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On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

Congrats again Red... Taking it one day at a time is the best advice...

Starry... I'm so sorry things are dragging out... But if your son was conceived on a 70 day cycle, then maybe this is a good sign. Limbo sucks, I know... I've been there... The hardest thing for me is seeing bfn... Every month... Over and over again... But, it is easier than more miscarriages... My heart goes out to you ladies! You are much stronger than you think... There is something to be said for PMA... So, be positive... Take charge... If there is one thing that you think will help, go to the dr and ask for it...

I'm trying to be proactive... Hoping that it helps things a long....

Good night wonderful ladies... May God bless you with the fulfillment of your deepest wishes and desires...
Left that was well said. I've chanted your motto to myself several times today and you know what it did help take the edge off my panic. As long as I don't try and think about the future I do ok.

Cary, you are so sweet and supportive and I hope you get good news soon. I've definitely had my times when I couldn't support ya'll the way I wanted to because I was coping with too much but you never waver, Cary; and it's awesome. Stay strong. You'll get your BfP soon.
Cary - I echo Red. You're so sweet to be so constant in your support of everyone here when you have had so many cares of your own to carry. You have a tender soul. I hope God gives you your rainbow soon.

afm - I know I need to give my body a chance. My getting testing sooner than I thought I would has calmed me down a lot. I guess my mind likes to find new things to worry about. :blush: I'm in no rush to force a period but I also hate having to carry a stash of tampons and pads with me everywhere I go "just in case".
I really hope this is the start of your rainbow red. I love the motto "today I'm pregnant & I'm okay." I have one I chant to myself too and it has eased my fears at my most anxious of times. Positive self talk really does so wonders. Sending you and your little one love.

Starry- I also conceived this baby on a long cycle. It felt like foreeeever and I also had the same thoughts about the D&C ruining my system. Idk if this is helpful at all but you are not ruined. Your body is preparing itself to carry a beautiful rainbow to term. It will happen, I believe it.

Cary- you really are the sweetest and most supportive woman. I have total faith you'll be a mother and a completely fantastic one at that.

Left- sending you and baby love always!
Today I'm pregnant and sort of ok. I'm trying not to read too much into my tests. They just don't seem to be getting darker. I should stop testing but I've got so many of these little buggers.

They look like they're getting darker to me. And in the beginning the increases in hcg are still minimal enough that the discernible difference in line colour would be negligible and could even depend on factors such as how much you drank the night before. And it can take 2 to 3 days to double. Take a few days off from testing and rely more on what the blood results show. But I do get the obsessing and worrying.

afm - we sand a chorus in church today that I never heard before but had me in tears.

The Lord love me, the Lord Loves me
Oh what a wonder I see
A rainbow is looking in on me
The Lord loves me.

I felt like a little message of encouragement and hope. Just before I became pregnant with DS I had been out on a walk when I saw a rainbow and at my feet was a baby bottle lying at the side of the road. That gave me hope too.
Starrybthat is a lovely verse , isn't it amazing how things sometimes just speak to Us :)

Red they definitely look darker today's being the darkest ! I'd stop for 48 hours and see the progression then . I've my scan tommrow and very scared !
Thanks ladies... :blush:

Starry... That verse is beautiful... What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... We have the privilege of being a group of really strong women...

Red- those lines look darker to me... Today you are pregnant and you are doing great! Stay strong for that rainbow...

Rayray- today you are pregnant with you're beautiful little girl... That's fantastic...

Left - today you are pregnant and tomorrow you will have a fantastic scan! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Lovemyhubby - you have a wonderful attitude... Can't wait TO hear about when you get your BFP...

If I missed anyone, know that you are blessed!

We my not know each other outside of here, but I feel blessed to know you on B and B....

AFM - Some days I feel super strong and other days not so much...you ladies make it very easy to be supportive... I prayed for you all today... Left, for continued good news... Red, that this is your rainbow and you'll go full term...starry, that the next pregnancy you have will be a sister for your little guy... For those who are pregnant that you would deliver beautiful rainbows... For those who are hoping that your tests come back positive...

I was teaching the kiddos today and one of the little girls wanted her momma... I was holding her - she just turned two- and I thought... Gosh.. I want to dbe a mom... I know it will happen in Gods time... But I made a decision today... When I get pregnant (and I will get pregnant) I'm so going to be positive... I'm going to look each day with a smile and thank God for my baby...

:hugs::hugs: to you all...
Thanks Cary you are just such a lovely person xxxxxx the people who have you in their "real" lives are very blessed xxxx one day you will be a mum and a fantastic one at that xx
Seriously Cary you are a wonderful woman. So supportive and positive. We are lucky to know you.
Cary thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I'm not personally a church goer and it means a lot that someone is looking out for me.

My tests today are definitely darker so that's a small relief. I felt icky all day yesterday so I really hope that means good things. But one day at a time.

Left how was your scan?
Red - those are definitely hopeful signs.

Left - thinking of you today! Can't wait to hear about your scan.

afm - think the :witch: is finally here. I am having some spotting today which is how my AF normally starts. Today is CD50 and I have had one or two 50 day cycles since DS was born so I feel like this is somewhat in pattern. I also think my body needed one more period before being ready to truly TTC. With all my mixed signals I think things were just too mixed up. And at least I now know I won't have AF on vacation nor will I have to cancel (which I would if I got bfp).
Starry Im glad you're getting some closure to this cycle finally. Limbo...yea we all know how that feels and none of us like it. Sorry you've been in it so long.
Hello ladies :) well the Scan went well today thank GOD xx my LO didn't quite co- operate with the photo shoot and kept wiggling !! So no great scan photos I'm afraid ! On the flip side I've been catapulted into the second tri !! Went into the hospital 12+5 and came out 14 weeks tommrow !! After 3 obgyns consulted and had look at my wriggling baby on the u/s they agreed that baby was measuring 7 days ahead so confirmed a change of my due date from the 21st to the 15 th of February putting me at 14 weeks tommrow ! Which means in six weeks on the 30th of September ill find out if I'm team blue or pink ;) it seems so soon !! But still one day at a time ..... Long way to go to get to the finish line but today I'm celebrating :)
Sorry also ment to say the dates were changed as the measuring ahead was consistant with the early scans at 8 weeks . I still not sure what happened as I charted, tempt and was using Opk !!!!! I was almost 100% certain but baby and Mother Nature had other ideas !!!!
It's possible that you LO is just growing fast. :) I. Trust the temperatures and opks if they all lined up. Doctors estimates are just averages. But it doesn't matter... You're in your second trimester!
Yeah left!

Red, glad for the yucky signs... Sounds so weird to say that.....

Starry, I'm so glad you're getting closure! I hate limbo!

Rayray how are ou feeling?

AFM... Today was my first day back to work... Kids and parents will come friday night to meet the teachers and school for kids starts next Tuesday... Long dys of working to get everything ready and meetings, meetings and more meetings!
Left - :happydance::happydance: Congrats on the terrific scan and for entering second tri!

Cary - school starts in August? Some schools start at the end of August up here due to the number of snow days they will be having over the winter otherwise most start the day after Labour Day. Does summer break start earlier? (ours starts end of June)

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