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PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

I want to kill my animals!! I have no patience and they just won't BEHAVE :growlmad:
I promise to catch up with you all real soon now I'm home. Hoping my new laptop charger will arrive before Christmas, I love my iPhone but I think I'm going cross eyed trying to use the Internet on it every day!!!
Thank you all for your lovely msgs and I'm sorry I haven't been able to support you this week
Aaisrie -
Your scan pic is beautiful....i so cant wait to have mine!!!!
Morning ladies.

I'm so nervous and scared about my results.

We're setting off in an hour. Then we're going shopping to keep busy and I'll spend the rest of the afternoon wrapping presents.

I'm sure my lil sprout is trying to tell me everything is ok. I haven't felt nauseous all week but this morning I feel so sick !!

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend so far x
Just got back from hospital. My first hcg was 2579. Do any of you know whether I should've seen more at my ultrasound with numbers like that?? I thought that once the hcg got over 2000, a yolk sac at least, should be seen. I've tried to google it but I'm not getting anywhere with that. The only info I found was that over 2000, "something" should be seen, but it didn't clarify what!!
I wouldn't worry about that Embo! How much you can see on the scan depends on many things, not least of all on the quality of the equipment (how sensitive it is) and on the skill of the person using it. Please try not to worry, especially not over something as unpredictable as this. :hugs:
Thanks Amy. I'm ok but was just wondering. The nurse panicked me a bit cos she said a yolk sac should really have been seen with those levels!! Nice!! NOT!!

When I had my scan, the nurse said I'm very difficult to scan cos of the position of my uterous. Also she said I was absolutely full of gas and my bowel was full. She couldn't even get a pic of my ovaries because of this!!

I'll be getting a call from the hospital at tea time but they said if I haven't heard anything before 8 to give them a call. So I'll soon know xx
I wouldn't worry about that Embo! How much you can see on the scan depends on many things, not least of all on the quality of the equipment (how sensitive it is) and on the skill of the person using it. Please try not to worry, especially not over something as unpredictable as this. :hugs:

Yep ditto this hon, try not to panic or google!! :hug:
:happydance: :happydance:

Anyway. Just on my way to bed and nurse called!! Gone from 2559 to 4554!!!!!! She said they're very happy with that cos they only look for 60% rise. I'm so happy. Thankyou for everything guys, I really appreciate all your support. Got to go for another scan on 29th December for another scan to see whether there's yolk sac and feral pole present.

I'm so happy. So is Gav. He's :happydance: all over the place !!!
Yay embo!!!!!! Great news ! Now you can enjoy Christmas :)
How is everyone today. I'm feel super excited for us all today don't know why. Happy Christmas pregnant feeling :laugh2::dance::flasher:O:):D can't stop smiling!

Just had a hard weekend looking after one of my best friends who's having a tough time with her DH (possible split :nope: ). She spoilt me rotten buying me things when we went shopping but she found it quite hard keeping it together, felt a bit useless but gave a shoulder to cry on. She's not a baby person either so found Sam hard going I think. Not used to the noise and mess he makes. Battling her way home through the snow now so fingers crossed she gets home ok.
I have my first midwife's appointment this afternoon, when I had my other boys you saw the midwife at your GPs so no appointments at weekends, now I'm seeing her at the children's centre, its all so strange. I just hope everything will be ok, I know she'll not be able to tell me that. I just keep thinking that my nausea is terrible and my boobs are really sore, surely that's a good sign. Does anyone know if symptoms always disappear/diminish in MMC's?

Speak to you all later xxx

Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!!


"Noone else will ever know the strength of my love for you, after all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside"
How is everyone today. I'm feel super excited for us all today don't know why. Happy Christmas pregnant feeling :laugh2::dance::flasher:O:):D can't stop smiling!

Just had a hard weekend looking after one of my best friends who's having a tough time with her DH (possible split :nope: ). She spoilt me rotten buying me things when we went shopping but she found it quite hard keeping it together, felt a bit useless but gave a shoulder to cry on. She's not a baby person either so found Sam hard going I think. Not used to the noise and mess he makes. Battling her way home through the snow now so fingers crossed she gets home ok.

I am good today! Keep randomly feeling bleugh but I am happy as I have loads of stretching pains and feel properly pregnant. I swear I sometimes feel like there us trapped butterfly in my tummy sometimes. Nearly 2nd tri!!

How are you feeling? Sorry to hear about your friend. I had a friend who split up with her partner when I was pregnant with Tom. It is so tough for them. I have some friends who aren't baby people too and it is so awkward being around them sometimes. I get a bit embarrassed. Especially when they vocally announce that Tom needs a change!

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