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PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

Emmea how many days now?

Three!!! All I need to get is the rings, oh's jacket, a suspender belt and garter! Then I am done. I hope to get all that sorted tomorrow when we ate finished at hospital with Tom.

I managed to find a serious gorgeous night gown from hot milk. I am so in love with it! Can't wait to wear it in my wedding night!
I have my first midwife's appointment this afternoon, when I had my other boys you saw the midwife at your GPs so no appointments at weekends, now I'm seeing her at the children's centre, its all so strange. I just hope everything will be ok, I know she'll not be able to tell me that. I just keep thinking that my nausea is terrible and my boobs are really sore, surely that's a good sign. Does anyone know if symptoms always disappear/diminish in MMC's?

Speak to you all later xxx

Good luck today! Mine did last time. But to be honest, I have read threads where they don't. The day the baby's heart stopped beating, I deflated like a popped balloon, didn't stop weeing!

I am sure you are ok. Do you have a scan soon?
Emmea how many days now?

Three!!! All I need to get is the rings, oh's jacket, a suspender belt and garter! Then I am done. I hope to get all that sorted tomorrow when we ate finished at hospital with Tom.

I managed to find a serious gorgeous night gown from hot milk. I am so in love with it! Can't wait to wear it in my wedding night!

OHHHH exciting :yipee: sounds like you are pretty much all sorted and ready to go. I hope the snow doesn't make it difficult for you. xxx
I have my first midwife's appointment this afternoon, when I had my other boys you saw the midwife at your GPs so no appointments at weekends, now I'm seeing her at the children's centre, its all so strange. I just hope everything will be ok, I know she'll not be able to tell me that. I just keep thinking that my nausea is terrible and my boobs are really sore, surely that's a good sign. Does anyone know if symptoms always disappear/diminish in MMC's?

Speak to you all later xxx

Good luck today! Mine did last time. But to be honest, I have read threads where they don't. The day the baby's heart stopped beating, I deflated like a popped balloon, didn't stop weeing!

I am sure you are ok. Do you have a scan soon?

Thanks, appointment went well, other than as usual they struggled to get blood out of me!!! The midwife is sending request for scan tomorrow so she thinks it should be week inbetween Christmas and New Year (I'm 11 weeks by LMP, but 9 + 4 by my working out). I lost my symptoms last time too although I never realised just thought I was lucky not to be suffering. This time I feel really rough, spent most of yesterday in bed!!!
Glad the appointment went well SassyLou, I still haven't heard from mine. Getting worried and very annoyed now. Doctors didn't even answer their own phone Friday.
Oh god,
My 'morning sickness that actually lasts all day and night' is getting on my nerves!!!!!
I am wearing seabands non-stop, eating/drinking every 2 mins but don't really want any food, feel like poo really!!
Ordered some Preggiepops off the internet yesterday but don't think they will be here before xmas now.
On a funnier but also painful note - i am getting really bad trapped wind!!! Does anybody have any ideas how i can feel better??? Do not want to feel like this at xmas!!!

Thanks ladies!

"Noone else will ever know the strength of my love for you, after all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside"
I found out bananas are giving me trapped wind lol so I'm just avoidin them now :) my chest is still full, still coughing like crazy and just about getting my voice back. Today is my first day looking after saraya on my own since the flu hit, so far so good! Thank God I only have a few more pressies to get so hopefully get into town this week to get them!!! Just want to chill today :)
How's everyone else?
Hey girls.
Been wishing for ms and some definite pregnancy signs. All i have is sore/tender/tingly nips. Slightly tender boobs. V v v slight nausea rarely. Emotional. V v v irritable. Tiredness. Hmmm now I've wrote them down I feel better :rofl:

I just keep thinking to myself that when I had my MMC I had symptoms galore. Really bad ms and actually threw up all the time and I still lost my LO. Every pregnancy is different so I'm very much keeping a PMA.

Good to see you're feeling better Eve. Hate that lingering cough though.

