PAL- May 2012 babies

Congrats Claire so glad everything went well.....:hugs:

Im hoping i get to have a peek next week on monday even though a part of me wants it to be a suprise.... but secretly hoping for a boy :)

Anyone feeling un-pregnant?? I feel pregnant after i eat then my tummy really pops out and when i sleep since i cant lie on my tummy anymore but other than that i feel good most of the time.
shangeas- Sorry to hear about your infection. I hope it is cleared up now.

bananaz- Those sound like GREAT results. I can't wait to get mine back but I have to get blood drawn one more time around 16 weeks.

ClaireRSA- Congrats on being team pink!!

I am so glad that everyone seems to be doing well!
I have been having many moments of being worried. My doctor is near my parents which is about 3 hours from where I live. I had to drive there just to sign consent forums from the cerclage which I really should have signed at my appointment the week before. I left to go back home right after my appointment as I had things to get done at home before Thanksgiving. I pulled in the drive and I suddenly remembered that I left my progesterone suppositories at my parents. I was very tired and my body ached from driving 3 hours there to stay a night, wake up go to appointment and drive 3 hours back home. So although I really wanted to drive back and get them I decided it wasn't a great idea. My parents were going to same day deliver them to me but it so ridiculously expensive so they decided to next day deliver which wasn't really next day because of Thanksgiving. So I went 3 nights without them and I have been super worried but hoping for the best.
I have an ultrasound Monday to check my cervical length and then I have my cerclage scheduled Friday the 2nd. I am a bit nervous (mostly about the spinal they will give me for numbing). They explained if my cervix is too soft that it can tear right through the cervix and that there is a chance that the cervix can be so irritated that it'll cause me to go into preterm labor. I read this is very rare like 1-7% but more likely than an infection. I am a little nervous about finding out how my cervix is doing.
I wanted to know when I would be 20 weeks and 6 day so that I can look forward to making it passed that but it worried me. I know I am probably overly looking into things but I'll be 20 weeks and 6 days Jan. 16th and I lost my daughter Feb. 16th. I have decided to try to forget that and just focus on making it to my viable date.

I hope everything continues to go well for everyone!
@shangeas - I know what you mean! I feel very unpregnant most of the time. I have noticed that my uterus is big enough now for me to feel it right above my pelvic bone, but there's no bump - all it's doing is pushing out my belly flub :dohh: Good luck with your scan! I am crazy excited for mine in December :)

@semanthia - Hang in there! :hugs: It sounds like everything is going well on the whole. Those warnings about the cerclage are scary but they're really the worst possible scenarios so I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about them. I hope your ultrasound on Monday goes well and that you get to see your happy, healthy baby (in addition to a happy, healthy cervix!)

I don't really have much of an update at this point. I'm getting a colposcopy on Monday because my pap smear came back abnormal, and I'm kind of dreading it. I had an abnormal pap during my last pregnancy too and it turned out to be nothing, so hopefully it's just a hormone-related blip and not anything scary.
Sooo I had my appointment this morning. The colposcopy was way more painful than I remembered, but didn't cause any spotting thank goodness. My doctor said there was one small precancerous lesion but she's not too worried, I just need to get another colposcopy in a few weeks to make sure it's not getting bigger (ugh!).

Afterward she got out the doppler to listen to baby's heartbeat. I had actually already listened with my own doppler before the appointment just to make sure everything was okay, and I had to stop myself from telling her the best place to put the probe lol. But she found the heartbeat eventually and said everything sounded good :)

I hope everyone else's appointments went smoothly!
Hi Ladies,

Glad everything went well with your app bananaz, always good when the Dr confirms what you know that added little comfort you know. Hope the lesion doesnt grow any bigger pls!!

@ Sementhia I'm sure everything is still ok even without the suppositories as the progesterone is still in your system i think. hoping everything turns out well when they check your cervix. I was also worried when i stopped taking my progesterone at 14 weeks but so far so good, i get pains and i panic little that maybe its my cervix, that something is wrong but i remain positive its been 4 weeks and no bleeds. be positive too Sementhia all will be well.

My supervisor (cow) wouldnt give me time off work to go see my OB and i had to cancel my app on monday, making another appointment for next week and taking a sick day for it.

Hope everyone else is still doing ok... the thread is a bit quiet where is everybody?
Hey ladies - sorry I've not been on in ages!! :flower:

Claire - congrats on your little girl!! glad all is going well :thumbup:

Bananaz - I feel for you having to have a colposcopy - I had one a few years back followed by a laser treatment to get rid of some cells, I hated it!! I remember the doctor asking if I wanting to watch the laser burning the cells on the camera - like, NO THANKS!!

Semanthia - how did the appt go yesterday??? it must be very worrying at the thought of having the stitch put in but just remember they're doing it for a good reason!! Try not to worry too much x

Shangeas - can't believe your boss wouldn't give you time off for your appt!!! Are you not entitled to it?? what job do you do?

As for me - well I've been loaded with a bad cold for almost a week now although I'm feeling a bit better today. I've been sneezing soooo much - poor little baby must be wondering what's going on!! Do you think baby knows if you're not well??

