PAL Summer 2011 Babies - From 1st tri to MC and back again in one go.

That is so sad:( there must be something driving her to behave like that. No matter how inappropriate or insensitive it is, she must be hurting. That is not an excuse though and I am sorry she isn't supporting you. I am so glad you do have a lovely husband and family otherwise.

I hope your mum comes to her senses soon.
My mum does have problems (although not if you were to speak to her), she's always right and even said once to me that she's never wrong. I know that peoples pasts can have an effect on their behaviour, but to hurt people in the way she does is unforgivable. She is truly egocentric.
Whatever she's done in the past I've always made excuses for her and still run around after her. I just can't do it this time. She's always been cold towards me, and has always been determined to 'punish' me whenever I've done something she doesn't agree with.
She permenantly undermined me as a mother with my eldest son, and constantly used to tell me off in front of him if I told him off for something. She criticises me to anyone who will listen, telling them that I have no maternal instinct. If you spoke to my boys and husband they would disagree.

Here are a few things she's done.

My eldest son got himself into quite serious trouble, I was having a rant about him which of course she didn't like and said "If you hadn't been so quick to open your legs we wouldn't be in this mess".

When George had his eye op I phoned to say he was out of theatre. She started crying and said "It better have worked because I can't go through this again. Not George shouldn't go through this again, she couldn't stand waiting for him to be operated on again.

When my boys were confirmed (my mums not a Catholic and disagrees with the Catholic faith) all the family were asked to come and stand with the boys, put their hands on them and pray while the bishop confirmed them. My mum wouldn't do it because she didn't agree with the catholic faith, although she claims to be a christian, it wasn't about being catholic it was about supporting and praying for the boys. One family had an anglican bishop with them and even he stood with his grandchildren who were being confirmed. My poor boys couldn't understand it and were really upset.

My (step) brother-in-law has recently been found guilty of messing with his grandaughter and another two girls, in my mums eyes its not true because the girls are ganging up on him, and she really doesn't care that my poor great-niece has tried to kill herself 3 times because of this and was almost successful last time (they still don't know if she permenantly caused liver damage). My poor nephew (father of the girl who's tried to commit suicide) is beside himself (we're really close), he's been so brave. My step-sister (grandmother of the poor girl) has abandoned her grandchild and son and has stood by her husband. My mother told me "they've done nothing wrong to me" and is standing by them because my step-sister visits every Monday and gets her some shopping (she's my mum's step-daughter by the way).

She really does believe that the only way is her way, that nobody's opinion is valid but her own, she becomes obsessed by certain people and yet completely dismisses others, the only person to feel pain is her.

Believe me there's so much more but I think I've hijacked this thread enough over the last week or so. I think this is the final straw I can't be hurt like this anymore and I won't allow her to hurt my boys anymore (George was devastated last time we visited as he heard he say that she wasn't bothered about the baby, obviously before I miscarried).

Thanks everyone, I really don't know what I'd have done without you all xxxxxxxx
Sounds like you don't need her problems in your life. Will keeping her at arm's legnth make her see she is behaving badly?
Sounds like you don't need her problems in your life. Will keeping her at arm's legnth make her see she is behaving badly?

No it won't make her realise unfortunately, she's so egocentric that she really will believe she's done nothing wrong and its all my fault.
Usually I end up ringing her 1st but this time I really can't.

Wow sassy can't believe what I've read. Sorry it took me so long to reply but when I got to the part about your step brother in law I had to click off the thread, it was just too much having experienced the same thing. Don't worry, not your fault, and I feel better about it now. I'm so glad he has been sent to prison :hugs:

As for your mum :growlmad: my mum, niece and sister are the same - even went so far as to tell me they didn't care when I overdosed. Much like your great-niece really, so very sad :( how is she doing now?
Unfortunately he hasn't gone to prison, sentencing on the 17th, but it doesn't look like he will as he did a sort of plea bargain. My great niece is doing ok, I think she's upset by the outcome. I know just how you feel, I truly do, I've found it quite difficult to deal with but know she needs the support. I don't think things like this ever leaves you.

I'm sorry about your family too, some people are truely cruel. I would never hurt anyone the way my family hurt me, but as Rob says thats why I'm a target for them. I'm sure its the same with you, because you try and be nice to everyone and keep the peace you're an easy target.

Its just not fair really.