Is everyone ready for Christmas? I only have my mum and dad's presents to get and my food shopping. It's a good job cos I've been snowed in for 2 days. And now I'm iced in!! I live on a very steep hill and it's like an ice rink. Was supposed to be going to visit my friend this evening but doubt I'll be going now :(
Hi ladies, snowed in so fire is on and csi on repeat on living channel :rofl: Sam asleep.

Embo hon you are right every pregnancy is different and you know your levels are rising so that's all that matters right now :hugs:

Can't stop eating today :dohh:

LittleGriffin I find if I go on all fours with bum higher than shoulders it can get rid of some of the wind. Not pretty but works.
Ahhh just phoned the doctors and finally got through. They say I have been referred and I just have to wait for the antenatal team to contact me. Nothing else they can do. I'm so cross I bet I don't get seen until next year now. I'm away from the 24th-28th then it's new year and then I bet they have loads to be seen then. Private scan here I come then, another £125 I could be spending on the baby I can't now. Grrrrrrr haven't even got any notes to take to the scan, useless! Surely having a MMC makes me slightly more at risk doesn't it????, it's on the letter as I saw her write it down. Maybe they think I can just wait in case I miscarry again and save them time! That makes it 5 weeks since I told the doctor :cry:

Sorry ranting but I feel so helpless and frustrated when I know some of you have been already :cry:
Another good tip for wind, is to lie in the recovery postition. and spread your arms out in front of you. This always works for me!! If it doesn't I make the same position on the other side and that usually does the trick!!

Pip, I'm addicted to warmed mince pies and clotted cream at the mo ! :dohh:
Lol at the positions!!!! I really may have to try then though!!!!!!!!
i am adddicted to nothing at the mo.....i feel sooooooooo nauseous!
Although i do want pizza all of the time, or some thick, soft bread with butter on or even a sandwich but as i have Coeliac disease i can't have any of these things......Gluten free just doesn't cut it!!!!

i have seen a great pram today.....Stokke xplory!!! Wonder if i can convince OH its the way to go????

"Noone else will ever know the strength of my love for you, after all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside"
I have my booking in on thurs but I won't see mw until next year. Ffortunately because I know her I phoned her already and she's going to try and get me in first week in jan - she told me anyone else would have had to wait til mid feb!!
Just had roast beef sandwich and it was gorgeous :) I'm craving real food like hone made, fast food = eugh to me ATM!!
Mmmm I am hungry right now, but don't know what to eat. I just want junk!!

I am on fb.
I'm on fb :)

UGH I am tired of feeling so sick and exhausted :( but on the upside 8 weeks tomorrow!! :happydance:
I'm on fb too. How can we swap names, they don't like you to display full names or emails in here. PM maybe?

MS back again a bit this week. Not as bad but here most of the day, I've been eating non stop for the last two days as I feel I need to to take it away *sigh*
Ahhh just phoned the doctors and finally got through. They say I have been referred and I just have to wait for the antenatal team to contact me. Nothing else they can do. I'm so cross I bet I don't get seen until next year now. I'm away from the 24th-28th then it's new year and then I bet they have loads to be seen then. Private scan here I come then, another £125 I could be spending on the baby I can't now. Grrrrrrr haven't even got any notes to take to the scan, useless! Surely having a MMC makes me slightly more at risk doesn't it????, it's on the letter as I saw her write it down. Maybe they think I can just wait in case I miscarry again and save them time! That makes it 5 weeks since I told the doctor :cry:

Sorry ranting but I feel so helpless and frustrated when I know some of you have been already :cry:

Do you have your midwifes phone number from last time, I did, just phoned her and she arranged app over phone. Unless she's informed them (which I assume she has) my docs don't even know I'm pregnant.

I'm on FB

Feel like I'm neglecting you all, but George still not good. He's got to see plastic surgeons tomorrow as one eye is still swollen and there's a lump at the side of the incision. Still on two hourly eye drops and completely exhausted!!!
Thanks SassyLou, I thought of that this afternoon but not sure if I still have the letter.

So sorry your son is still suffering with his eye. I so hope they heal quickly and the swollen one isn't anything too serious. x

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