[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

hi all

welcome flyingduster :)

quick update from me - well i had the ultrasound, there is still some material in there so I am taking round 2 of the cytotec tonight (missing a concert with a friend but that's ok) - my doctor gave the option of a D&C but I figured I've put this much time into it I might as well try the pills again.

So I'll have to go back to the doctor's next week and then likely another ultrasound before I get this over with.. And then it'll be on to see how long it takes for my period to come back!

on the upside, I can eat and drink whatever I want and not have any worry or guilt right now, so I am taking full advantage :)
Susan, hope you're doing ok...sorry you had to miss the concert. I hope this second round is successful.:hugs:
Well it's now nearly 5pm, and I've TOLD HIM! haha.

I ended up heading straight out the door, I went and found a card [sheesh, they all say "mum to be", there's no "dad to be" ones!!??] and found one that said "you're expecting!" and I crossed out the 'you' and wrote in 'we' so it read "We're expecting!!" and inside it said congratulations or something, but I wrote "YES!!! We really are!! xxoo" and put the test inside.

I picked him up, but I decided at the last second to tuck the card out of sight. DH was happily chatting away about his day on the 10 min drive home [he walked to work this morning but it's a long steep hill to come home, and seeing I wasn't working I picked him up!] I didn't really take much in of what he was saying, as I was about bursting to tell him, but held it in until we got home. I slipped the card onto his desk as I went past, and he spotted it immediately and looked.... He took a second to take it in, but then he had teary eyes and looked at me and said.... 'cool.' LMAO! I know he was all choked up with emotion as much as I was and 'cool' was all he was able to get out for a while but it was funny! haha.

We then spent the next wee while snuggling on the bed talking about everything and falling in love all the more than ever... awwww! He then started getting the jitters, he HAD to tell SOMEONE (I knew he would, I had to too and have already told a good friend. And all you guys!!) so we headed out to visit one of his friends for a bit, and we're just back now.

Now it feels more real, it's not just ME who's excited now, it's US! WE are having a baby! OMG!!!
Just wanted to say a quick hello and let you all know I'm still around. I'll try to catch up on posts and update on me sometime tonight. I'm headed out to work, everyone have a nice day!
Hi All

I'm back, finally!!!! I have missed u guys!!!!!

My computer packed up so I haven't been able to get online until I got a new one... thank u for your messages I hope I didn't worry u.

I've been reading through the posts trying to catch up on all i've missed...

BIG congrats to Sideways and flyingduster!!!!

and I was really sorry to hear what happened to you smfirst, it must have been really hard :(

I had my 12 week scan back in Jan. All looks fine, it was moving about all over the place kicking its leg and waving its arms about - I really want to post my pic but I don't know how (can anyone help), its soooooo cute but then I would say that as its my little bean!

I was put back a few days. My due date is 1st August!

I'm still being sick but not as bad some days i'm fine others i'm really sick but my energy levels have gone up. I'm starting to get a tiny bump... although i'm very slim so it only shows if i'm wearing something tight - I can't wait to get a full on proper baby bump!

I think i've managed to post my beans pic...


It was kicking its little legs around so one is in the air in this photo... I think its cute thou that you can see its nose.
turtle what a cute bean!

hey guys, when does this depression wear off?? I'm sad at everything. :(
Turtle - glad to hear all is well with you. That is a great pic :)

Sideways - I hope you feel better soon - the hormones do crazy things to your emotions. I don't think I have many pregnancy hormones remaining in me, but just this whole process had me sobbing to my husband at 4am last night and then again in the doctors office this morning. bah!

feel ok now though
:hugs: SM. I'm praying for you guys, that this can be over and done with soon enough so that you can move forward.

I feel ok now, but in general I just feel like poo. As far as I'm concerned my DH can just go straight to hell :haha: Yet other times I can't wait to cuddle. It's so weird. Anyway I'm praying for peace on a daily basis, maybe soon I'll achieve it.
Sideways - I felt my hormones were worse for the first few months. I would feel really snappy sometimes for really silly things and then i'd cry at stupid stuff on tv! It starts to settle a bit after 2 months and then after 3 months you start to feel almost normal again.

I get days when I feel my hormones are a bit up but I haven't cried at a tv program in a while now ehehhe... so hopefully not too much longer.
thanks for the reassurance. I think a lot of my mood depends on DH's mood. He's moodier than the moodiest woman I've ever met. lol. Sometimes I sit back and stare at him and wonder WTF did I marry this guy for? But he really is right for me :) And, I'm right for him, he better know that! lol!
Yeah they just have to understand that tempers are short with all these hormones going around. It gets easier thou and the tiredness isn't as bad after 3 months too.

Sideways you know what... when I first got my BFP your cake avator used to make me feel reallllllly realllllly sick just seeing it hehe but now it makes me sooooo hungry I just wanna eat chocolate cake!!!!!!

