Hiya! I'm due September sometime too! Think around the 24th! (my birthday!)
Hiya! I'm due September sometime too! Think around the 24th! (my birthday!)
Hiya! I'm due September sometime too! Think around the 24th! (my birthday!)
hey hunwelcome welcom i remember you from other threads welcome over here and hope like everyone else this is a sticky bean for you how far along are you when did you get
share test
JellyBean, that's what mine look like when I tested! I am also due September 24. Congratulations on your BFP!!!!!
Elhaym, that is too wild that your due date is right around your OH b-day, September 23 is my DH birthday and so I'm due the day after his birthday as well!!Maybe we'll luck out and have them on their birthdays! LoL