Happy Birthday Saraya

I just made pancakes with Sam, he loved licking the raw batter but didn't like them cook, go figure that one out

tried stopping him but he's a little money! Glad you are home Aaisrie.
Oh goodness baby brain I can't remember what I was going to reply too
Erm... well as for me I'm good busy at work and she is one rolling baby. Really distracting when you are trying to talk to a student.
Sassy good news about the free lawers

that is fantastic news.
Sorry can't remember anything else

..... oh yes Little Griffin your the last out of the regular posters. Not sure what to do about the ones that never post

I could stalk them to see if they have posted else where???
Sequeena I see on facebook you announced it was a little boy

does that feel good or what

I love saying she now. Still feels weird.