PAL, due in 6/2012

Louise- I would call now and explain your situation and ask for a closer appointment. Given your history, you would think they would want to keep a close eye on you. I have noticed in my own experience that the person scheduling appointments at my OB office is clueless when it comes to patient history! I have had to explain my history and ask that I be seen sooner....and I am always accomodated. Good luck:winkwink:

I am very sorry for the losses you have experienced. I hope all goes well with your pregnancy:hugs:
Tisiphonie - hope everything went great today...can't wait to see little bean pics!!!

Just when I say I don't 'Feel' pregnant anymore......last night my boobs were SO sore and I was so queasy! This morning I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt like I needed a nap at 9am!!!

I am still convinced that is pregnancy is abnormal, but this little bean is putting up a fight:winkwink: I don't feel that pregnant 'bloat' anymore. I haven't in about a week. Just counting down the days till I go in on Monday. I need answers. I feel like I am in limbo. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I think it is normal for symptoms to come and go. I hope your little bean is fighting to survive! It's got to be reassuring that you are feeling something, at least! I know it's hard not knowing what is going to happen, but Monday will be here soon. :hugs:

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was sick for the first time last night and and I'm feeling queasy again this evening. Looks like that's the sickness finally kicking in. :sick:

I'm a bit concerned about the lack of appointments I'm getting. To explain, I lost my baby girl last June after we found out she was severely disabled and we chose to end the pregnancy at 23 weeks. (Please don't judge, it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make and I know in my heart we did the right thing.)

Anyway, I fell pregnant at the beginning of this year and when my appointments came through, I was given one to see a consultant as well as the midwife and also my 12 week scan was at the hospital instead of the clinic. Unfortunately, I miscarried at 8 weeks and never made these appointments.

This time I've only been given a midwife booking in appointment and a normal scan at the clinic. I don't know whether to complain just now, or wait until I see the midwife on the 24th and mention my concerns to her.:shrug:

Sorry for the ramblings :wacko:

Louise, I am glad you're feeling sick. I hope that doesn't sound too strange, but I'm always hopeful that symptoms mean the pregnancy is healthy.

I won't judge you for the decision you made with your daughter. My aunt had problems her whole life and my Grandma has taken care of her. Now, she's in a nursing home and it really doesn't look good. I feel sad for my Grandma because I can't imagine watching the end of my child's life. I have talked to her before about parenthood and raising a family and she has described the heartache in watching the bad things that happen to your family. I know that life is both good and bad, but when you have dealt with so much bad, it can affect your whole outlook! I haven't had to make a decision like that, but I am sure you made it with love in your heart.

I think you should ask for extra appointments based on your history, but I don't know how the process works with midwives. I would want to be more closely monitored, but at the same time, I'm not sure what can be done early during pregnancy. If I started feeling normal, I might start worrying about the days leading up to my next appointment, but as it is, I'm so sick that I'm just trying to make it through each day. And that gives me hope!
Tisiphonie, I'm praying you had a good scan!

Beeahappy1, I'm praying for you as well, hopefully Monday gets here quickly!

Anna Purna, here are my ultrasound pictures :cloud9:
PitaKat -- Check out that beautiful bean! I am so happy that the scan went well!
Hello hope everyone is well :flower:

I've thought about it and decided to wait until I see the midwife. That way I can speak to her in person rather than try to explain to someone over the phone.
Bee - I HATE being in limbo. Thinking of you constantly!
Louise - When I called my new OB the scheduler said that I could schedule my regular booking and I demanded to be seen earlier. They didn't put up much of a fight, they just didn't expect me to want to. So yes, I would definitely call them up and say you want to move up your appointment because of your history. If they complain, you let me know and I'll give them a call for you!
PitaKat - Awww!! Loving the bean pics!!
My scan went fantastic. They took me 5 minutes early and DH wasn't there yet and I told them just to get it over with. So baby's heart was flickering and I was shocked it was still alive. But then I asked why it wasn't moving. She explained that they don't all the time, but being 10 weeks I expected to see something and then DH walked in and movement city. It was so cute!! Baby measured 10+1 which is exactly what I was and that means it completely caught up after being 4 days behind 3 weeks ago! Hb was 173! So so so so so relieved!!! I go back in 2 weeks.
Tomorrow I go for my first ultrasound! I'm excited!! I'm also a little bit nervous about tomorrow because I'll be starting lovenox injections and I never gave my self shot before, but I'll do anything for the health of my baby!
Bee - I HATE being in limbo. Thinking of you constantly!
Louise - When I called my new OB the scheduler said that I could schedule my regular booking and I demanded to be seen earlier. They didn't put up much of a fight, they just didn't expect me to want to. So yes, I would definitely call them up and say you want to move up your appointment because of your history. If they complain, you let me know and I'll give them a call for you!
PitaKat - Awww!! Loving the bean pics!!
My scan went fantastic. They took me 5 minutes early and DH wasn't there yet and I told them just to get it over with. So baby's heart was flickering and I was shocked it was still alive. But then I asked why it wasn't moving. She explained that they don't all the time, but being 10 weeks I expected to see something and then DH walked in and movement city. It was so cute!! Baby measured 10+1 which is exactly what I was and that means it completely caught up after being 4 days behind 3 weeks ago! Hb was 173! So so so so so relieved!!! I go back in 2 weeks.