If you ever need to talk you can always PM me.

I'll send you a PM with my name, I think you're on facebook, so am I xxxxx
Oh god no I'm really sorry, didn't read it properly, I hope he does go down. It was awful when I got the not guilty verdict, but I had my :bfp: the same day so silver linings and all that.

Sometimes your family are the most awful people in the world. I've never been hurt by someone so much than I have by them :(

Just added you on fb now hun xx I hope your niece is getting the help she deserves. Victim support keep trying to contact me but I don't see why they bother, I've basically been branded a liar in the eyes of the law :wacko:
It must be so awful for you, but I'm sure sane people don't think you're a liar. I really don't think he'll go to prison, unfortunately.
My niece has tried to commit suicide three times, the last time almost killed her. She was admitted to an adolecent mental health unit, she got lots of help there and has continued to have follow up support.
Please don't mention any of this on FB, I know you won't, but just had to be sure.
That's brill, not that she almost died but that they're taking her seriously and realises how much she needs the help. Did she overdose? When I tried to commit suicide I down a cocktail of paracetamol/ibuprofen/aspirin and cut myself again :dohh: They were worried about my liver then too. I have no idea how we get to that point and thinking about it now makes me cringe.

I won't mention it, I don't mention mine on there either :) x
That's brill, not that she almost died but that they're taking her seriously and realises how much she needs the help. Did she overdose? When I tried to commit suicide I down a cocktail of paracetamol/ibuprofen/aspirin and cut myself again :dohh: They were worried about my liver then too. I have no idea how we get to that point and thinking about it now makes me cringe.

I won't mention it, I don't mention mine on there either :) x

Yes she did overdose, the last time she took loads and loads of paracetamol, can't remember how many but it was loads, they kept giving her the antidote for days. My nephew and his girlfriend (her parents) have been so brave, I don't know how they've managed it.

Here if you need anyone xxxxxxx
Wow Sassy what a mess hey hon. Can you just cut contact unless it's really necessary. You know just reply when she phones you but not bother contacting her for a while. I'm not sure I could stand by my Mum if she supported a pedophile. That's just such a sad story and how could anyone put a grown man over the innocence of a child :wacko: I'd never mention anything anywhere hon so you don't need to worry about that. As a teacher I get to deal with cases like this all the time so I know the heartache it can all bring and the confidentiality we have to keep. My Mum is always right too lol but thankfully has alway 'done' the right thing if you know what I mean. She can be opinionated which sadly I think I'm getting but I catch myself and stop as I really don't want to turn out the same. It's working so far. xx
Wow Sassy what a mess hey hon. Can you just cut contact unless it's really necessary. You know just reply when she phones you but not bother contacting her for a while. I'm not sure I could stand by my Mum if she supported a pedophile. That's just such a sad story and how could anyone put a grown man over the innocence of a child :wacko: I'd never mention anything anywhere hon so you don't need to worry about that. As a teacher I get to deal with cases like this all the time so I know the heartache it can all bring and the confidentiality we have to keep. My Mum is always right too lol but thankfully has alway 'done' the right thing if you know what I mean. She can be opinionated which sadly I think I'm getting but I catch myself and stop as I really don't want to turn out the same. It's working so far. xx

I don't honestly think she'll phone, she really will believe it's me that's in the wrong and expect me to phone and apologise. I think the record was 8 weeks without us speaking and I caved and phoned. I wouldn't mind but it was one of her tantrums that time too. My half/step sister who's clearly warped too had a go at me because during that 8 weeks my mum never saw the kids. Apparently I should have still dropped them off, the fact that she never phoned to see how they were is irrelevant. It's like this time, she's phoned almost every day since George's op worrying about him, well his eye's still not right, but obviously that doesn't matter anymore.

As for supporting 'the perv' (as he's know at our house, sorry if that bothers anyone) I've already told her she disgusts me, but well she's never wrong :dohh:

Oh, there's so much more, but like I said I'm taking over, sorry.


Oh just thought of one last one, my dad (who was amazing) had a heart attack and she was so upset at what was happening and how she might be left on her own, he had to phone for his own ambulance, yes mid heart attack on the phone asking for an ambulance.

