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PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Aussie - Congrats on the scan and hb :dance: :hugs: I'm so jealous of your holiday wherever it is lol :lolly: have a super time!
All the best for the moving home afterwards too. I'm sure time will fly by and you'll be back soon! Take care x

Hi Electric congrats on your scan super news! :happydance:
Morning all! Been a bit absent the last few days due to Doggie TTC, internet issue and had some more bleeding on Monday. Had a scan yesterday and all was well and there was still a HB which is great :)

Can I join? I am sure most of you know me but if not I am Tasha (obviously :haha:) and I am 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant with an EDD of the 29th July. I have three babies with me, I have had seven miscarriages in the past two and a bit years, and I also have a little girl who was born sleeping in May 2007.

I am already on progestrone pessaries and will eventually (hopefully) need aspirin and clexane, and probably a stitch too.

I am sooooooo scared. How are you all?
Hey Raz I was a bit concerned not hearing from you in a few days, sorry to hear about more bleeding but great news on the scan :hugs: Hope you've been taking it easy x

Hi again Tasha and welcome to Summer Babies :hugs:

I'm just tired today dh woke me coming in from work at 0300 and couldn't get back to sleep :growlmad: So I think I shall sleep well tonight :sleep:

Word is spreading at work now that I'm in on alternate duties in my civvies so it doesn't take long for it to spread like wildfire :winkwink: but some people can be so stupid when they don't get the blatent hints without spelling it out to them lol :dohh:

Snow supposed to be on the way, I hope it holds off until we get back from Manchester on Saturday fx'd!

Hope everyone else is well x
Can I please join? Im due on the 30th July.

Thanks so much xx
I'm due july 9th. had miscarriage back in june so pretty nervous x
Hi and congrats to new girls, hope all goes well for you :hugs:

Emmea I think aussie who updates here is now on holiday, but welcome! :flower:

Hope everyone is doing ok and having a good weekend. :thumbup:
HI girls on a phone at the moment so cant update front page. Hope eveyone is well and ploding along nicly. We are pritty busy at the moment still organising things for a our move in January and trying to finalise everything. We will be heading to South Australia in 9 days so things are pritty hectic and net is playing up at home, actually its just not working which makes things really difficult. Will try to get back on to talk soon.
Hi all,

Congrats and welcome to all the newbies - H&H 9 months to you all!

I have my 12 week scan tomorrow!!!! Terrified doesn't cover it! It's at 9 so at least I won't have to wait too long!

Hope everyone else is keeping well. xxxxx
I'm terrified this will curse me but please could you add me, due 9th July by my calculations! xx
All the best Orna for today :hugs:

Hi too all the latest people and congrats to you x
We have a happy wriggly little baby in there!!!! I am so happy! Next scan is 19th January - not that I'm counting down or anything.

Thank you so much for all your kind words and support ladies. And to those of you waiting and worrying (easy for me to say now I know) but keep positive!


P.S. Welcome Humble H&H 9 months to you! xxx
Thats fantastic Orna....great to see the pic......it was a very wriggly baby, its legs are a blur lol :happydance:
The scan lady kept getting me to cough and jiggling my belly so she could get a good pic - baby is already not behaving lol!
Mine was the same, took ages to get it to change position for the picture!

So glad everything went well, my scan is Dec 30th, it will be the first scan I look forward to :happydance:

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