[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

Big congrats rducky!!!!! She is so pretty!

I know what u mean about the breast feeding thing I had trouble for days with it but don't give up. The pain and fullness gets better (for me about 3-4 days after the milk came in) your body gets used to how much it needs to produce. I was having to take pain killers at first n was very sore n cracked hoewever now all is fine.

Are you loving being a mum? X
awww rducky, good on you for keeping at it!!! From what I hear it's that first week that kills breastfeeding for so many, but it gets better and better... I'm trying to prepare myself for a tough first week or so in that department cos my nipples are uber sensitive anyway (I'm starting regular nipple cream application in the next few weeks to prepare them! lol) so FX it all works out for us all!!!!

Love your avatar! :D

Turtle, how are you going???! You need to change your ticker now! lol.

And everyone else??? My bump is getting bigger now, 11 weeks to go as of yesterday, and with the births on here as well as knowing two friends who have given birth in the last 8 days is making it all seem soooooooooooo real!!

My bump as of this afternoon (29+1)
rducky your little girl is so sweet :) How precious. I'm glad you're feeling better now, and that feeding is beginning to go smoother for you. :flower: for being strong!!

Harli I can understand how frustrating that must be, with people asking you that stuff all day every day. I get so frustrated at work because for me, every day I walk in I'm bombarded with questions (usually from the same people!!!) about how much longer I have, or how far along are you, when's your due date.... "I'm like are you paying attention!! I told you last week!!" I've started becoming snippy with them, someone I told the other day when they asked how much longer I got, I said, "1 week less than the last time you asked me!" UGH. I have a whiteboard in my office with those kinds of questions written on it, and I put a tally mark next to them each time I'm asked in a week. lol
rducky your little girl is so sweet :) How precious. I'm glad you're feeling better now, and that feeding is beginning to go smoother for you. :flower: for being strong!!

Harli I can understand how frustrating that must be, with people asking you that stuff all day every day. I get so frustrated at work because for me, every day I walk in I'm bombarded with questions (usually from the same people!!!) about how much longer I have, or how far along are you, when's your due date.... "I'm like are you paying attention!! I told you last week!!" I've started becoming snippy with them, someone I told the other day when they asked how much longer I got, I said, "1 week less than the last time you asked me!" UGH. I have a whiteboard in my office with those kinds of questions written on it, and I put a tally mark next to them each time I'm asked in a week. lol

Ha ha...love that!
So far, being a mum has been pretty great (besides what I said in my last post...) There's so much to learn and figure out. It's a really crazy feeling realizing that this new little person depends on you for everything...literally everything.
The first few days have been hard so I'm looking forward to really settling in to our new normal and enjoying life with a newborn, cuz I know this special time won't last long. They grow so fast!

Midwife weighed her today and she has gained 200 grams in 2 days.
Hope all is going well Harli!! get that baby out!

And rducky and turtle, hope you have adjusted well to having the little one home..

Sideways and MissSazra - How are you doing? Hope the summer heat isn't too bad for you (we have had little to no summer weather here - it's cool and cloudy most days, but I'm ok with that)

My DH and I were discussing baby things last night, and I realized things still haven't sunk in that we are really having a baby. I was thinking maybe it'll feel real when I feel the baby move, but I think it won't become a reality until I'm in labor :)

I've bought a few more little things, a few more maternity clothes, and a glider rocking chair off craigslist, but holding back on furniture.

Our next scan is at 18 weeks on Sept 6, but that doesn't feel so far away right now (not like February, which feels years away!)
Hey everyone! I just got home from another monitoring appt. It was my 3rd NST so far and my first biophysical profile and everything was perfect! Highest score possible on biophysical and A on the NST. So I'm feeling confident in my decision to give her some more time. The nurses made a couple comments about me not being on the inducton list but I just brushed it off...obviously my baby is fine so why should I be?! I was also irritated with the last doc I met with yesterday. She said they don't like anyone to go more than a week past their dd and talked to me about all the risks of going past your dd but didn't talk AT ALL about the risks of induction and all the interventions that are likely to come with it! The nurse that did my NST also made a comment about not waiting too long to come in because I "don't want to be like a crazy person on the ride here". I find it very irritating when other people tell me what I want and I'd rather be at home and more comfortable during my labor than in the hospital! Whatever...my baby is doing great so I'm just gonna continue to try to relax and hope she comes soon!
SM I started feeling the baby move shortly after my 18 wk scan and that certainly made it seem more real! So are you hoping to find out the gender of the baby at that appt?
Harli - that's great all is going well - I'd say just wait a little longer.. Have you had that sweep thing they do? (I don't know much about it..)

