[OPEN] 1st child due late July/August 2011

We're doing well, very busy! Aoife is a happy baby, loves eating and is sleeping 8 hrs at night now. I just have to learn to get to bed a bit earlier, but there's so much to do after she goes to bed. She can almost hold her toys so I think that once she can amuse herself I'll be able to do some housework during the day. She also spends a ton of time feeding during the day cuz she sleeps so much at night.

Congrats to Flying and good luck to MissSazra!
Hey everyone! Congrats to Flying!

I'm feeling thoroughly fed up now, and the time is going so slowly! We moved last week (even though we only moved 4 months ago! lol), so now I'm only 15 minutes from my parents (we were 4 hours). Still loads of boxes to unpack, but the nursery is all sorted which was the main thing.

It's great being near my parents though as it means I go out most days and do plenty of walking, instead of lounging around the house which I was doing before!

I have a growth scan next Monday due to the high bmi, but I have still only put on 11lbs, so I'm sure the baby can't be that huge, taking the placenta and waters into account, but maybe I'm wrong.
Will be meeting with the consultant afterwards, so will see what he has to say! Last week I measured in at 41cm, so bump is larger by a few weeks but I know that isn't always the most accurate way to measure.

Hope everyone is doing well! Xx
I've been trying to get more exercise too - walking during my lunch break (I love the weather we are having right now - crisp but sunny) and I bought a few prenatal yoga DVDs and a different exercise one which I haven't tried yet (but hopefully will tonight) - I feel bad hogging the TV from DH but we have one upstairs he could watch, he's a TV junkie...

Glad Aoife is doing well rducky!

Hope Harli is getting on ok too...
Just thought I'd nip in and say hi!

Hope everyone's doing well, and hopefully I'll be joining you all very soon.

Saw the consultant last week who said I'm 'bound to go overdue!' Just what every heavily pregnant woman wants to hear! However, I believe it might happen this weekend, but that might just be wishful thinking! lol

I keep getting lots of twinges and strong braxton hicks, but part of me thinks this baby is very comfortable and doesn't want to come out. Measured in at about 7lbs last week, so I'm worried it's going to be big, especially if I do go over, and they won't do a sweep til week 41!

The panic has very much set in about the actual birth part, and I'm starting to worry about just how much this is going to hurt and that I won't be able to cope. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Hopefully I'll be updating you all very soon! Xx
Miss Sazra - don't panic! You are designed to do this! Hopefully the baby won't go too overdue :)

Read flyingduster's birth story - it gave me a lot of hope for a very natural birth :)
Have just had a read of Flying's birth story (I have to admit it's the first I've read as I've been too scared up until now). It all sounds brilliant, just following what your body is telling you to do. Hats off to Flying, for what sounds like an amazingly calm and relaxed birth.

It's just a shame I can't have the water birth I wanted due to my bmi, as I know the water really does help with pain management, and because I have SPD, it would be such a benefit for me to labour in the water.

I just hope when the time comes I can remain calm and listen to what my body is telling me to do.

Thanks for recommending I read it SM, it has eased my mind somewhat, although I'll always have a little panic at the back of my mind, just the fear of the unknown I guess!
I know the panic.. I have quite a ways to go yet and I've already had two meltdowns with tears and all about the birth.. (for me it's a fear of things going wrong, but I have lots of support: I trust my doctor, I know the hospital is good, I have faith in my husband's support and I know I am strong myself).

I've been doing a lot of yoga and walking lately in the hopes that it will help my body and mind prepare for labor..
I've turned into more of a walker, but not long rambles or anything!

Having just moved across the country to be near my parents, we go out every day and they make sure I'm keeping mobile. It might only be to trundle around the shops or the local garden centre, but the fact that I'm keeping active is really helping, and I definitely feel the baby is a lot lower than it was.

With the SPD I can't physically walk for long periods of time which is a shame. DH and I walked to the local village on Sunday (only 45 mins with no break) and it nearly killed me, I was in agony when we got back home, but after an hour or so resting, it had nearly gone.

I plan to have an active birth, and want to remain mobile for as much of it as possible. The rooms do have large corner baths, so I'm hoping I'll be allowed to labour for some of the time in one of them, but I shall have to wait and see what they say. I won't get my hopes up too much though like I did with the water birth, then hopefully I won't be too disappointed!
wtf is that about a high BMI keeping you out of the bath!?? My BMI, going by my pre-preg weight, is over 41. Like, seriously I'm classed as morbidly obese! I've lost 14kg since my pre-preg weight so it is a bit less now, but still in the morbid obesity range...

But I do highly recommend the natal hypnotherapy CD, and the hypno birthing book for great, calming info. And researching the actual logistics of labour. What EXACTLY your body is DOING when it's having contractions. Don't look for stories, cos some of them ARE scary, but look for the simple facts of what your body is doing, and I found it a big help to visualise my uterus flexing and stretching up and out, KNOWING what it was doing, and WHY it was doing it... I'm very much a 'why' person though! lol!!! I had been scared of the birth, but after researching it and knowing what was going to happen, I was actually really looking forward to it! Your body IS built to do it, and yes it's often very hard work but it's a means to an end. And WHAT an end!!! And there is pain relief you can take, and there are doctors around who will look after you. It can turn out differently than planned, but the end is still the best thing in the world, and it's totally worth the effort. :)
wtf is that about a high BMI keeping you out of the bath!?? My BMI, going by my pre-preg weight, is over 41. Like, seriously I'm classed as morbidly obese! I've lost 14kg since my pre-preg weight so it is a bit less now, but still in the morbid obesity range...

