Congrats Eve, that's wonderful news!!!!
Pip - Try not to let yourself get all stressed out over what you heard on the doppler, only a doctor can diagnose a condition like that and fingers crossed A will have just been doing some dancing to keep busy and freaking you out
As for me, i have been ill since Saturday. Didn't get much sleep Friday night, woke up at 8am Sat morn, went back to bed at 10am, got up at 12:30pm with headache, pain behind my eyes, stiff neck, feeling sick and dizzy and one swollen foot! Spent most of the day sleeping it off and thought i felt better Sunday so we got up and went to church. As it was Easter Sunday, church was packed. I managed to find a seat but Jimmy and about 30 other people had to stand up and after half an hour i had to get out as i thought i was going to faint. We came home and the Midwife came to see me, she checked my foot but it was not swollen anymore and i also have no protein in my wee or high blood pressure so not pre-eclampsia thank god! I just have a virus or something so am resting and Jimmy is being a great nurse!! On the plus side we got to hear Baby Girl Griff's heartbeat and boy is it strong and loud!
I'm up again now though as i can't sleep and feel sick, it's doing my head in!!
Hope everyone is well, big love to you all.