Hi everyone! Can't believe we have another girl from our TTC #1 thread joining us already! CONGRATS flying and welcome!!!!!!!

Turtle it's great to hear from you! So happy things are going well for you.

Sideways I was really depressed for a while. It set in after weeks of being sick 24/7 and so fatigued I could hardly get anything done. My MS and fatigue just recently started to change, probably around 12-13 weeks. I know you are having some problems with your DH too so I'm sure that makes the changing hormones even harder to deal with.

I'm actually starting to get depressed now for other reasons! I'm feeling very conflicted about what I should/want to do after the baby is born. I had origionally planned on being a SAHM but I'm starting to worry a bit about finances. We could get by on my DH's income, but there wouldn't be much extra money. Another huge factor in my decision is that I don't have anyone to watch the baby. Daycare is out of the question to me and I'm not sure I could find an affordable and trustworthy individual to watch my child. BUT.... I'm starting to worry I may have to quit my job early anyway because of my back issues. With the way my back feels now I just don't know if I'd be able to work into my 8th month. When we first started TTC I felt like I'd have time to decide/figure it out, but then I got pregnant right away and I already feel like time is running out....because it is! I should let my employer know by April what I'm going to do!
Thanks Harli. I'm starting to see that most folks are depressed or sad or hormonal, however you want to call it, the first few weeks. This helps me to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel :)
Any tips on dealing with it until then? Any foods that are natural antidepressants? Like chocolate, only... if I eat as much chocolate as I want, I'd probably get sick lol.
DH has been in a good mood today. Here's hoping that he stays that way for a while.
lol, you guys are making me feel blue, expecting to feel blue soon! LOL! Ok, not really, cos I'm still at that 'omg omg omg omg!!!!' stage! haha

We popped in to town today; as we often do on a sunday afternoon, and we ended up spending the whole afternoon browsing around baby shops! LOL! Not interested in buying anything yet of course, but we looked... and had fun! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO! haha
Sideways, I'm sorry you still feel down. I don't really have any other advice, because other than feeling a bit stressed, I didn't have this long of a period of feeling down...

Turtle, glad you're ok...you had us worried! Silly computers! The scan pic is really cute.

Flying, don't worry, everyone is different, so you may not get the blues!

We got a surprise 20cms of snow here overnight, so I guess we're headed out to do the driveway...blah...
Harli I know exactly what you mean about the finance thing. I planned to go back to work after but childcare costs here are soooo high i'd almost be better off at home. We could manager on my OH wages but we wouldnt have anything spare for 'nice stuff' we have quite a high mortgage and then there are bills etc and an extra lil mouth to feed.

I don't know what i'm going to do yet, I may end up going part time just so that I am still working a bit and doing something - we have got big decisions to make...

Flyingduster its soooo exciting look around the baby stores isnt it. I have found soooo many thing I want to buy but haven't got anything yet. Its just nice looking for now.

Rducky thanks for the comment about beans photo hehe i'm a proud mummy already. Poor you having snow!!! Ugh I hate it!!!

Anyone else got their scan pics?
rducky, does it help that it's been 40C degrees (104F) here yesterday... that's like as high as it EVER gets here!!! Ugh. Too warm.

Mind yo, it's freezing cold and raining again now. So much for summer!!!!!

And yup it was heaps of fun looking at stuff!!! I just got the last bit finished in one of our spare rooms, so now we can move the spare bedroom into there, and turn the spare bedroom into the nursery! Wooot! I've been looking at heaps of stuff online too, will probably buy most of our stuff there cos it's cheaper.

I, at this stage, intend to work through as much as possible, though I know it'll have to be cut way down!!! I work alone and make my own bookings, so I can basically make my days as busy or quiet as I want to! Hubby also starts work at 6am so is finished by 2pm so he can look after bub in the afternoon while I do a few hours work into the evenings [again, cos I book my days, I can book them into the evenings if I want to, rather than do mornings!] Heck, I am perfectly able to have bub with me at work too!!!

It's going to be more of a problem when I'm pregnant than when I have bub with us! I have so many loyal clients, and I know I'm gonna have to have some time off when I'm too big to groom, but I don't know when that'll be [and I'm booked out for 8 weeks in advance] so that's a bit of a worry... but I'm sure we'll figure it out!!! :D
Hello everyone. Today I feel a little bit better emotionally. Thank goodness!

As far as work, for me, I plan to stay there, be a working mom. Like Harli I could just be a SAHM, since DH makes enough to cover all the finances, but our lifestyle would be dramatically changed. So, I have already cut back my hours a little bit anyway. The less stress I have in my life, the better! :)

Haven't really done much browsing in baby stores, other than looking for shower gifts for others in the past few months. Haven't looked for me yet, and I haven't bought anything either. I'm afraid that I'll feel like I'm jinxing the whole thing since it's still so early! Is that silly or what?? lol

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