The problem is, they won't let me in the birthing pool due to the high bmi, and when I asked why at the previous hospital, they said it was in case I had trouble getting out in a hurry if there was an emergency. So this has left me wondering if the new hospital are the same. They won't let me in the pool I know for a fact, so I'm left wondering if they'll even let me in the bath, if they have these fears about getting out.

I actually do have some problems getting out of the bath (it takes me a while and Sam has to help me) but that's because of the SPD, nothing to do with the fact that I'm soooooo fat I can't get out! lol The water would be so lovely for the SPD, I've read that it's beneficial, so it really frustrates me when I get told I can't do certain things. I know these rules are there to keep you safe, but I feel I have no control over my own birth.

The birthing pool would actually be easier to get into and out of, due to the size and the fact they have more room to move and steps to get in and out!

I'm still dreading going in, but Sprout is showing no signs of showing up anytime soon, so I'm alright for the moment! lol
I'm rooting for you MissSazra! Stick up for yourself when you go in and make sure DH is ready to stick up for you too, for the time when you've entered "Laborland" and may not be able to do it yourself. I did not use any pain meds and I definitely had a "laborland" experience, ie losing track of time, not communicating much, being very "inside my head" if any of that makes sense. This is what the body wants to do in labor, it's the body's natural way of dealing with the contractions and discomfort.

You'll do great! Just stay active as much as you can!
Thanks rducky. Have already told DH he needs to speak up for me and make sure nothing is done against my wishes.

Will try and remain as active as possible, so hoping they won't want an internal monitor, but I shouldn't think it will be necessary as they've never had a problem finding Sprout. I just want to be free to move around as much as I can/need to.

Still nervous, but excited as well!
I had to be monitored cos I was soooo overdue, but they had a wireless-waterproof CTG monitor so I was able to move around as much as I wanted (though I wasn't getting out of that bath for anything! lol) so hopefully if you have to be monitored, they'll have something like that for you too!! And the high BMI is bullshit, cos even a skinny, heavily pregnant, women will be hard to get out of a bath, but there is always a hospital full of people and a husband right there too, so it really is crap. I hope they let you into the bath!!!!!!!!

I'm excited for you too!!!! It's a really odd surreal feeling isn't it? Your life is about to change, there is gonna be a real live baby in your arms soon! YOUR baby!!!
MissSazra I cannot believe you are already term!! OMG! Time sure does fly. I can't wait to find out what you're having! :)

And don't worry so much about the labor process. I gotta tell ya, I had no training in pain management techniques (breathing, focal points, etc) and I managed to dilate to 10cm and have contractions about 2 minutes apart before I got my epidural, and although the pain sucked, it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Your body is designed to do this and the female body has means to help you manage through the pain.. adrenaline and some other hormone that is a natural painkiller are released during labor.

I really do hope your new hospital allows for a water birth. Flying is right, I would think that BMI is a stupid excuse to not have a water birth. I would think a skinny minny who is heavily pregnant would have a harder time because she wouldn't have enough meat on her bones to help lift all that weight out of the tub!!
Well I thought something was happening earlier. I was having irregular tightenings (between 3 and 8 minutes) accompanied by a constant pain in my lower back for about 3 hours, but now they have all but gone.

I was so hoping they would become regular and stronger, but no such luck. I still have the pain in my back, but the last tightening of my stomach was 25 minutes ago, and the one before that, 29 minutes before.

Sigh, more waiting to do so it would seem!
Hey! I'm still here and still very pregnant.

I had tightenings on Saturday that came to nothing after about 3 hours. Sunday I had some very painful braxton hicks, which again subsided after a few hours and Monday was the same. On Monday they were evening out to around 4-6 minutes but were completely manageable whilst painful, so I knew they weren't the real thing. Then they just went away! :( Yesterday I had nothing, and tonight we're back to the tightenings, but no real pain.

I've lost an absolute load of plug, but no blood, so not taking that as a sign of anything.

Tonight the baby feels really low (like between my legs) but the bump is still right under my ribs, so when I have the braxton hicks they're so uncomfortable and feel like they're pushing my ribs up!

I have a mw appointment tomorrow, but am not allowed a sweep until Monday, so hoping to get that booked tomorrow. I have a consultant appointment on Monday as well, but not having him do the sweep as the last time I saw him I cried for about an hour after the appointment, he was so horrible.

I am completely done with being pregnant now, and would really like Sprout to arrive. I've been off work for 6 weeks already and am so bored. I'm ready to start being a mum, I just wish Sprout was ready to come out! Xx
sorry for the delay - the little guy must be comfy in there!

I figured I will attempt to work up til Jan 20 - so 10 days before my due date (and I even considered working a week longer than that) just because I figure the baby will be late so I don't want to be sitting at home waiting as I know I will focus too much on every twinge...

Hopefully things will happen for you MissSazra before Monday so you don't have to deal with the awful consultant!
I feel for ya hun! lol! I went 17 days over, so I really do know what you're going through....

SM; I worked right up until I was 14 days overdue; if you can wrangle it so the workload is light enough and you are feeling ok, then I AM glad I worked so long; I really would have gone stir crazy at home, especially when I went so far overdue! lol.
Hey everyone,

Thought I'd give a quick update. Have just got back from my appointment. The midwife did a sweep and said I'm very favourable and 2cm dilated already. Said she wouldn't be surprised if I go into labour today! If not, she said it'll be within the next few days.

I have an induction booked for Saturday, should things not go to plan, but have been having so many painful contractions lately, I really hope it happens by itself (and today!!!) By my LMP, this would have been my due date anyway, it was only the 12 week scan that put us ahead by a week, so I'd love it if Sprout makes an appearance today! Xx

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