One clueless GAL looking for TTC buddies

When I spoke with my doctor he said "don't stop the BCP unless you want to become pregnant!" I told him I thought it would take a few cycles and he said it could happen as soon as the next AF...I could always hope right? :)
Wishing everyone good luck this month, can't wait to see some :bfp: announcements!
I was on birth control pills then the patch for a few months then bcp for 8 years it took over 2 years for :bfp:!! Doctor said bc has nothing to do with how long it takes to conceive but I'm not convinced :haha: I wasn't on it at all after dominic then I got pregnant two months after dtd! This time I took bcp for three months.

My best friend got pregnant the month she stopped the nuva ring. My mother swears she got prego on iud and bcp.a close friend just got pregnat on bcp though she miscarried :nope:

Birth control well most doesn't stop ovulation it just makes itwhere once egg is fertilized it doesn't implant.
Omg just re read that and I didn't mean to sound like a debbie downer I just meant in a nut shell birth control shouldn't make conceiving take longer. So good luck! :haha: :dust:
Omg just re read that and I didn't mean to sound like a debbie downer I just meant in a nut shell birth control shouldn't make conceiving take longer. So good luck! :haha: :dust:

I dunno... Some people are lucky and their body gets back into a rhythm fast, but taking something for 5+ and expect to be back to normal seems far fetched to me.

Anyways...I accept it might take awhile... I was on the pill on and off for 8 years too... So here I am expecting it to take between 6-12 months and maybe even more.
Omg just re read that and I didn't mean to sound like a debbie downer I just meant in a nut shell birth control shouldn't make conceiving take longer. So good luck! :haha: :dust:

I dunno... Some people are lucky and their body gets back into a rhythm fast, but taking something for 5+ and expect to be back to normal seems far fetched to me.

Anyways...I accept it might take awhile... I was on the pill on and off for 8 years too... So here I am expecting it to take between 6-12 months and maybe even more.

No worries! Everyone has a different body and I expect it to take awhile...I don't even know what a "normal" period would be for me! While I haven't started BBT or any other method yet I figured take it easy, see what happens this month as far as when AF comes and do more research!
Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:


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Very nice to meet you anointed! Sorry to hear about the tubal pregnancy! :hugs:

Sounds like you and your doc have a great plan!! Fx that this is your month!

Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:

:hi: So sorry to hear about your tubal and troubles :hugs:

Clomid really is great! I took that with #1. Im not sure if its what got us pregnant but it was about the fourth cycle. I took two cycles then took hmm 3 months off since we moved and a lot was going on. Fourth cycle was the one! Each doctors visit we had with clomid he said there was many mature eggs ready to fertilize and hed be surprised if we didnt conceive then. Eh we didnt though :nope: I hope it all works out for you! I couldnt imagine having a period for so long! Sheesh.

I see you are from Georgia so is my husband. From the Athens area. Next June we will be moving to Augusta. Im ready to get out of Arizona!! Everytime I go outside I about shrivel up and blow away because of the dry heat :haha:

Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:

:hi: So sorry to hear about your tubal and troubles :hugs:

Clomid really is great! I took that with #1. Im not sure if its what got us pregnant but it was about the fourth cycle. I took two cycles then took hmm 3 months off since we moved and a lot was going on. Fourth cycle was the one! Each doctors visit we had with clomid he said there was many mature eggs ready to fertilize and hed be surprised if we didnt conceive then. Eh we didnt though :nope: I hope it all works out for you! I couldnt imagine having a period for so long! Sheesh.

I see you are from Georgia so is my husband. From the Athens area. Next June we will be moving to Augusta. Im ready to get out of Arizona!! Everytime I go outside I about shrivel up and blow away because of the dry heat :haha:


That is so funny. I have a friend who just moved to Arizona and I just read an email from her talking about how hot it is there. Yes my husband and I are 2.5 years new to Georgia. For this cycle, I just want to see that I ovulated. I suspect that I have stopped ovulating on my own because I don't have the symptoms of ovulation. Though I have high hopes of becoming preggers this month, I'm not going to stress about it if I don't. Smile.
Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:

Its very nice to meet you. WOW to your cycles that's amazing! First I have heard of something like that.