I just can't get over to you how egocentric she is, its frightening.
Hi everyone, I am reading your comments just haven't found the energy to reply. Rob seems to think that my problems with my mother are hampering my grieving for Archie. He told me to write everything down thats been said in the last week in the hope it might help. Thought maybe it would help if I shared it with some of the most supportive people in my life (that's you lot by the way!!!). I don't really expect you to read it all as its very long and as I've written it from my heart with a lot of anger I'm sure its grammatically rubbish.

Thursday 27th January 2011.

Phoned my mum as soon as I left midwife to say they couldn’t find a heartbeat or any placental sounds, I explained it wasn’t looking good, although the midwife did say as I have a uterus which lays backwards rather than forwards that might not be helping. She did say though that she didn’t want me to have any false hope. Things weren’t looking good. When I told my mum she said “Well I hope you won’t be stupid enough to put yourself through this again. She then started crying and said “I’m not crying for the baby I never wanted you to have it. I’m crying for you and what you keep putting yourself through”.

I phoned her again that night when the hospital confirmed that our baby had died. Again her first words were “I hope you’re not gonna put yourself through this again”. I asked her what she was doing the following day, she said “I’ve told you I’m going to Janet’s (my half sister, her step-daughter), why?” I explained that I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the boys. She said “Well I can’t cancel, they’ll have bought food in for me coming”.

Friday 28th January, 2011

Mum phoned before she went. By this time I’d spoken to a friend who works on labour ward and she’d explained what would happen. I explained that I’d have to deliver the baby as it was now too big to have surgery. I explained that it would be about 5 inches long, she said “Well that’s not big”. Plus I got the usual you’re stupid if you do this again, and you’re too old. Not really appropriate when all I care about is my poor baby. I also told her that I could still feel him moving (I felt him moving right up to the day I had him, I was told this was normal as he was floating around in water) she never said anything, it was so painful, he was moving that usually means your baby is ok, but I knew mine wasn’t. The midwife even heard him moving on the Doppler on the Thursday when he’d already gone, she did warn me this could happen, I felt him at the same time as she heard him.

Sunday 30th January, 2011

My mum had phoned from my half sister at 1pm(ish), I don’t know how on earth she thought I’d be home as I’d told her I was going to have to be induced. When we did get home (about 7pm) I sent a text message to my step-sisters home phone saying we were at home.

Mum phones back. She wanted to know if the tablet on Friday had worked, I explained that it wasn’t meant to get me into labour but was meant to stop my body producing progesterone. I then go on to say what happened (relatively quick labour, troublesome and stuck placenta that meant I nearly ended up in theatre etc.) At some point during this I must have referred to Archie as ‘he’, she said “Oh it was another lad then”. I explained that it certainly looked that way but at 16/17 weeks nobody could tell for certain. I was then a bit upset and said “Oh mum, he’s beautiful” and she replied “Well you said it’d look like an alien”. What I’d actually said on the Friday when trying to get over to her how much this baby meant to us all was that George wanted us to take photos of the baby but I wasn’t sure as they can sometimes be a little alien looking at this stage (I think it was my way of protecting myself as I was scarred that I’d be frightened by how he looked). Whatever I’d said before surely when I say that my poor baby that I’ve just given birth to is beautiful you don’t say “you said it’d look like an alien”. He didn’t look like an alien he was truly beautiful, he had everything ears, nose, mouth, hands, fingers, toes even gorgeous knobbly knees. I did tell her this before I even said he was beautiful and before she said “You said it’d look like an alien”.

She then went on to ask if Rob’s parents had managed to get a flight back from Spain, I said no and she replied “Well there’s nothing they could have done”. I pointed out that they were trying to get back to look after the boys as there was no one to look after them. I said luckily Val and Walt (our neighbours) had stepped in. I explained that the hospital had said it could take up to two days for the induction to work and that Val had said not to worry they’d look after the boys as long as was needed. My mum said “That was kind of them”. By this point I was hurt and angry and replied “Yes it was, I’m going now bye”.

Tuesday 1st February, 2011

Terrible day, went shopping with Rob (which was nice) we were looking for a photo frame for Archie’s picture but couldn’t find one. My breasts were getting increasingly sore. When I got home I realised I was producing milk, it absolutely devastated me. I loved feeding my boys, and it’s the one thing that when we decided after George not to have anymore children I truly grieved for. I couldn’t believe I would never feed another child. So here I was crying my eyes out knowing that this milk should be for Archie, a baby I’d never be able to feed. I was also feeling hurt by my mums comments, my baby had died and my own mother couldn’t support me or even try to say the right thing.

