[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

I didn't buy much at first...just a few cloth diapers and things that were on supersale, I just couldn't pass them up. Once I finished 1st tri, we started getting to work on the rooms. DH has to give up his office for the nursery, so we're looking to combine spare room and office into one room. We've just bought a new smaller desk and we're looking for a pull out bed. I bought a crib a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I'm pretty lucky cuz most of the big stuff we'll be getting from our friends (playpen, swing, bassinet, excersaucer, etc).

I still need to buy a crib mattress, stroller, car seat, and the rest of my diapers...can't decide on what kind to buy...
Luckily I'll be getting most of what I need as hand me downs too. I'm purchasing the same things as rducky on my own... travel system, crib mattrress, and cloth diapers. I'm trying to find a used glider rocker but they seem to go as quickly as they are posted on craigslist. I'm going to use happy heiny diapers, they are highly rated and cheaper than bum genius. I'll either be purchasing this sprayer and pail or asking for it as a gift. https://www.pottypail.com/order.php?pp100094
Other than that I should just need to purchase a few little things for the nursery.
I definitely want a glider too!

I'm leading towards Softbums diapers. They seem to be a true birth-to potty learning diaper, which is something I really want...
Harli, that looks like something I could make myself, lol. Just looks like a 5 gallon bucket with a hole and stopper in the bottom, with 2 hooks attached on the inside. Could do it for much less than $63 also. Very neat idea though! I would have never thought about something like that :winkwink: And thanks for the info on happy heiny, I'm probably going to be using cloth diapers as well.
You are all so good. I'm going to be using throw away diaper (or nappies as we call them here in the uk)... We have been talking and I think I am going to be returning to work after my maternity leave so its going to be much easier (although I do feel bad about the environment!).

No one has offered us any hand me downs :( We dont know that many people who have had babies and the ones that have are probably going to be having more so are keeping the stuff they have.

We are just saving hard for everything as it doesn't come cheap does it! So exciting thou!

I know everything exact thing I want to get.

Saw this lil cute duck romper today and was very tempted (as I thought it would be fine for either a girl or boy) but decided to be good.I'm making my self wait until the next scan before buying anything at all...

https://www.next.co.uk/shopping/boy...nxti=0#743-048&bct="Duck Sleepsuit"

Just purchased some stretchy waist smart work maternity trousers. I got a pair of normal trousers the next size up to what i normally wear a few weeks back as I didn't have a bump but I could no longer do up any of mine... They were roomy when I go them but they have been digging in today at work and too tight... i'm finally starting to get a tiny weenie mini bump! yay!
awww turtle that romper is absolutely tooo cute!!! I love it!

I don't think I'll get many hand-me-downs either... most everyone around me has already had their kids 5-10 years ago...so they've already gotten rid of their baby stuff one way or another.
Yeah I want it bad hehehehe!!! Its soooo much nicer in real life too. I also saw some very cute ones in blue and pink. I don't know how people don't find out the sex... all those cute little clothes I just want to buy some!!!!!!!!!
Thanks. I feel a little better now. About an hour ago I was struggling. One of the ladies in here went to our little kitchenette and sauteed herself some asparagus and mushrooms GAG!!!! :sick::sick::sick:I hate both of those and she sauteed them together and I about lost it, ugh the smell was horrendous.
Its so hard isnt it, i never thought id say this but it does get easier. I havent been sick for a whole week now so think it may be going!

Sucking mints can help too - its awful thou when you are at work, no one knows your pregnant and all the things people have for lunch etc make you feel yuk. Even the smell of coffee made me want to gag!

Thanks. I have some mints in my purse so I will try that! I know it'll get better but for me to think there could possibly be 10 more weeks of this... I shudder!
Its will be well worth it thou (thats what I kept telling myself). As soon as you see your little bean at your scan your heart will melt.

sideways, we're not intending to buy anything until after the first tri too... we just had to LOOK at stuff. hahaha!!!

omg. I'm SOO HUNGRY! Within an hour or two of eating a full meal, my stomach is rumbling for more food. I NEVER eat between meals except *sometimes* I have something in the evening, but never during the day, so I can only put it down to the hormones?? I'm not sick at all [still early yet!] but I'm feeling 'off' because of my constantly rumbling churning tummy too, but it's definitely hunger rumbles and not sick rumbles... Mind you in saying that this morning I had a teeny bout of definite nausea, but it lasted for all of a minute and never came to more...

Been thinking all yesterday, how we're going to break the news to our parents... I want to tease them and have fun! LOL! I'm thinking for my mum I'll tell her that I know what I want for my birthday [my b'day is late sept; I'm due mid oct] which is her rocking chair. Now, her rocking chair is an old kit-set one that she carved the leather for the back and seat of it years and years ago... It says "Mum's Chair" on the leather and me and my 3 siblings were breast fed in that rocking chair; I've grown up with it always around.... I want it!!! lol! And it'll spark a reaction from mum if I tell her I want it, either she'll guess right away, or she'll comment on the fact "but it's MUM's chair!!" to which I'll simply look at her, and I fully expect she'll get my meaning... hahahaha!

Hubby is thinking for his parents we'll be all serious, and sit down with straight faces [ohh, good luck to me trying to do that! lol] and telling them how we have been talking, and we've had some ups and downs in our relationship lately and there's been some things we've had to come to grips with... and we've decided that.... You'll be Nana and Pop! lmao!

I have NO idea what i could do for my dad & stepmum though... We'll be telling them when my older brother and his fiance there too so will have to be something to include all of them. Hmmm. All I can think of is that I tell my dad he better not be going anywhere mid-oct, cos I expect him to come and visit his first grandchild! lol

Ohh, I got prenatals in the weekend. I know I know, I should have already been taking them, but I AM taking them now!!! lol.

