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PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Cariad - I'm only a day ahead of you. I've been having cramps too. A couple of nights ago they were so bad they woke me up. I've been having them on and off since the day before my BFP. It was only that one time that they were that bad. They've been like AF cramps otherwise - and the other side to yours. Mine are mostly on the right. I've not seen my doc to confirm the pregnancy yet though - my appointment is on Thursday.
Just wanted you to know you're not alone with the cramping x
I'm so tried lately, I need a nap after my nap. My boobs hurt and feel like they weigh a ton and every smell makes me sick. It takes me an hour to figure what I want to eat. And I'm constantly constipated. In other words, I feel pregnant!! :happydance:

My early scan is tomorrow!! I know it's early *6 weeks* but I can't wait. :winkwink:
With you on the constipation ...it's not great, I have got some fybogel to try today hopefully it will ease it! My nose is driving me mad at the moment it's not the greatest when your struggling with food anyway is it?!

Hope everyone is doing well?
This morning everything seems to have come out in force,I have heartburn,backache and nipples that could tune in the radio!!!hehe!!
I am a bit worried that my symptoms are happening so quickly considering that I'm only 4+3,last time I didn't get anything until 6/7wks ish,but I poas again this morning and I'm getting much stronger lines than I did last time so hoping that's a good sign!
Its very cold today so dd and I are going to go buy cake then have a duvet and film day :D
All good signs Cariad and each preg is diff so think of it as positive, that's what I have been as my symptoms are worse this time!

Have a good day under the duvet watching films :D
Hi all, back from my scan and all is fine. They have put me forward to 13 weeks, so i have gained 6 days! Yipee!

Cariad they all sound like good signs to me, mine have been more intense this time and all is well so far x enjoy your duvet day!

Fox hope your constipation eases for you soon xx

Hope everyone else is well x
Congrats Lou that is good news to be put forward so many days! great scan in your avatar too :flower:
Had an early scan today. Measuring 6+0 and the baby has a heart rate of 143bpm! Still spotting but the lesion/clot an earlier scan picked up has gone (passed a small clot on Friday which scared the beegeebuzz out of me). Overall, a very encouraging scan. :)
Indeed Fox - I say to my OH I'm off to the loo, he wishes me luck and sees me bout half an hour later - I think I'm becoming a man lol! Nearly halfway through book 4 now lol! Boobs have started to hurt again which as annoying as it is makes me feel more at ease and the nausea is back in waves over the afternoon :0)

Great news on the scan Aussie!!! My scan still feels forever away and while I want it to come quicker - it's doing the opposite and dragging slowly towards me.

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
Hurray to cutelou and starrynight for the great scans! :happydance:

Midwife coming tomorrow, am hoping to hear heartbeat....:flower:

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Great news cutelou! x
And Starry - I'm so pleased for you :hugs:
Morning all! Great news on all the good scans :happydance:

I have mine next week and then arranged my dating scan for 21st Dec so not too long to wait between them :)
Had my scan yesterday. Saw a gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but no heartbeat yet, we go back in two weeks so hopefully we will see one then!

Hope all goes well next week Razcox. :hugs:

Mrs Wez cool pic, sounds like everything is there! :happydance:

Had midwife booking in appointment this morning at home. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time which was really cool, am tempted to get a doppler so I can hear it more.....:wacko:
I think I can feel movement too, just small and occasional, midwife said baby is high up in uterus so its possible...:blush:

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Starry congrats on your scan you must be put at ease :hugs:

Orna totally with you on feeling like a man lol, I believe the Fybogel helped as had a toilet motion (TMI sorry) two day on the run :blush: I also got some actimel drinks as the probiotic is supposed to help :thumbup:

Lucy great news on hearing your heartbeat! :dance: I bet that was emotional! :cloud9:

Got my scan at 9.05am tomorrow feeling very very nervous, I'm convincing myself my symptoms are disappearing! I need to slap myself! Back ache is my main complaint last two days - across my shoulder blades :(

Have a good evening all and hopefully I'll have a nice pic to post tomorrow fx'd!
Hi Fox, hope all goes well tomorrow, can't wait to see pics! :hugs:
Thanks Fox - I'm off to asda later to get fybogel, some probiotic drinks and some bran flakes - this is getting beyond a joke! lol I need a poo!!!! (sorry!)
Thanks Fox - I'm off to asda later to get fybogel, some probiotic drinks and some bran flakes - this is getting beyond a joke! lol I need a poo!!!! (sorry!)

Yep I have my shredded wheat in the am and try drink as much as poss but recommend the fybogel, I got orange flavour, the texture is awful but not too bad to taste better than been bunged up! I think I'll take a fybogel every other day for now. Good luck!

Thanks Lucy me too :hugs:
Good luck tomorrow fox, I'm sure everything will be fine :hugs:
Just got back and have taken the fybogel - which isn't that bad!

Good luck tomorrow Fox - looking forward to seeing some pics x

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