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PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Hey can you take me off please. Not good news at my scan we have had another MMC, the baby died just after my last scan at 8 weeks.

So sorry hun my thoughts are with you hopefully you will be joining us again soon xxx
Hey can you take me off please. Not good news at my scan we have had another MMC, the baby died just after my last scan at 8 weeks.

So so sorry Rachel, my heart sank when I read your post :cry: I really thought this was your time hun :hugs: :hugs:
Love and hugs to you and your family, take real good care xxx :hugs::hugs:
Big hugs to you Raz :hugs: Thinking of you - look after yourself. xxxxx
:hugs: Raz. I hope that you get some answers regarding your MMC. I am so sorry for your loss.
I don't know what to say Raz.....sorry just doesn't seem to cut it.

Please take care of yourself and hopefully we can be bump buddies again when you are ready. <<hugs>>
Looks like this has come full circle! I had to give this away... and now I'm back! I'm just happy I made it back in! I'm due Aug 30!
Welcome OnErth&InHevn
And welcome back Megg
Extra stickyness to you both xx
Congrats girls.

I had scan number two last week, and I saw my baby's heartbeat :cloud9: and scan number three today; the professor said I couldn't ask for a better pregnancy, it is implanted up the top of my uterus, which is the best place especially cos of my c section scar, he showed me the lovely heartbeat, how the head is the same size as the body, I saw the bubble of amniotic fluid around it. I got a picture too, not very clear but still. And I am going to be looked after by three different consultant teams to make sure I get the best possible care.

How are you?
Sounds great, Tasha! Congrats! I didn't even know you were pregnant again! I'm SO excited for you! Sounds like a keeper, for sure!
Welcome Meggs, glad you got to come back! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Tasha that's great news, glad you are being looked after! :happydance:

How is everyone else doing? :hugs:

I have scan next week on Thursday so a bit nervous.....:wacko:
Great news about your scan, Tasha. I have my 12 week scan in 6 days and I am terrified and excited.

I am still having morning sickness, sore bbs, insomnia and major fatigue. Which is great cause it means Peanut is doing well, but it's really starting to wear me down.
Betas in my siggy! Clinic says I'm "officially" pregnant!!! :yipee:
Congrats, megg! Welcome, Tasha!

Only 2 weeks until my next scan! I think I'll cry if/when I see a healthy bubs on the screen.
Congrats Megg!

Lucy hope you enjoyed your scan :)

Hope everyone had a great Christmas :D Our was fairly quite with my parents staying with us for a couple of nights.

Our main laptop kinda blew up after not shutting down properly when we went away last weekend so not been online much in last week, just ordered a new one, thank god for dh getting another for uni work!

I made it to 2nd tri yay! Feels really good. 10th Feb is my next scan at 20 weeks.
Starry I'm sure you will cry at your scan, really hope it's all good for you :flower:
Glad to see everyone's had a good holiday!
I have my dating scan on Wednesday - just two days to go til we know for sure if everythings ok. Getting a bit nervous. I stupidly tried out my friends doppler yesterday at 10+2 and could only find a whooshy sound that I assume is the placenta. And the counter on the LED screen only got to 99 - seemed to be going up and down randomly though :shrug:
Silly silly me for trying. I know I shouldn't have!
Congrats on 2nd tri, foxforce!

I bet you'll hear more in a couple of weeks, SugarFairy!

My 1st ultrasound is on Jan 7 @ 8:45am. I'll be 6+3. Think heartbeaty thoughts for me!

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