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On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

Good luck today Cary! The first day of school as a student especially when I was younger was always so fun. Let us know how it goes!

Starry I am so happy your period seems to have arrived. It seems to me like your body was definitely just rebooting itself..bodies have a funny way of telling us what they need even if it's the opposite of what we want haha. I hope it's an easy period and you can start on your road to TTC.

How are you Red?

Left! YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! I am so so incredibly happy for you. That's totally amazing. Welcome to the second trimester, I am so happy for you. Have you decided if you're going to find out if it's a boy or girl? Do you have any feelings either way?

AFM, thank you for asking Cary. I am doing well. Have some pretty bad headaches... but other than that things are going well.
Long cycles make me forget how much I hate my period. It is so crazy heavy. I could live in the bathroom. *sighs*

I am really hoping this will be my lucky cycle. I usually concieve after 5 months ttc and last time it was really only 4 1/2 months after the previous m/c and AF had come 8 weeks after the loss so really only 2ish months of active TTC. End of September is when I can test and it will be the 4 month mark. I just have to hope my body gives me the proper signals.

I forgot to temp this morning but the packet that came with the thermometre said it wasn't necessary to test during aF. I do want to start tomorrow though. With it being my first cycle temping I don't think it will be very useful in ttc this month.
I'm hanging in there by a thread. I swear this pregnancy is making me go nuts. I got the results of my 2nd beta back and it was 92. For roughly 14dpo I think this is not too bad. It's better than my 97 at 19dpo that I had last time.

Starry- your periods sound awful. I've never had a really heavy period quite like you describe.

Cary- Im at school today too. Boo. Thankfully no kids yet.
Red - that does sound like a good number for 14dpo. You only need a 6 to be considered pregnant.

afm - I have had heavy periods since my first one at the age of 12. I didn't start wearing tampons until my mid 20s. I honestly don't know how I managed...well...I guess I didn't. I had many leaks at school especially as my mom wouldn't believe me in how heavy my periods were and would only buy the little short ones. It wasn't until I blew a history exam in grade 11 (bleeding everywhere is distracting especially when you're trying to hide it from the guys in your class) and had to borrow a friend's sweater to tie around my waist the rest of the day that she finally accepted I needed the heavy-duty ones. I guess she didn't notice I got up every night to bleach my blankets. :blush:
Starry heavy periods sound awful , I've never suffered with them myself .
Red those numbers are looking good , Today you are most definitely pregnant and all is ok:happydance::happydance:
I keep reminding myself it is only like this for 2, maybe 3 days. Then it's more like a normal person and I can at least function like a normal person. So today was the first of the bad days. I feel like a water balloon about to burst. LOL Sorry, that was gross image. I am whining way too much. It's like the princess and the pea.

I do find that the start of AF clears out all the hormones that are responsible for the "boo hoo" sort of feelings and the crazy despondency and lack of hope that I feel. I am looking forward to the new chance to make my rainbow.
Hi everyone..

Those numbers sound good red... Are you going back in two days?

Sorry about the heavy AF starry... Definitely sucks....

Rayray sorry about the headaches... I can't believe your 22 weeks.... It's going so fast!

How are ya feeling Left? I'm so happy that your scan was good! Congrats on measuring ahead...

Afm... I'm pretty sure i ovulated super early this month... Like around cd12... I had ewcm and pinching pain around then... Then it just dried completely up. Yesterday I started feeling a little wet down there... AF is not due for another 12 days

I'm back to work... No kids until next Tuesday though... Meet the teacher is this Friday.. Now it's just getting my room ready, lesson plans, and a ton of meetings...

Are you a teacher Red?
God bless you Red! I did one semester in middle school... Then right back to elementary! I teach fifth grade... I like the age
You are both braver than I am- I work in a Child Development center...infants-3 years of age... but it's year round. I really enjoy it but sometimes it's a little much. Fifth grade is such a wonderful age but so much work! We need good teachers in this country tho so I am happy to hear you are both teachers. High school Red? That's awesome. Once again amazing age but I am not sure I could do it.

Red those numbers look good to me too.

Left, I am still on cloud 9 for you.

Starry, periods can be so frustrating. Mine have always been inconsistent.. heavier one month, lighter the next...birth control helped control that. When I got off of it to have a baby, that's when I realized how jacked my periods were. Haha. Then I remembered how frustrated I always was in high school when I wasn't on BC and I was just trying to get the hang of having a period every month. Man, I would never want to go back to being 14-15 years old. Haha. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Cary- It's funny because I truly think elementary teachers are saints. I'm not nearly organized enough to manage 25 young kids. I have to have students that can somewhat manage themselves. LOL!

Rayray...yea going back to 14-15 would be traumatizing. I remember bleeding through a few pairs of pants on different incidences and thinking that I was never going to get over it.
Lol! Isn't it funny how everyone has their own area where they fit... I sed to think kindergarten teachers did nothing until I got put in that grade... Did it for two years and went back to fifth... I like them...
I have a lot of respect for teachers. Quite a few of my good friends have gone into the profession. One of my friends is teaching a one-classroom K-8 private school in a very small community. I don't know how she does it. I have heard some funny stories though.
Hey all :) wow a lot of teachers of all ages here isn't it wonderful . I work as a social worker in child protection and family welfare for my sins lol..

Ray I have decided to find out if this LO is pink or blue , the temptation not too is too much . So D day is the 30th of September ! How am I going to wait 6 weeks !! I am leaning towards a girl but not sure why ?????? I'm in trouble if it is as I have no girls names I like , she will be called rainbow for ever lol...
If you name your girlie Rainbow everyone will think she's a flower child. ;) It's kind of too bad as now that I think of it, it's really pretty.

I tried teaching Sunday School (GR3 to 4) and kid's club (ages 5 to 6) and I absolutely loathed it. lol I do not like working with kids at all. I don't mind helping with the nursery children because you just have to watch over them. But teaching and me do not work. I'm struggling to teach DS his colours and numbers, heck, even to talk. Just don't have the patience.
Left- I think some hollywood star named her daughter something that meant rainbow. I couldn't help but wonder if she had miscarried before her birth.
Oh it's Holly Madison and the name didn't "mean" rainbow. It actually was Rainbow. Rainbow Aurora to be exact. LOL

Names that mean rainbow. hehe Maybe rainbow is the right name.
Sorry for the hundreth posting in a row but I JUST GOT MY BETAS BACK......................................................240!!!!!! That's more than double the 92 I had two days ago.
Awwww Red!!!! I'm jumping for joy here.... Stick little bean stick!!!

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