I just bought the 'hypnobirthing' book & cd online this morning too. See, I have vaginismus, which basically is where my pelvic floor muscles reflexively tense up when anything comes near (the same way you'd close your eye if something came towards it; it's a reflex!) so while normal child birth is perfectly possible with vaginismus [the body does what it's gotta do!] I don't expect it'll be *easier* with my condition!!! I CAN control the muscles to some degree, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to have sex to be able to conceive!! But it's not always easy initially.

Someone on another forum suggested I look into hypnobirthing because of my vaginismus, as it's all about a very relaxed state of mind, allowing the body to do what it's supposed to do. There aren't any classes closer than 5 hours away to me so I won't be able to do them, but I figure the book will be better than nothing!! If it at least gives me SOME ideas and techniques for keeping relaxed then I'm all for it!! :D

Ohh, who is wanting to know the gender!?? I know for SURE I do NOT want to know!! I'm soooooo wanting that whole "It's a ____!!!" I don't want to know ahead of time... lol! I don't want to have everyone expecting one or the other, I want to be able to have my baby and let everyone know what gender it is and it's name, not just that "xxxx was born today"... Call me old fashioned, but I'm determined I do NOT want to know. I've also heard of too many who've had it wrong in the scans and they have everything ready for a girl, only to have a boy, or vis visa! lol
I plan on finding out the sex of our baby. I hate not having a sense of control about my life, and it may sound silly but I feel like I'd have better control if I knew lol. I'm probably just going wacko.

And, I plan on telling my mom when I take Pinky to her. I'll tell her to keep quiet though, and act surprised when we call again in a few weeks with the "official" news lol. I'm not really sure why I want to go ahead and tell her.. but I may chicken out anyway and wait until the 12 weeks. I'm conflicted right now so we'll see!
We told our parents right away, and that was pretty much it except for very few close friends until I was almost 12 weeks...we announced to the rest at Christmas.

I am definitely NOT finding out the gender! I think that it is one of the greatest surprises in life. I have found a few unisex clothes to buy. It's a bit difficult but possible to shop!

For the ladies with the start of M/S...I definitely second the suggestion of ginger tea, I used it for weeks. Also, any kind of dry biscuits/crackers. I also had to learn to avoid overeating when I felt ok, cuz being too full would just tip me back over to nausea. Even now, I will still vomit if I eat too much. Take the prenatals and the most important thing is to stay hydrated with liquids if you can't keep solid food down.
thanks rducky, I shall have to go out and get some ginger tea in preparation... lol!

I called a midwife today! I started crying again cos it was even more confirmation that it's really truely happening!!! omg! lol

The midwife I called is one that my friend [at I think 16 weeks with her first] is using, but she [the midwife] is also one of my clients!! haha. I had a chat to her, but unfortunatly she's not taking on anyone due beyond aug, which counts me out. But she gave me a run down of what happens, what I need to do, and a few names of midwives she reccommended. :) So I've called one of those names and she sounded really really nice [I'm sure they all do though!!? It's their profession to care!!!] and she's going to give me another call tonight at home when we both have more time [I'm at work, she was between appointments and stopped her car to chat for a min] and have a good chat about everything, and if I think I like her then we'll sort out some time to meet and chat more. She was pointed out the fact it's a case of "going with your gut" if you like a certain midwife or not, and she stressed that I can change my midwife at any stage too so don't ever feel stuck with someone you don't like after all. That alone makes me feel better about her! haha!

So she'll call tonight, and we'll see how that goes. I won't call other midwives yet, I'll give this one a good try first I think. :)

omg, my boob hurt soooooooooooooooooooo bad this morning! Just the one, but SHEESH it was bad! I know it's all part of the hormones, but yeeooww. LOL!!! I've also definitely been feeling 'off' today. A little hungry, but definitely more yucky feeling than yesterday...

I'd have told my mum already, cos I'm very close to her, but because I'm very close to her I want to do it in person, and she lives 1.5 hours away from us in another town so I won't see her until we have our week off!! It's killing me not telling her now though... haha
Thanks. I'm not sure if I can find ginger tea here, but they do have ginger ale and I'm going to get some of that tonight, plus some crackers and some other things I think will help in the next few weeks. Right now all I want to eat is some chips and cheese dip, and I'm hoping the salty will help me feel better.

You ladies that are on team yellow, you have more patience than me lol! Awesome :)
I am so itchy! It's driving me crazy...going through gallons of moisturizer and bio-oil. Mostly on the boobs and beginning of bump...

Is any one else itchy?
Ooo, hadn't even thought of that rducky... must be the skin stretching? I have eczema so I itch anyway! eep! LOL

I got the hypnobirthing book & cd in the mail today; I only bought it on monday!! woooot! I'm LOVING it too, it's re-affirming everything I've felt; about why on earth humans have such trouble giving birth when every other mammal births naturally without such gruelling labour & pain?? Sure, sometimes animals have issues with birth and need assistance, but rarely does nature need the help really, if it's left to do it's thing. Why are humans so different?? I don't WANT it to hurt and be terrible!!! Yes I KNOW it's pushing out a large bub, but our bodies are SUPPOSED to do that, right?? Horses, elephants, anything that births a single baby all push out big babies too; without the pain!! Turns out I wasn't so weird, and like I said, I'm LOOOOVVVING the book. I just wish there were classes near me too! I can't *wait* to read it all and listen to the cd and to give birth to my bub! omg! :D

hahaha, dad just called, to confirm the time of our family portrait thing he's arranged as a present for my nana's [his mum] 90th. He asked how I was going, was I up to anything, etc.... I found it hard to find something normal to say!!! LMAO! So dad, my step mum, my brother and his fiance will find out about our pregnancy on the 22nd; our 2nd wedding anniversary! :D

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