[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Just got home from my appointment. Not much has changed in my dilation and effacement... 1.5 cm dilated, 80% effaced. But doc said baby was definitely further down in my pelvis. She didn't give me a specific station number this time but last week was -2... so at least something noticeably different from that. There's no way to know for sure but it may be helping that I've been sitting/rocking/lightly bouncing on my birthing ball this past week.

Also reviewed my birth preferences with her today. Have you guys done yours yet? I'll share mine with you:

-Husband and mother as support people in delivery room.
-No other family or friends in hospital till we decide we are ready for visitors.
-I want to be given every possible chance to have a natural, active labor.
-I want to be free to move about the room, use different labor positions, birthing ball, etc.
-As little labor interventions as possible unless there is clear indication the baby is in distress.
-I prefer not to have an episiotomy unless required for baby's safety. If so, I want a local anaestetic.
-Hubby will cut umbilical cord. Delay cord clamping and cutting for 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
-Skin to skin contact and feeding as soon as possible.
- I'm ok with baby receiving vitamin K but no other shots or cream/ointment in eyes.
Congratulations turtle!! How precious!! I can't wait to see pictures :)

Harli, I like the birth plan you've picked out. Sounds very close to what I prefer. At my SIL's son's birth all the family was waiting in a waiting room like vultures, lol. I don't want that, I want time to recover from the exhaustion and get some time to just be myself for a bit. And, unlike you I want every bit of pain management they can throw at me lol.

rducky, good luck with the acupuncture! I know you'll keep us updated, I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Wow, I feel like I'm back in TTC cheering all of you on as the end of your TWW was approaching and we're waiting on your BFP. lol
lol I know the feeling sideways!!! I'm sure the time will fly for us though... lol! But it still seems so far away too!

Harli I love your birth preferences, I haven't got mine sorted really, as in I haven't been over them and written them down with the midwife yet (won't be long though!) but I do have strong ideas of what I want and don't want so I don't think they'll take much sorting out to get them onto paper!!

I haven't formally written birth preferences because I'm so lucky with my midwives. Everything on Harli's list is basically their protocol.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me with my acupuncture appointment! I'm really hoping something happens soon! It's supposed to get to 45 degrees celsius here today and I don't know if I'll be able to stand the heat.

Can't wait to be cheering you girls on too! Don't worry the time will pass so quickly (except maybe the last week :wacko:)
Hi all

Quick post while he's feeding! Lovin being a mum - it's very tiring thou!!! All sleep now while you still have the chance. I'm breast feeding so he's needing feeds every 2-3 hours day n night and he's for about 30 mins a time at least. In between that I'm burping, changing nappies, changing his clothes n bedding when he dribbles everywhere or pukes hehe! It's lovely thou you won't care u r tired cos you have an amazing lil baby!

Word of advice stack ya freezers now with made meals while u can as you won't have much time to eat - I've been living on take away!
Oh and your washing machine will never stop running!!!!! Especially if he's a good puker like mine!

Will try n attach pic but am using a phone as laptop is broken again! X
Thanks for the update Turtle! How wonderful!!! I've definitely being taking the advice (which many have given me) to rest while I still can! I do have a number of frozen meals stashed but my pastor's wife also let me know this week that they provide frozen meals for all new parents in the church as well whichis so great! I am anxiously awaiting the day when I will be a new mom as well! I truely can't even imagine how it will feel! Keep enjoying those new first days of motherhood! XO
I have a few more weeks to go but I am already taking the advice of resting a bunch! But then I get winds of energy and work on projects around the house lol. I'm so very excited and happy for you turtle. I can't wait to see your beautiful boy :hugs:
Stock up on maternity pads and also breast pads. Day 3 my milk came in (before then it was just pre milk) my boobs have gone even more massive and are like rocks - big ouch!!!

Just got out of bed and realised the milk has leaked out everywhere!!!! I knew it would happen but not like this lol. I've also just sent oh out to buy nipple cream n sheilds as nipples are cracked (not tryin to scare anyone just thought least u can get in the supplies u may need before hand if u r like me n didn't think there would be much milk!)

James is doin well - he's a hungry little thing. I'm runnng on average 2-3 hours sleep a night as he's needing feeds every 2 hours n then I'm grabbing what I can in the day - when I can! - still lovin it thou!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish I could post a pic but it won't let me - I know I would say this cos I'm his mum but he is sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!! He has brown eyes and dark hair and the cutest little face! X
Hey Ladies,

My water broke about 3.5 hrs ago. We were up at DH's parents' cottage. So we drove home with me having contractions about every 6 minutes. Midwife said try to get some sleep...ya right...so I'm waiting until it's time to go in.

I'll keep you updated....
yay rducky!!! Can't wait! I know you'll keep us updated. :) Good luck sweetie and don't forget also to let us know what team you're on! :)
Whoo hoo! So how long after the acupuncture did this happen? Do you think that helped get things moving? Were you having any contractions/ other early signs of labor before your waters broke? Well I hope you are able to get some rest. Can't wait to hear more from you soon! How exciting!
Had acupuncture on Thursday.

Contractions started at 3am, water broke at 3:30am.

Going to birthing center now...I'll update when I can!

Thanks for the encouragement!
woohoo!!!! Good luck rducky! Can't wait to hear; keep well and enjoy it as best you can!!!!!!!
flying we don't have much longer either eh?? The weeks fly by! I'm getting nervous...lol. Not so much about labor and delivery but about being responsible for a little person!!
Sideways; I know aey!!! All these births are driving it home too... I have another friend, who announced her pregnancy all of about 10 days before I got my BFP, who just had her wee girl on thursday too.... Seeing the photos of her with her baby are surreal, like, wow. You MADE that. *I* am making one!! omg! The kicks I'm getting are gonna come out and be another human being... I mean I've obviously always known that, but sometimes it hits home sooooo much more.

Cheering you on rducky, from all the way down here!!!! :wohoo:
Hey everyone! Thought that whilst we're eagerly awaiting news from rducky I'd update with some good news of my own. I'm overweight and was referred to a dietician by my consultant, well I went today, and have only put on 2lbs since getting pregnant. I was worried in case the baby wasn't getting enough of what it needs but she said everything was great and not to worry. The baby is on track according to the scans so I'm really proud of myself for not binging and putting on loads by this stage! :)
Hope everyone else is ok! Xx

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