would she do ? Plan the next day to huddle inside with the fire lighting expecting the heavens to open , umbrellas at the ready ? Nope she would plan a BBQ invite family and friends and celabrate the fantastic day ahead !! Chances are the rain won't come with those odds and if it does the umbrella will come out then and only then !!!!!

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