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PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Woohoo great news Orna and super pic! :dance: Looks a little like Lucy's but in reverse!

Lots of snow here, dh had to walk into work good job it's only a couple of miles, dog having a ball on the plus side! It's very cold though :cold:
Hi ladies

Sorry i've been absent for quite a while- trying not to get myself too worried by reading sad stories on BnB.

I have my scan later today at 3.50 and I really excited. I thought I would be more panicky but for some reason I feel strangely positive. Hope I'm not jinxing myself.

I will update you all later.

It's been great seeing all of your scans. Very happy for you all.
Excellent Patience, good luck - look forward to seeing your scan x
Thanks ladies. I think Lucy's is clearer than mine - I just hope Chip behaves at the 20 week scan so we get a clear one.

We've just ordered some Christmas postcards with the scan photo on saying "Merry Christmas...see you in June" That should give the new Auntie and Uncles a shock this weekend when we deliver them this weekend lol!

Hope everything went well Patience. :hugs:

My scan was AMAZING!!!:happydance: We saw baby's heart beating at 156 bpm and we heard it too!!:cloud9: I cried I was so happy. The woman who did the scan was so sweet and she showed us all it's little bits. Not that there's much to see at this point.


We go back for our 12 weeks scan on the 28th and I have to have a cervical stitch put in at 16 weeks. Right before our trip to California, which means I won't be able to do some of the things we had planned. And the other bit of bad news is that my OB thinks I may need to stop working in a few months due to my cervical issues. I discontinue my Prometrium at 12 weeks and low dose aspirin immediately.
Orna the postcards are a great idea should be fun to hear the response you get

Mrs Wez Congrats on your scan, fab news all is well, sorry you have to have the stitch :( You'll just have to go with it and enjoy California as best you can! Will be worth it, I love it in Cali! :D
Just a quick post to say all went well in my scan yesterday. Am offically 12+2 today so will have to work out how to change my ticker.
Am glad everyone else seems to be going well.
I'll try to work out how to scan my pic and upload it later.
Great news Patience! few days forward too thats a bonus! I just re did my ticker, look forward to seeing your scan :D
Fantastic news on the scans, so happy :happydance:

I have caught the lurgy and am off work ill...:wacko:
:hugs: Lucy just aswell your home in this blooming weather! Seems to have stopped snowing for now wow!
Awesome news Patience!! Congrats, your almost out of the first trimester.
Foxie its now snowing where I live at all! Very cold but no snow! :growlmad:

Can't wait until we are all in the second tri.....so exciting! :happydance:
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to pop by and say Hi! Hope the snows not too bad for everyone. We had a whole load more last night, completely covered!

Great news Patience and Orna! Almost 2nd tri - i'm finding it much more worry free xx

Welcome to any new ladies :hugs:

Hope everyone is well xx
Well here I am... 4th pregnancy, 1st baby. So scared and shocked, can't believe how strong and quick my :bfp: came up.... I've just been over to the spring thread because I was due in May before my chemical... my EDD is now 6th August 2011, 1 day before my OHs birthday :happydance:
That's fantastic news....hope this one is a real sticky one! :happydance::hugs:
Hey Sequeena many congrats to you! :happydance: Wish you all the best for a super sticky bean xx
Huge congrats Sequeena! I remember you from TTCAL. So happy for you hunni.
Loads of sticky vibes and H&H 8 months to you!!!
Thank you so much I'm still in complete shock!! It has been some amazing news in a rather shitty day (my abuser was found not guilty of 13 charges)
Well glad you had the BFP with your other news sequeena...:hugs: hope you are ok xxx

How is everyone doing this weekend?

I am feeling the baby moving several times a day now, its getting stronger, what a funny sensation. :flower:
Also have quite a few maternity clothes now, but I think people might just think I have put on some weight.....:blush:

Hope everyone is doing ok anyway :kiss:

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