What wonderful news Tisiphonie!!
Tisiphonie, I'm praying you had a good scan!

Beeahappy1, I'm praying for you as well, hopefully Monday gets here quickly!

Anna Purna, here are my ultrasound pictures :cloud9:

Pitakat love the ultrasound pics!
Tisiphonie- A W E S O M E news!!!! So glad it went well. Funny that the baby danced around for Daddy:) Hum....maybe a Daddy's Girl in the making?? lol Just a thought!

Also, I had the chance to read some of your blog and I just burst out in tears! You totally put to words so many of the feelings I have had over the past two years of TTC. I am praying that you have your little rainbow in your arms with this pregnancy:hugs:

Pitakat- A W E S O M E pics!!!!!!!

TTCBaby2011- Hope all goes well at your appointment!
Tisiphonie -- I'm so glad the scan went well and baby is measuring right on track. That's awesome! And how cute that there was no movement until your DH walked in, like the baby could sense that it was time to start performing! :haha:

TTCbaby -- good luck at tomorrow's appointment. And also with the injections! I am sure you're feeling a little nervous about giving yourself shots, but if you're worried, there are tons of videos on YouTube with women doing the same thing. You'll be a pro in no time!
Beeahappy1- ow symptoms disappearing is not definitely a bad sign...i ve not had many symptoms in total but they do keep coming and going...i asked the dr about 1 week ago and he told me i am lucky! That's that! I really hope this little bean is fighting in there! Happy monday!

Tisiphonie- YAYAYAYyyayyayayaya for dancing baby! This is great news!!!!

Pitakat- owowowoowow lovely pictures!!!

Louise- i think it is love that drives such a could have been selfish and brought that baby to life but it wouldnt be a good life. I m so so sorry you had to go through this hun...hope everything works out perfectly this time round!

Ttcbaby2011- it's perfectly normal to be nervous about it but i m sure everything will be great and hopefully you'll get to hear that little hb!!

AFM- I go from being totally positive about to to being completely depressed and sure something is wrong...ow come on monday..roll in!
:hi: Happy weekend, everyone! Sorry I haven't written - it's been a rough week for me! How's everyone feeling?

TTCbaby: How did your ultrasound go???

Louise: I completely respect the decision that you made. I agree, it was made out of love. I hope that, once you talk to your midwife, that you start getting more appointments.

Christiana: I also go between being positive and being completely convinced of a MMC. I hope this weekend passes quickly for you so that you get to see your little one on the ultrasound! :cloud9:

PitaKat: Beautiful ultrasound pics. Thanks for sharing!

Bee: How are you today? Best of luck at your ultrasound on Monday!

Tisiphonie: How wonderful! I can't wait to see my baby dance - I guess at 7weeks they're not so active. Will you be posting a picture for us?

LittleBird: How are you and the two little ones? Have you started to show yet, since it's twins and it's not your first time?

Hope I didn't miss anyone! :hi:

AFM: I go between feeling OK (so I panic) to feeling like death warmed up (relieved but miserable). Yesterday I had the day off work, so decided to go shopping...what a disaster! Let's just say: thank goodness for access to public toilets! :wacko:
Still managed to get some lovely winter outfits, but it leaves me with a question for you lovely ladies:
How much bigger do you get at your ribs, just under the breasts, when you get into your second and third trimester? I bought a few high-waisted dresses that are flowy at the bottom (room for bump), but fitted at the top. I don't want to only get one wearing out of them before I get too big! Please let me know your experiences!
p.s. YAY! I'm a lime! I've never made it this far into a pregnancy! :cry: (happy tears)
LittleBird: How are you and the two little ones? Have you started to show yet, since it's twins and it's not your first time?