Im so sorry about little Charity, bless you and your family for having the strength to get through it.

If you don't mind me asking was Charity conceived naturally? Were you taking anything back then?
Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:

:hi: So sorry to hear about your tubal and troubles :hugs:

Clomid really is great! I took that with #1. Im not sure if its what got us pregnant but it was about the fourth cycle. I took two cycles then took hmm 3 months off since we moved and a lot was going on. Fourth cycle was the one! Each doctors visit we had with clomid he said there was many mature eggs ready to fertilize and hed be surprised if we didnt conceive then. Eh we didnt though :nope: I hope it all works out for you! I couldnt imagine having a period for so long! Sheesh.

I see you are from Georgia so is my husband. From the Athens area. Next June we will be moving to Augusta. Im ready to get out of Arizona!! Everytime I go outside I about shrivel up and blow away because of the dry heat :haha:


That is so funny. I have a friend who just moved to Arizona and I just read an email from her talking about how hot it is there. Yes my husband and I are 2.5 years new to Georgia. For this cycle, I just want to see that I ovulated. I suspect that I have stopped ovulating on my own because I don't have the symptoms of ovulation. Though I have high hopes of becoming preggers this month, I'm not going to stress about it if I don't. Smile.

Are the doctors monitoring you to see when you ovulate? I could never tell really. After so long I caught on but still didnt have 100% absolute signs I did.

Ah yes its crispy here :haha: as in my hair, skin and lips are crispy :winkwink: Its hot here but its nice, its just the dryness. I cant wait for monsoon season when it rains everyday! I love rain! Good baby making weather too :haha:

Off to bed I go! Baby is already in bed, Dominic is walking around with a monkey and blanket looking like "what are you waiting for?!" :dohh:
Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to connect with others who are TTC. I lost my Charity through tubal pregnancy (no help) in 2010:cry:. I only have one tube now. My cycles have always been irregular. AF shows up 4-5 times per year for 25-30 days each time. Yes, you read it right.

Doctor started me on provera to start my period and Clomid on CD5-9. She also put me on Metformin which is for diabetes (I'm not diabetic) but it suppose to help boost chances of getting pregnant. :winkwink:

Today is CD10 for me so I am done with Clomid and simply waiting to ovulate. I read that ovulation should occur 5-9 days after. I am attempting to attach my FF chart. I hope not to get blocked again. But this is my first time really trying with the help of my doctor and really hoping for a healthy :yellow:.......or :twingirls::twinboys::oneofeach:. Smile. Whatever I am blessed with, I will be happy.

I hope to meet others on my journey. :dust:

:hi: So sorry to hear about your tubal and troubles :hugs:

Clomid really is great! I took that with #1. Im not sure if its what got us pregnant but it was about the fourth cycle. I took two cycles then took hmm 3 months off since we moved and a lot was going on. Fourth cycle was the one! Each doctors visit we had with clomid he said there was many mature eggs ready to fertilize and hed be surprised if we didnt conceive then. Eh we didnt though :nope: I hope it all works out for you! I couldnt imagine having a period for so long! Sheesh.

I see you are from Georgia so is my husband. From the Athens area. Next June we will be moving to Augusta. Im ready to get out of Arizona!! Everytime I go outside I about shrivel up and blow away because of the dry heat :haha:


That is so funny. I have a friend who just moved to Arizona and I just read an email from her talking about how hot it is there. Yes my husband and I are 2.5 years new to Georgia. For this cycle, I just want to see that I ovulated. I suspect that I have stopped ovulating on my own because I don't have the symptoms of ovulation. Though I have high hopes of becoming preggers this month, I'm not going to stress about it if I don't. Smile.

