Gosh realised I've got so much to catch up on!!! So here goes, be patient with me everyone
LuvMySoldier - glad you hubby's results came back within the normal range. Hope the supplements help.
Heva - Congratulations on the wedding, can't wait to see the pictures.
Christ that means I'm next lol x
And yes its you next
My OH is in such a mood today. He's having problems at work and brought them home with him I know he doesn't mean it but he keeps snapping which riles me up. This is how one of our conversations went
Me: I'm having cramps (was fine, they buggered off in half an hour)
Him: *not heard me* moan blah blah
Me: ... I'm having cramps
Him: *still not hearing me*
- OH's can be a pain in the arse, I'm lucky Rob's really good, but believe me I've had my fair share of pains that don't listen!
Happy 24 weeks to Jimmy, me and Summer Grace Griffin!!!!
It's my V DAY!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't find the toilet joke funny either, I don't think men view that sort of thing in the same way we do, they don't appear to have the same need for privacy!
Thanks pip! I have no doses - my gd disappeared before I started the insulin! I am glad I waited!
That's really good news
Diagnosed with stupid spd today grrrrrrrrrr it hurts like hell
Sounds awful and really painful
Pip - loving the bedding xxx
Heyyady - just seen pics of your beautiful girls on FB you must be so proud.
Glad everyone had a good Mother's Day, mine was pretty good I got a card and Adele's latest CD. Did have a bad moment, went to church on the Saturday night instead of Sunday morning and our bloody priest (he is lovely really) read the same story as part of his sermon that he read at Archie's funeral, Oh yes you can imagine

Loving the bump pictures everyone and of course the nappy stash
Glad everyone liked Archie's stone, it made us cry when we saw it, it was much nicer than I expected.
As for Christmas babies, that was my aim, but CD40 and still no sign of ovulation
Sorry I had to catch up on so much, I've been doing some extra work for my old school. It's a Catholic Primary school, the junior children to a presentation/play of the Easter story. It's been lovely to be back there as the staff are all good friends, are really lovely, and TBH completely bonkers, which all makes for a good time.
Wow shattered after all that catching up, think its time for tea and toast.
Love to you all xxx