AFM: I go between feeling OK (so I panic) to feeling like death warmed up (relieved but miserable). Yesterday I had the day off work, so decided to go shopping...what a disaster! Let's just say: thank goodness for access to public toilets! :wacko:
Still managed to get some lovely winter outfits, but it leaves me with a question for you lovely ladies:
How much bigger do you get at your ribs, just under the breasts, when you get into your second and third trimester? I bought a few high-waisted dresses that are flowy at the bottom (room for bump), but fitted at the top. I don't want to only get one wearing out of them before I get too big! Please let me know your experiences!
p.s. YAY! I'm a lime! I've never made it this far into a pregnancy! :cry: (happy tears)

Thanks for asking! I think I'm showing some. I really felt like I was showing a couple of weeks ago, but most people just acted like they thought I was crazy. :) To be fair, I had some extra weight from the miscarriages, plus I'm not exactly thin to begin with, so maybe I didn't look all that different to other people. But my pants were getting too tight and I had actually taken a cycle off to lose weight right before getting pregnant so it wasn't that I was gaining weight, but more changing shape.

I've had a rough week with lots of diarrhea, so I'm trying to stay hydrated and just deal with it by changing my diet. It's helped a little.

I know what you're saying about going between panic and relieved but miserable. I think since the last week has been so rough, I haven't worried much at all -- I figure the babies are doing OK because my hormones are making me feel this way.

I think the rib area does get a little bigger during pregnancy, but I know my breasts grew at least a cup size and the belly gets really huge at the end. Are the high-waisted dresses specifically maternity, or just regular dresses that you hope to wear after the baby is born? You may be surprised how much the top half of your body changes. I know I had different maternity clothes that fit at the beginning than at the end. Towards the end, nothing quite fits. You're always trying to cover up, but the belly just wants to escape. I don't know if you ever saw that Friends episode where Rachel is about to give birth and her belly is hanging out of her clothes. It's totally like that.

I'm so glad you've made it farther this pregnancy than ever before. I'm sure that's a relief! I have also made it farther than I did with my two miscarriages, and the fact that we saw the hearts beating in the ultrasound makes me hopeful that things are going to be fine. There are lots of milestones along the way and I just take them one at a time. Pretty soon we'll be in the 2nd tri. Well, sooner for you than for me! :) But that's a big milestone!
Anna Purna- wowowowow 11 re almost 2nd trimester!!!!I cant tell you much about sizes...i m a tall girl and with my 1st pg i didnt really show until like 7 months and even then it was only my belly that greaw...i wore my normal jeans up till the 8th month..i m also small breasted(grrrrmmmfff) so even though they did grow the only moment i saw a big difference is after i gave birth and milk came in...then i couldnt fit into any of my tops!! This time round i ve noticed i m getting bigger already but maybe it's because i m so anxious and eat like a pig all day!!!

Littlebird- so glad you're feeling better and positive..i m sure the babies are doing great and will start waving and putting up a show for you soon!!!!

afm- been having horrible cramps for the last 2-3 days...i m not sure it's constipation or actual af cramps so i am super nervous...I just ordered a fetal doppler so i hope everything is great on monday and i can hear the hb once i get it in 2-3 weeks!
chistiana -- sorry about the cramps! I think constipation could be playing a big role in that. Are you taking anything or eating anything special to make sure you're staying "regular"? I was doing pretty well with Benefiber before things took a turn in the other direction. Now I just wish I knew how to get back there! :)
My appt went well the baby is doing great!!! With a heart beat of 158 bpm. It was so reassuring to hear it!!! I took my first lovenox injections and I didn't have no problems! I amazed myself but like I said I'll do anything for the health of my baby! My next appt is in 3 weeks( Dec. 2nd and I'll be 10 weeks) and I will be having another sono.I go everything 3 weeks due to being high risk.

Here's a picture of my little June Bug: rainbow baby/001.jpg
TTCbaby -- congrats on a great appointment! And I'm glad to hear the injections haven't been too terrible for you. Love that ultrasound pic!
Hi ladies glad to see everyone's doing well :thumbup: sorry ive not been around ive been loaded with a cold.

My midwife appointment went ok on thurs, midwife was lovely but she's leaving in Jan so ill probably not see her again :-( She wouldn't put me through for a scan so im going to have to wait for my 12 week scan in about 3 weeks. Ive been classed as high risk because of a family history of blood clots and a previous abdominal surgery so ill need to see a consultant when I go for my scan too. Im off to do some xmas shopping now so ill see you's all later take care girls xx
Littlebird- i ve done everything...from pruine juice (eeeekkkk), figs...i ve even used glyserine.. (double eeeeeekkkk) but i m hopeless! I have my appt tomorrow and i ll ask him cuase this is driving me crazy!!! Hehehee your post made me laugh...start some carbs, bread, rice!!!!

Kaboom-Hiya, so glad everything is going well for you. It's sad that your midwife has to leave but hopefully the new one will be as good! Are you taking any anti blood clotting medication?Enjoy your shopping!Lucky you!

TTCBABY2011-lovely pic hun, everything looks perfect!

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