Just stopped crying when the phone rings and its my mother. -:

Mum “Hiya, I’m home” in the most cheerful voice you’ve ever heard!

Me “Oh ok” Rob says I said it quietly, but not with any tone, just sounded sad.

Mum “What’s wrong with you?”

Me “Well you didn’t expect me to be cheerful did you?

Mum “Well if you’re going to be like that, I’m going” I can tell she’s going to put the phone down.

Me “I don’t believe you”

Mum (in quite an angry tone) “And I don’t believe you”

Me “Do you know that even after everything I’ve been through these past few days it you that’s hurt me the most”

Mum “I’m going, if you’re going to be like that don’t bother phoning me”

And then she slammed the phone down.

All of the comments she made from the Thursday to the Tuesday were said with attitude and without any compassion at all.

This is her grandson, she doesn’t even know his name is Archie. My beautiful son’s grandma can’t even acknowledge him, it hurts so much. Plus doesn’t everyone when they’re hurt and in pain want their mum. Thank God I have the most amazing, wonderful and loving husband, my lovely boys and my fantastic friends.

If you've managed to read this far :happydance:

Hopefully offloading this might give me the release I need to move on.

I was getting very emotional reading through your journal. We had the same thing with Isabella, delivery at the same stage and a placenta that got stuck.

I was very lucky to have the wonderful support of my Mum and I can't believe how evil your mother has been to you. I'm so sorry she has done this, I don't know how you ever go about trying to forgive something like that.

I am sure your little boy was beautiful. I know I was scared to see Isabella but like you I was amazed by how perfect she was.

If you ever need to talk feel free to pm me. xxx
Sarah I'm so glad you feel comfortable sharing all of that, I read it all and you already know my feelings but I just wanted you to know I'm still here and reading.

Sorry I wasn't on last night but the bum pain was excruciating but fortunately it's eased again today.

Did you all hear Amanda Holden has lost her son at 7mo? Totally frightened me...Link To Sun Newspaper
Sassy - I'm so sorry about your 'mother', unfortunately i have know people who are 'it's all about me' and no matter what they do, you keep going back because you don't want to be a horrible person like them and you hope they will have changed 'this time.'
She sounds like an emotional bully ...... try and stay away for as long as you can, i know it's hard but you need to think of your beautiful Archie, yourself, your boys and Rob .... that's what matters.

It's so sad about Amanda Holden ...... no one should know what it feels like to lose a baby. :-(
I was getting very emotional reading through your journal. We had the same thing with Isabella, delivery at the same stage and a placenta that got stuck.

I was very lucky to have the wonderful support of my Mum and I can't believe how evil your mother has been to you. I'm so sorry she has done this, I don't know how you ever go about trying to forgive something like that.

I am sure your little boy was beautiful. I know I was scared to see Isabella but like you I was amazed by how perfect she was.

If you ever need to talk feel free to pm me. xxx

Thanks for replying, I'm really sorry you lost Isabella.
Like you I was amazed by Archie's perfection, they really are perfect.
Please feel free to message me anytime aswell.
Eve - thanks xxx
It really is awful about Amanda Holden, it really is frightening.

Little Griffin - Thanks, you're spot on about her, she really is a bully and she gets away with it, when you say anything to people that know her they say "well thats what your mums like, its her way, she's always been the same" like its some endearing quality!!!

I know I keep saying it but I appreciate you all so much, I can believe that people I haven't met can be so supportive and helpful. Even Rob has commented on how much support you've all provided, he took great comfort from the comments you all wrote when I posted Archie's picture.

I promise I'm gonna try and return all this support.

Love to you all xxx
I'm afraid Sassy I'd just dig my heals in and not phone. When you're SIL sticks her ose in then you can let it all out and class it as therapy!!!!

I was so sad to hear about Amanda Holden's baby. Just shows how fragile life is. Too much sad news recently :cry:
Sarah you already support us by being here and listening to us moan even though we're moaning about something you have lost - THAT is support <3
wow sassy I cant believe your mothers lack of support, selfishness, and total insensativity. I'm not sure if I had a mother like that I would want my boys to have anything to do with her,
like you said thank god for your husband, boys, friends and neighbours, archie was so beautiful sorry you have an awful mum :hugs::hugs:

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