Sequeena, how did the scan go? any news???
Sequeena that means its lying along your back, mine is along my tummy so when he's kicking I can't feel it unless he kicks below it etc.. does that make sense?
Will read all later but just to say we're home.
48 mile round trip, but he's ok. However we had to come back past RSPCA rescue sanctuary, just nipped in for a quick look. We are now the proud owners of a cat called Ritchie. We couldn't resist when we saw he'd been there for months and was there because his owner had died. He also came in with a friend who sadly died. The friends name was Lionel. Lionel and RitchieHarry is so pleased, he was really close to the cat I'd had for 17 years that we had to have put to sleep last year. xxx
heyyady baby is a boy xx he's got 2 kidneys too which is a relief xx I deff broke my waters at 14 weeks and the fluid hasn't increased which sucksbut my cervix is long and closed so the fetal medicine consultant has told me she doesn't think there's a chance of infection so sent me home for bedrest and I'm to see my own consultant next week then back in fetal medicine the week after for a follow up and my 20 week scan.
I'm to drink water but not too much as that can cause damage... not sure if she said to me or the baby, I forgot so aiming for about 1.5 litres a day which is hard!!
If I start feeling very wet (and feels different to normal discharge/accidental wee) I'm to go straight to hospital x
heyyady baby is a boy xx he's got 2 kidneys too which is a relief xx I deff broke my waters at 14 weeks and the fluid hasn't increased which sucksbut my cervix is long and closed so the fetal medicine consultant has told me she doesn't think there's a chance of infection so sent me home for bedrest and I'm to see my own consultant next week then back in fetal medicine the week after for a follow up and my 20 week scan.
I'm to drink water but not too much as that can cause damage... not sure if she said to me or the baby, I forgot so aiming for about 1.5 litres a day which is hard!!
If I start feeling very wet (and feels different to normal discharge/accidental wee) I'm to go straight to hospital x
oh I am sorry about your watershave they said what that will mean for him? Congrats on being team blue! We needed some boys in here!
Morning all hope u don't mind me comin on for a down moment today ISA yr since I had scan that showed both my angels hearts stopped beating I'm a mix of emotions sad but then trying to remain positive for little man I'm carrying don't really know what to do with myself today sort of feel I should b doing something to remember them x
Morning! Wow I'm so tired we had options evening at school last night I worked from 7:30-8:30pm . I'm too tired today to even think!!! I have my consultants appointment today for my asthma (the very rare occasion I need my inhaler) so at least I can go slow for a while. You know when you are so tired you can't sleep? That was me last night
to all
Oh look I'm a banana!!!!