Bit better again today so that's good. Still going to he doctors as I don't want it to happen again and I want advice plus I still have this horrid sore throat and my glands are up. Maybe it's all linked lol.
So I have my gender scan Sat at 10:45 (we get a DVD and 3D peek so I can show you) I want guesses as to what we are having. I'll outline all the symptoms I have compared to Sam, so be honest. The people that guess right get a gold star

Might post a poll in second tri too today (I'll just copy this I think).
So here goes......
-MS started bang on 6 weeks for both babies, Sam was waves, week on week off and stopped at 11 weeks. This one was all day from 6 weeks to 8 weeks, two days off then all day again until 12 weeks slowly easing off until 14 weeks some days none at all, still have the odd weird feeling. The one I lost MS started at 10 dpo so much earlier.
-Carrying the same I think with this one although showing a lot early which you do second time.
-Sam's placenta posteria (sp?) this one is Anterior.
-Sam's HB around now was 140-150 this one is 150-160. Both could sound like a train or horses in my opinion lol
-Lots of spots with Sam all the way through, this time spots and hugely itchy face but recently much better.
-Hair lovely for Sam and this time bit more greasy but it is a different length now, it's shorter now I'd say. Although same rate of growth for both (legs for example).
- Craved chocolate milk and milk with Sam and this time it's apple juice (not orange though yuck) and salty things like crisps and also diary milk (no other kind lol). Early with Sam I wanted fruit, early with this one I wanted crap food and chocolate.
- Lastly mega grumpy with this one, like I mean total bitch fly of the handle irrationally grumpy, where as Sam I did but no where near as bad. (Simon thinks it's a girl purly because of this *dohh*)
- I conceived Sam on the day of our positive OPK and the Sam with this one but I had two days of a positive (totally unheard of for me) and this was on the second day of the positives.
- Chinese predictor for Sam was a boy this one is a girl.
So my gut says girl but as you know I think that is wishful thinking but my brain wouldn't even entertain the idea of a boy feeling until 12 weeks (don't know about you but I'd shut my eyes and try and get 'the feeling' stupid yes but I do it most days.) So honestly what do you all think. I've been totally honest don't just say girl because you know I'd like one. I'm actually coming around to the idea of hearing the word boy and having two boys. I can picture it now and it looks quite nice. x