how's everyone doing? I just posted a bunch of stuff on my journal so I'll give you the short rendition here....
I am feeling LOADS better with respect to the nausea. I have lots of new symptoms too... the biggest one being that I have apparently become a snot factory. And I'm itchy like crazy.
Aside from what I thought was the baby moving a week ago, I am starting to get a hard spot over my uterus.. yay finally I have a real bump and not just bloat! I can totally tell which side of the uterus baby is attached to, because one side feels squishy when you poke it, but the other side is hard. Baby is on my right-hand side. I am 16 weeks today, and my next appointment is Monday at 3pm. We won't find out the sex at this appointment, that's at 20 weeks. But I imagine they'll do the usual pee-in-a-cup, measure your belly, hear the heartbeat stuff at this one. Should I expect anything different?