I'm around 18.5 weeks now and definitely have a bump! Have also been feeling definite flutters which must be baby - its so nice to feel him/her but then I start worrying if I haven't felt anything and have to use the doppler to calm me down!! I have a private scan booked for this thurs just for reassurance as my 21 wk scan isn't for over 3 wks. I just want to know all is okay but OH wouldn't mind knowing the sex - I'm not so keen though!! Is everyone else planning on finding out?? (I'm convinced its a boy though )

Hi Carry, everything is looking good on your side so glad for you, if your OH does find out it will be difficult to keep it from you, he might slip and tell you. :haha: ask that they tell you to not look when they do the scan and it will remain a suprise :dohh:. I also want it to be a surprise as well gonnna ask the OB to be careful and not scan the interesting parts without warning me 1st, Im hoping for a girl but have a feeling its a boy:wacko:

Sementhia pls do let us know how it went when you feeling up to it.

Im a bank administrator, i havent told her im pregnant will tell her after my 20 week appointment but im showing already so she must have guessed already and we were not even short staffed!:cry:

Going to make an apointment for monday next week.:growlmad:
Thanks shangeas :hugs: I'm kind of hoping for a girl too but I think its just because we lost our little girl in June and I'm probably subconsciously looking for a girl to fill that gap :cry: I feel so guilty!!

What makes you think its a boy??

I've just started to tell people at my work as its getting obvious but luckily my boss is very understanding and flexible so I don't have the worry about taking time off.

Does your boss know that you've been through a loss before???
not been on here for ages slipped my mind my 12 weeks scan showed a was only actually 10 weeks 4 days instead of 12 weeks 4 days but still due may only just tho lol now due on the 31st, been to see midwife today told her i had been listening to my babies heartbeat since 8 weeks which she seemed super suprised by but after i told her exactly where to listen which she found baby straight away which they dont usually do before 16 weeks and im 13 weeks 5 days, she seemed really happy with my progress and my fundel height is measuring right, where as with my last baby we lost at 16 weeks (Peter had died at 14+4) she couldnt feel anything, so super happy moods today xx hope everythings going well for everyone else xxx
@Carry, She doesnt know about my losses i dont wish to share with her that type of personal info. She is a real cow and childess with no wish to have kids so is not understanding of anything pregnancy related

@ Christine....glad everything is going well for you it must stay that way
That sounds like an awful situation to be in at work Shangeas. In a way I wish that my boss didn't know about my previous loss but as I lost her at 15 wks I'd already told everyone the happy news :cry:

Hi Christine - glad everything is good with you :thumbup: Can I ask - what did the midwife say when you tld her you'd been listening on the doppler from 8 weeks?? I've not told my midwife I've got one, wasn't sure how she'd react.

Also, has everyone else had their fundal height measured?? I've never had this done and had never heard of it until now. Will they do it at 20wk appt??

hi Carry22 to be honest she looked at me like i had made it up untill i said i know it was the baby as id have problems if my heart rate was so high, i think she was more shocked than anything but in the end after she listened to the heartbeat herself she said well if it helps me relax then its a good thing, as for fundal height she did that also and marked it in my notes as 13 so on track for me but with my others it wasnt measured untill later on in the pregnancy

Oh Claire Im so sorry to hear those sad news, i pray you find peace and comfort in God.:hugs:

I've told my colleagues too so God forbid i loose this baby, she would know and i dont want her knowing but dont have a choice in the matter since i need her to sign paperwork when i leave for my maternity leave.:shrug:

I wonder if i have done the fundal height thing will ask my OB on monday.
Im so scared now after reading Claire's news but the flutters reassure me but im totally scared :nope: still only seing my baby wil reassure me :cry:
claire im so sorry for your news :( hugs
you must have posted just as i had,
Claire - I can't begin to say how sorry I am :cry: thank you for being so brave to post and tell us. I also lost my little girl at the same stage in June. Thinking of you, always here if you want to talk when you're ready xxx

Thanks for the replies Shangeas and Christine, will look into the fundal height thing.

I have a private scan tomorrow - so nervous now :nope:

Life is just so cruel sometimes :cry:
Claire: I'm guessing you won't be checking back here for a while, but in any case I am so sorry for your loss.
Omg Claire! I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope you do testing to see what was the cause. Omg so late im so sorry.

I had my OB appt yesterday and my OB said that i was measuring right at 17 weeks which is what i am. I heard the babys heart beating on the doppler and happy that in 12 days i go to my anatomy scan. Good luck to all you ladies.

Again im sorry Claire. Thoughts and prayers for you.
ClaireRSA- I am so sorry for your loss :cry: It broke my heart to read your post. My thoughts are with you :hugs:

shangeas- Sorry you have to deal with a supervisor like that. I don't think they should be able decline you leave for a doctor appointment regardless of why you are going. Plus I don't think a person should have to explain why they are needing time off for a doctors appointment. Unfortunately that's not how it works in most work places.

At my ultrasound on Monday my cervix was measuring 29mm (two weeks before it was 30mm). I had my cerclage placed yesterday morning. So far everything looks good. My surgery was at 9:15am and was released at noon. The spinal was the thing I feared most but I was pleasantly surprised how quick and not very painful it was. I felt the stinging and burning from the local but nothing when they did the regional. I'd have to say it was the weirdest experience I have ever had.
Thaks for the concern Sementhia and so glad everything well with your surgery, we now look forward to an uneventful +-5 months I cant believe we have gone so far already, i thank God for everything:hugs:

I went to my scan apointment today and everything is going well my baby is still measuring a week ahead at 18w3d. I also found out the sex even though i didnt want to i got caught up in the moment and when the Dr asked if we wanted to know the sex my OH was all excited and said yes and i couldnt say no to him so we found out we having a BOY, we are team BLUE!!!! Will upload pics tomorrow.:happydance:

So happy everything is going well.:cloud9:

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