On the road again... a place for women getting into the TTC groove again.

Starry I'm am so so happy for you and your little beanie right now :) xxx you sure are one fertile lady ! Lol....... Well done :) I'm so so happy right now :)
I have read a theory that sometimes recurrent m/c is caused by hyper fertility, where a a defective egg will still catch and the body will implant it rather than reject it outright. Though, I like to say that my man is just that virile. My doctor had warned me even from my teen years that I'd have a hard time getting pregnant as I've always had cycle issues. I guess it's more of an issue of STAYING pregnant with me.
Eh guessing your doctor was wrong about the getting pregnant bit !!! I'm so thrilled for you . And I've a good feeling about this little beanie :)
Starry I was thinking the same thing about hyperfertility. You really seem to be able to get pregnant easy but staying pregnant is tough. But maybe your man just has really great swimmers. :)
I'm so very very very very very happy for ya!

I'm not even sure what day I am... I've been sick for the better part of two weeks. I'm going to the bathroom every five minutes... Now if it was because I was pregnant, then I would be ok with that... But all this sinus junk is drying me out so I am drinking about 140 ounces of water a day... Which of course makes me pee... But I'm literally going like 3-4 times an hour!
Cary....that sounds good but you've had so many good symptoms before; I'm afraid to be too hopeful yet. Just a few more days!
I'm sure the peeing is just from all the water I am drinking.. It's way too early for anything like that... I started with a sinus infection that turned into a cough... I've been so dry...

I'm not really expecting much from this cycle... Would be wonderful, but dh and I DTD so few times... Guess we will have to see...

I'm so excited for everyone. It's great to hear all the good news!
hecccckkkk yes Starry. So thrilled for you. I can't contain my smile for you right now. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :hugs:

Cary-- I am also hopeful for you this cycle. I think it could be this time around. Even with the DTDing a few times... all it takes is once. In fact maybe since there wasnt soooo much sperm? Who knows. I am very hopeful for you.

Susie please let us know how the appt goes.

xoxooxo love to all
Cary - sorry that you're not feeling well. :( Illness does make it difficult to detect what are pregnancy symptoms or not. Sometimes sinus issues can be a 'sign' but if it's been several weeks then it would be tough to separate sick sinuses from preggo sinuses.

I'll keep on hoping for you and crossing my fingers. BFPs can surprise us. I honestly was NOT expecting one today. Maybe you will get a surprise one too. :dust:

DH is feeling a little under the weather so whenever I would mention a certain thing I was feeling to dh, thinking it could possible be a sign, he'd say "oh yeah, I have that too". That's part of the reason I felt "out". The sore boobs didn't come until last night...don't think he has those! :winkwink:

I will say that I did get a little suspicious last week when I was getting awful pinching pains deep in my butt muscles and on my tailbone. It seems sciatic nerve pain really is an early sign for me.
This coughing is driving me crazy... I'm peeing so much that I have to wear a pad.. I'll be happy when I have coughed my last cough :)

Nothing t oo great to report... BB's are tender but that happens before AF... I'm exhausted, but I'm working about 10 hours at work and then coming home to another two or three... I'm not sleeping great because of the cough...

I'd love to think that the sinus issues were pregnancy... But... It all started before I ovulated... So... Definitely not..

Trying to be realistic and not read into anything.,, I've done too much of that....
Yeah, I understand. You want to hope but at the same time you want to prepare yourself too. It seems you have a 'perfect storm' of things coming together that could mimic signs but also have other explanations.

When looking into supplements to help with my recurrent m/c I came across a supplement CoQ10. It's meant to increase egg quality and production especially for those who don't ovulate regularly and those TTC over age 35. It's a bit costly (I priced it out to be about $60 a month) but it's still cheaper than fertility treatments. You can get it at any pharmacy or health food store. I'm not taking that as I do ovulate but other idea is fish oil. It is also supposed to help with egg production and quality. It also can be taken throughout pregnancy to help prevent m/c (CoQ10 has to be stopped once you get bfp). It's a bit cheaper. I found a bottle of capsules on sale for $11 but that's the cheap stuff. I want to get the actual oil so I don't have to swallow pills through morning sickness. But a bottle of fish oil is $45 at the health store. :wacko: (though that would probably last a few months) For TTC it's important to get fish oil that is made from body oil and not the organs (ie. avoid the cod liver oil).

