I hope you manage to find out LO's gender Emma. I really dont wanna scare you Emma but need to write this, if you think you are leaking fluid you need to get checked out, they need to do this swab that changes colour if you are leaking cos if you are you need antibiotics to prevent infection and you need to be watched closely.
Yesterday I had a really rubbish appointment. Basically the man whos lack of care with my youngest made me change hospitals, is who I saw and he hasnt changed at all. He decided I am to stop all medication from yesterday, that is the progesterone, aspirin and the clexane. And only start the clexane once baby is born, for six weeks unless I get a clot or the placenta starts failing before that. I just feel like he is risking our lives for no reason at all, a clot could kill me before I restart clexane and by the time the placenta starts failing it could be too late for my baby. But he just isnt listening to me, and the last time a doctor didnt listen I ended up burying my baby. He also said I am to have shared care between the hospital and my GP, I havent had shared care since 30 odd weeks with my oldest and with my history (pre eclampsia in the first pregnancy, pre eclampsia that was med controlled from 24 weeks with the 2nd, with the third I had pre-eclampsia, PPROM at 28 weeks, failed induction at 29 weeks, eight weeks after the waters breaking she was born sleeping and the placenta was 50% too small, 50% clots and a 10% abruption, Honey was growth restricted, her lungs were the size of a 30 weeker and her kidneys had not grown since my waters went at 28 weeks, then my 4th I had pre eclampsia, low waters, her placenta had started to fail and was too small, pregnancies number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 were early losses and pregnancy 12 I have been told my section scar hasnt healed properly inside and it looks deficient to hold a pregnancy until term) and clotting disorders, I just dont feel shared care is right for us. I will be sorting it all next week, though.