Are the doctors monitoring you to see when you ovulate? I could never tell really. After so long I caught on but still didnt have 100% absolute signs I did.

Ah yes its crispy here :haha: as in my hair, skin and lips are crispy :winkwink: Its hot here but its nice, its just the dryness. I cant wait for monsoon season when it rains everyday! I love rain! Good baby making weather too :haha:

Off to bed I go! Baby is already in bed, Dominic is walking around with a monkey and blanket looking like "what are you waiting for?!" :dohh:

On CD21, I go in for labs to see if I ovulated. Thats the only monitoring thats in the plan right now.


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Hi everyone.

Hubby was home the last three days. He left this morning and I did not have a positive OPK while he was here. :cry:

I'm not TOO upset about it. CD16 for me and still waiting for OPK signs on my chart. I do have a question. I know about the charting. I know you are suppose to check you BBT everyday at the same time. I've been doing 7:30 am. This morning, I was thrown off because I had to wake up at 4 am to drop DH at his truck. I did take my temperature at 4:00am and it was 97.46. My temperature has been 97.something for the most part so this 4 am temp seemed fine. But at the same time, I knew it was a bit early so I wanted to temp again at my normal time, 7:30 am.

I arrived back home and was back in bed at 5:49 am. Woke up and took my temperature at 7:30 and it was 98.24.:-k I read that you should be resting for at least 4 hours before taking your temperature so I did take my temperature again at 9:49 am to see if my temperature would go back down. It did not. It actually rosed to 98.56. :-k. Also, around 11:55 am, I felt a subtle pain in the right ovary area that came and went.

Which temperature to you think is most valid, if any at all, and why?


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It's really hard to say with temps. Honestly I would just not input a temp for today.

Your CD 12 OPK looks pretty good, sometimes those OPKs are hard to interpret.
It's really hard to say with temps. Honestly I would just not input a temp for today.

Your CD 12 OPK looks pretty good, sometimes those OPKs are hard to interpret.

You think CD12 is a positive? This is my first time using OPK tests so I'm not sure. Here is the one from this evening. In my opinion, this one got darker than all the rest....... but still not darker than control line.


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She did. Cycle 3 time! How are you doing?

AH... you know just waiting around really... I don't think anything happened this month it was a weird month. Im due for AF on the 18th so 6 days from now and I already have the sore back and tender breasts. BLAH! But the good new is that means my body is back on track after being on the pill for so long. I am very grateful it happened so fast.

And I learnt recently that I O around CD10 - CD12 which is a little early I think But I'll double check again this month. I might start recording symptoms in the TWW. Have you been doing that Mrs JJ.? Did you know 100% you weren't preggers or did you take a pregnancy test? to be sure?
It's really hard to say with temps. Honestly I would just not input a temp for today.

Your CD 12 OPK looks pretty good, sometimes those OPKs are hard to interpret.

You think CD12 is a positive? This is my first time using OPK tests so I'm not sure. Here is the one from this evening. In my opinion, this one got darker than all the rest....... but still not darker than control line.

I agree I think its a positive too. I use those sticks too and my line never gets darker than the control but I know its a positive from other symptoms I have. Also every other day I actually have no line at all. If they were my rests I would go crazy BD.

But that's ok at least you know for next cycle right?
It's really hard to say with temps. Honestly I would just not input a temp for today.

Your CD 12 OPK looks pretty good, sometimes those OPKs are hard to interpret.

You think CD12 is a positive? This is my first time using OPK tests so I'm not sure. Here is the one from this evening. In my opinion, this one got darker than all the rest....... but still not darker than control line.

Oh ya, maybe you have a surge coming. I'd get to the BDing! Maybe by tomorrow it will be as dark as the control line. I do know though that some ladies never get it as dark as the control line so I thought I'd mention it.

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