[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Harli, my mom had a coupe all the way up until I was 9 years old.... and I have a little brother! She said it's really not that difficult. I plan to make it work! Especially considering this is a brand new car, and I LOVE it, there's no way I'm giving it up soon. DH has an F250 king cab so if I really need to use 4 doors then I'll use it!

Susan, thanks darlin! The sickness is getting less frequent. And I'm sure we'll see you here in no time. :hugs:

As to the questions on cribs/diapers/whatever... haven't even begun to think about these yet!
Well, ok, I guess I would have a hard time giving up a new car I loved if it were me, but I would probably have to... I'm tall and I have a bad back so I just don't think I could handle taking a carrier in and out of the back of a coupe. But FX'd you don't mind it!

Honestly I didn't know there was any real difference with crib mattresses. I just got a Sealy spring mattress. Didn't put too much thought into it. Haven't ordered my cloth diapers yet. Will probably go with happy heinys but haven't decided for sure yet.
Oh.... and the mattress I got is very light, I have no reason to believe that it would be hard to change the sheets even with my back issues.
I didn't know there was a difference in crib mattresses either. I will probably stick with a known brand like Sealy or Simmons or whatever.

My floaty thingy in my eye is still there, but not as bad as the day before yesterday. Still need to get up with a doctor about it.

Hope everyone else is doing good! 2nd tri starts tomorrow for me! yay finally :)
Check out these cute kittens! We are taking care of them until they're old enough to be adopted. They are 2 weeks old.

Ahhhhhhhhh! You are so lucky! Look at those precious little kitties! We tried to foster a couple kittens about that size a couple years ago but my senior cat just wouldn't have it! FX'd that you are able to find good homes for them. I know it can be hard. But enjoy your time with those precious little things till you do!
My own cats are not super happy that the mama and the kittens are in the house, but we're keeping them separate. One kitten already has a firm offer of a home so that's good.

I found out from my midwife that I'm immune to toxoplasmosis, so that makes me a lot less worried about taking care of them.
Awwww how sweet!! I love kitties. If I wouldn't end up being known as the crazy cat lady I'd have a dozen of them lol.

rducky how is your nausea, did it go away again?

Hope everyone else is doing great!
Yes, nausea and heartburn have lessened, coincidentally right around the time that I stopped work! I think I was really stressed out and that was making my symptoms worse.

How is everyone this morning?

We're going to get the new car today. Hopefully DH's mustang is repaired by the time we're supposed to trade it in......
I'm not too bad, but I had a long tiring weekend and it's still catching up on me! I threw up last night (monday evening) but I think it was from being over tired and we didn't have many groceries in the house so I had a crappy half-assed breakfast, lunch & dinner too! I haven't thrown up or felt nauseous for weeks now otherwise! lol

My first scan is in TWO DAYS!!!! I soooooooooo can't wait!!! I'm sorta glad I did throw up last night, cos I was starting to get a little paranoid with no symptoms and my scan looming up.... I have faith that all is fine in there, but with no bump and no real symptoms at all I was starting to wonder if we were going to be devestated in a few days rather than elated... But throwing up last night has made me feel better. lol!!! So only two more days and I get to see it! For the first time EVER! I will get pics and share them, of course! :D

I hope everyone else is well.....??
I'm doing ok, got sick last night at 2:30am and then again when I woke up for work. But, I am better now. Busy day at work, thank goodness... those days fly by so quickly. I have some things to think about... there may be a big change coming up with the labs and I have been asked if I would be interested in leading the labs, this would be a big promotion for me. It wouldn't happen for several months to a year, so I have a while to think about it. I will be praying for an answer!
Flying, can't wait to see those pics!

Sideways, that sounds great about the job! Would you get a salary increase? Sounds pretty exciting. You would have time to adjust to having a baby if it the change only happened in about a year.
Yes flying! Pics Pleeeeeeeease!

Great news Sideways! What exactly would be your reason for not accepting the promotion? Hopefully it wouldn't necessitate more hours/more time away from your family.

So Rducky did you end up making the trade in and getting the new car yet?

DH's oral surgery is this morning. Can't wait to just get it over with. It's still so hard to believe just how sick you can get from a bad tooth!

Have a great day everyone!
Yes, we got the car and I love it so far. I was sad to leave the Mustang at the dealership but I usually get pretty attached to things in general. Don't know how I'll feel if we ever sell our house and move. I'll be a basket case.

I hope DH's surgery goes well and fixes the problem. Let us know what happens!
Hey all. Well I'm not so sure about the job yet because even though it would probably be better pay, etc, I'm not sure if it's the career direction I'm envisioning.

Right now I basically wear 2 hats in the company - I run the tensile testing lab in one of the departments, and I also make a decision on any galvanized material that the operators may have put on inspection hold. This means if they're not sure that the material is good to go out, then I go out and make that decision for them. I kind of like this 2nd hat better, but the promotion would be for the 1st hat. I want to move in the direction of becoming a metallurgist, but not so sure that becoming a lab supervisor would be the right way to do that. It might be. I need to talk about this a little bit more the next time it comes up with my supervisor. I'm sure that's about as clear as mud, LOL

Think I'm going to grab a quick nap while my DH is out gallivanting around LOL
YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY! I've had my first EVER scan! I had tears rolling down my cheeks ths whole time, it was amazing! It was kicking and bouncing and wriggling all over the place, arms waving, kicking itself up and sliding down... haha. So SOOOOOO neat to see! I'm measuring exactly the dates I knew I was (there is only one possible day I conceived, there was no lee-way either side! lol! But it's still nice to have that confirmed...) and heart beat was 145.

full body profile:

face on

profile with a hand in the way (it was throwing them around everywhere!)

profile without hands in the way

and the 3D view, looking down from above (again with hands up around the face!)

I'm on :cloud9: totally right now, I've had no real confirmation that I *am* pregnant, except that I had a BFP a couple of months ago, and have had no AF or bleeding to suggest otherwise... Bit scary when ya think about it. Yes I've had symptoms, but nothing huge (only thrown up a total of twice now) so it was incredible to see bub dancing around in there! I HAVE A BABY IN THERE!!!!!!! :D
awww lovely pictures flying!! How exciting for you! :) I can't wait to see my little one again. The next dr appt is in 2 weeks but we'll just hear the heartbeat. The the next one we see him/her again and learn the sex. Time is flying by. And may I say... THANK GOD!! LOL :)

I think maybe I felt the baby move last night? Not sure if 14 weeks is too early or not but I certainly felt something going on down there. Fluttery. When I was lying in bed. Like I said, not sure if that's what it was or not but I'd like to think so of course :)

Hope everyone else is doing well. I hear from rducky and Harli all the time... haven't seen MissSazra or turtle or dizny in a while... where are you guys?? :)
Flying, great pics! It really is a great experience, eh?
Flying, YES! There IS a baby in there huh? Congrats on the beautiful scan! It really is a moving experience, isn't it?

Sideways I think 14 weeks is a little early to feel movement but I'm not sure. I think I was a solid 20 weeks before I could say for sure that what I was feeling was the baby, but certainly everyone is different. Plus I think it can feel different too... some describe it more as fluttering, or wriggling, or distinct kicks. Mine was more like distinct kicks that just got stronger over time.

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