Maybe these could help. :flower:
Thanks... I will have to look into it...

If we were able I think the best medicine would be a vacation :) we are hoping to be able to at some point...
Yeah, I understand. You want to hope but at the same time you want to prepare yourself too. It seems you have a 'perfect storm' of things coming together that could mimic signs but also have other explanations.

When looking into supplements to help with my recurrent m/c I came across a supplement CoQ10. It's meant to increase egg quality and production especially for those who don't ovulate regularly and those TTC over age 35. It's a bit costly (I priced it out to be about $60 a month) but it's still cheaper than fertility treatments. You can get it at any pharmacy or health food store. I'm not taking that as I do ovulate but other idea is fish oil. It is also supposed to help with egg production and quality. It also can be taken throughout pregnancy to help prevent m/c (CoQ10 has to be stopped once you get bfp). It's a bit cheaper. I found a bottle of capsules on sale for $11 but that's the cheap stuff. I want to get the actual oil so I don't have to swallow pills through morning sickness. But a bottle of fish oil is $45 at the health store. :wacko: (though that would probably last a few months) For TTC it's important to get fish oil that is made from body oil and not the organs (ie. avoid the cod liver oil).

That's really interesting re coQ10 Starry. In my TCM book by Zita West she recommends it and mentions it as being linked to miscarriage. I'm off to buy some today, plus some selenium and magnesium (my prenatal only has v small amounts in)
One question... Can you have a uti with no pain? I'm peeing like 3-4 times an hour... I've never peed this much before...

Trying not to read into it, but today I got a little light headed.. Nipples are sore but that always happens before AF.... One more week :)
In my experience, I've never had a UTI with no pain. I think burning and pain goes with the territory of having a UTI but I don't know that for sure.

.....:) I won't read into it either but.... One more week!
I don't know about UTIs, but I think you can get symptomless bladder infections. But I think things would be a bit more dribbly if it were an infection.

I usually get really dizzy and light-headed just before a bfp. Crossing my fingers for you!
I'm here.. Just waiting...:coffee:

For the last day or so I've been feeling a little light headed... I have problems with my blood sugar going low. I didn't eat lunch today because I ate a bigger breakfast and when lunch rolled around (at 10 am which shouldn't be allowed) I wasn't the least bit hungry... So I figured that the light headedness was from that,,, I felt weak and like my head jut wasn't clear...

Usually though I will feel like my arms and legs have heavy wights on them and I didn't feel that way... But I ate and 3 hours later I still feel off... A little queasy and I actually broke into a cold sweat... Like clammy...

So... I sit here and :coffee: wondering if this is it, or if my body is just setting the stage for AF
Cary have you had a highly sugared coffee drink? Sometimes you can feel like your blood sugar is low when in actuality your sugar levels are just crashing. Whether it's that or your bs actually being low make sure you take in some steady carbs. I'm only putting pieces together but you mentioned that you've been peeing a lot before this. Have you been extra thirsty as well? While these are also signs and symptoms of early pregnancy, increased urination and thirst are some of the first signs of diabetes. You want to pee a lot because you're trying to pee out all the sugar you can't use and you want to drink a lot to dilute your blood since it has too much sugar in it. Anyways, if you're now feeling low on sugar, you may want to go get checked out.

Don't take my word for it since Im not there and don't know anything more about your situation than the little bits I'm reading online but just keep an eye on things.
I had a two hour glucose test, and they said everything was good... No sign of diabetes at all... So I'm clear there... I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid many years ago, but I went off medicine in December because I was heading towards hypo... I've been in the normal range since then...

I pretty much only drink water and I have been drinking about 140 ounces a day... Thus the reason I'm probably peeing so much :)

If the light headed stuff keeps up... Ill go to the dr....

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