We won't be finding out the gender, keep it a surprise :)
Yeah she tried to do a sweep on me but said since I was only about 1.5 cm dilated it probably wouldn't do much good.

Oh after my NST the nurse also told me I was cramping a bit. Idk if that's a good sign... I guess I should have asked!

I'm glad I decided to find out my baby's gender but it would also be very exciting to be surprised. Team yellow for SM!
yay for another team yellow SM! I feel a bit lonely on team yellow sometimes, sooooooo many others find out the gender, but I'm sooooo enjoying keeping it a surprise until birth!! lol

Harli, stick to your guns girl! Don't let them pressure you into anything you don't want or need, your wee girl is totally fine in there waiting, and it's VERY normal to go over 40 weeks still! Especially with your first! FX she makes an appearance soon though so you don't need to make any tough decisions!!!
Hey everyone! We're team yellow as well, I was convinced it was a boy but after a dream a couple of nights ago I'm now not so sure.
The heat here is getting a bit much but it's not what I'd call hot (if I weren't pregnant!!! Lol)

Good for you Harli for not being pressured, that's the approach I hope to take, I want as few interventions as possible and certainly don't want to be induced.

Over the past week I have acquired the most active, squirmy, prodding, kicking baby going. I love to just sit quietly and watch my stomach move!

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Hi everyone :) I'm doing well too. Just busy busy getting stuff ready around the house. I tiled the guest bathroom floor last weekend and I plan on doing the master bath this weekend. I did it all by myself!

Bonnie has decided that my rib cage is a comfy place to call home. *sigh* LOL I can't believe I have 9 weeks to go. Harli, I imagine you're probably ready to meet your sweet baby girl :) And good for you for not letting them pressure you into something you don't really want to do. I want to not be induced either, unless her well-being is at stake.

It's so dang hot here. It got up to 102 today. Harli, I know PA got super hot a couple weeks ago, like 115 or something?? I can't imagine! Especially for the northeast!

Anyway, not much else going on really. Still waiting on furniture... I'm getting a little nervous as it's been like 6 weeks since we ordered it. Hopefully it'll be here any day now. I'll have to get DH to call them tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening ladies!
Hey Girls,

Sorry I've been AWOL. I've been in hospital for 3 days due to endometritis (infection of uterus). Nobody's really sure what caused it but it made me so sick with fevers that I had to be admitted and have 3 different IV antibiotics. Just got home last night with a prescription for 1 more week of antibiotics.
Breastfeeding is still a struggle but I'm trying to keep at it. Been pumping a lot so no formula required for my girly, I'm happy about that at least.

Harli, I hope something starts moving soon for you. I totally understand you about the heat!
sorry to hear that rducky :( hope the antibiotics help quickly!
How awful rducky! I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm glad you are well enough to be home and I hope you continue to get well quickly!
oh wow rducky I'm so sorry you went through that. Glad you're back home and I'm praying these antibiotics will nip this in the bud soon.
Well ladies, I SEEM to be in labour, although it is so slow going it's hard for me to believe it's real! I had a bloody show this morning around 3:30 am and started timing contractions right away. They were almost exactly 10 min apart until 5:30 and I fell asleep. Woke up at 8 am and they've been around 10-12 min apart since then and it's now noon here. I can't help but be nervous! I just hope my labor progresses so they don't want to augment it with pitocin! I'll keep you all updated!
yay!!! good luck Harli, can't wait to see pics of your little girl!!

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