Hey! I'm still here and still very pregnant.
I had tightenings on Saturday that came to nothing after about 3 hours. Sunday I had some very painful braxton hicks, which again subsided after a few hours and Monday was the same. On Monday they were evening out to around 4-6 minutes but were completely manageable whilst painful, so I knew they weren't the real thing. Then they just went away!

Yesterday I had nothing, and tonight we're back to the tightenings, but no real pain.
I've lost an absolute load of plug, but no blood, so not taking that as a sign of anything.
Tonight the baby feels really low (like between my legs) but the bump is still right under my ribs, so when I have the braxton hicks they're so uncomfortable and feel like they're pushing my ribs up!
I have a mw appointment tomorrow, but am not allowed a sweep until Monday, so hoping to get that booked tomorrow. I have a consultant appointment on Monday as well, but not having him do the sweep as the last time I saw him I cried for about an hour after the appointment, he was so horrible.
I am completely done with being pregnant now, and would really like Sprout to arrive. I've been off work for 6 weeks already and am so bored. I'm ready to start being a mum, I just wish Sprout was ready to come out! Xx