PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Great news Sach!
My back is very sore too, your probably right that part might be joys of pregnancy!
Donna Everytime you mention your spd I feel an ouch for you..12 shifts though..I'm a wee bit jealous lol. I'm ready to go NOW!

Brandi-going from 3-4 piece of cake...what's one more LOL

Claire- hope lil man feels better soon x

Kellie-my doc never asks for movement monitor. At each appt he says you feeling movement now? I say yes. End of convo LOL well he actually only started asking last appt which was at 23 weeks.
That's comforting. Guess I'm just a LITTLE nervous about doing it alone, but I am more excited than anything. I never thought I'd be in this position again, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm not too far from you, tryn...I'm in Brantford.
So ladies since I cannot fuss over the baby to come, ahem DH!, I have been nesting by organizing my kids clothing. Found out my two older boys have been harbouring clothing that isn't even theirs in their room in their pile of clothes. So I have folding their stuff, which won't happen very often, just so I can weed out the two youngers stuff. I actually have been buying the younger boys socks and shouldn't have, my eldest has been squishing his feet into small ones so he doesn't have to do his own laundry. Bugger!
Sach your boys sounds like mine! The things they harbor..ugh

Yep Brandi you are close! When you say doing it alone, do you mean as a single mum? I was a single mum with 4 lil ones. I raised them all by myself. This pregnancy is my first with the dad front & present. You will b ok, its scary but if u ever need an ear. I'm here, we all are here.
Kellie- my doc doesn't do it either. she asks if baby is moving, I say yes, that's it. I am very much enjoying the movement now that im feeling her. took forever with the anterior placenta, but its all the time now :)

Sacha- so glad to hear! can you do a heating pad on the back? I have one plugged in and ready to go at all times by my recliner chair.

Brandi- you will do fab!! I was a single mom with my first 2 and was scared at first. but it all works out :hugs2:
Yes, I'm a single mom. My three do see their dad, but he barely contributes anything. He sees them MAYBE 6 days out of the month while I'm at work, and he pays for half of daycare, but doesn't pay child support, rarely takes them overnight, I buy them all their clothes, food, sports, field trips, glasses (got two in glasses, so it gets expensive). I do it all for them, and then I take the emotional beating when they're angry at their dad for not doing more. It's hard, but totally worth it.

I did want a 4th child. My ex was abusive and forced me into a tubal ligation when the youngest was only a few weeks old. As soon as I came out of the anesthetic, I cried, because I knew this wasn't what I wanted and I started plotting a reversal. I left him a year later when he put his hands around my throat in front of my son, and then told my kids to blame me for him walking out. So, I gathered some clothes and a few other things and when he got back later that night, we were gone and never looked back. That was September 2012.

Once I got out, I was able to put more money each month down on the reversal. In that house I paid for EVERYTHING on a minimum wage job. He refused to work for more than a year, so it was hard.

In August 2013, I finally finished paying off the $5800 surgery, and had the surgery September 24, 2013. While I paid it off, I made sure to budget and pay for all our needs first and set a little bit aside for monthly emergencies, and whatever was left went to the surgery. Before the doctor put me out, he told me he didn't want me to worry if nothing happens immediately, because most women take 6-8 months, or even longer, before achieving a pregnancy after a tubal reversal.

When I saw the doctor at my two week followup, I asked him how long I should wait before TTC (I used a donor, so this baby WAS planned),and he said I could start right away. One donation, one time, 18 hours before I felt ovulation pain, and it took on the first try.

Here I sit, 4w2d pregnant, 7 weeks out of surgery today. My mind is still boggled at how quickly I became pregnant. It wasn't until it happened that I suddenly became a bit scared, but mostly excited, at having 4 kids on my own. Can't wait to hole Freckle.
wow brandi what a story!! welldone for taking a hold of your life!! you sound like a very strong person!!!:hugs:
"not pregnant" was my digis exact words!! lol
those hpts were all evaps so be aware ladies!! I must have had a very lonnggg surge as ive had +opks since last Monday and they finally went neg on sunday but only just! and I did another opk today and its just neg very close tho. so according to FF im 3-4 dpo now with the new info ive put in. so its a wwiting game again.

so ive put this info into FF and im not 4dpo lol
brandi - what a strong woman you are well done, you are already a single mum to your 3 and one more will be a breeze xxx My first hubby was violent too, and has only seen 'his' kids about half a dozen times in over 13 years - his loss. Hugs to you xxx

Claire -how frustrating for you hun, keep positive, it will happen soon xxx

I got asked at my last appointment if I was feeling movement -at 22weeks -I said yes but not as much as previous pregnancies expecting her to agree 'yeah because anterior placenta'; but no, instead I got a very in depth talk about fetal movement and how if I feel it is less (even with my anterior placenta) I MUST go to the hospital for monitoring. She listened in with Doppler, found nice strong heart beat and then added 'this ONLY means that at this moment baby is okay' OMG!! Kind of freaked me out a bit!!! Luckily this little peanut has a set routine of being awake now and I feel him/her several times a day for hours lol xxxx
I never did kick counts before unless I was unsure of baby's movements that day and was worried and then as soon as I started counting he would move haha

Thanks ladies! Wasn't letting my kids grow up with that.

I'm sure everything will be okay with Bubs, wanna. Sometimes, doctors and medical professionals can be a bit insensitive. I was in ER on the weekend because of the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy (higher risk from the reversal), and the ER doctor, nor the radiologist, could find any evidence of a pregnancy except a thickened lining. Well, the ER doctor told the radiologist AND the OB on call that I was 5 weeks pregnant, and not 3w6d, so when my urine test came back, the ER doc told me it was "borderline positive" and I should prepare myself to lose the pregnancy. My bloods came back at 112, which he said was low (maybe for 5 weeks), but it had more than doubled from my Thursday draw (this was Sunday).

Then, because of the ultrasound, and the ER doc telling the OB that I was 5 weeks, she was coming down to help me terminate the pregnancy, until she found out how far along I REALLY was.

But for you, I bet everything is alright!
Thanks Brandi - I am not at all concerned now with LO wriggling about good style lol -but I thought at the time OMG How to go about scaring people lol -but then she is totally right and it is better to know the full facts I suppose.

Brandi wow you have come through so much. Good for you know when it is time to leave. I too have been in an abusive relationship. It can be very hard, as I know to raise children even with a part time dad, though I wonder if that would have been easier at time without him, as it was a very up and down battle for my children. Though then again now I know why, as he passed away almost 3 yrs ago. So commend you on doing such a great job!! I am sure you will do just as good with this one!! What does your family think of all this? Mine think I am crazy and I have someone!!

Donna wow what a thing to be told. I am glad though that your LO is moving good. I too have never been asked about counting kicks. They just keep asking he is moving alright, I say yes and that is all.

Claire love that sux! Sounds like your cycles are still trying to even out since being on protection. I hope it really doesn't take all that long though to catch. :hugs: i know someone else that has been getting evaps from wondolf (spelling???)
Brandi... Congratulations :)

Claire... Cant believe all them tests where evaps... must be so frustrating... still hoping you get a BFP this month !!

Hi everyone... Im feeling pretty sorry for myself... Thought i was starting to feel better then felt really bad yesterday and couldn't sleep last night, went to the doctors and now have antibiotics for urine infection... Never had 1 before, cant believe how rubbish it can make you feel... really hope antibiotics make me feel better soon... Hate taking any medication while pregnant :( We also had to take 1 of our guinea pigs to the vet to be put to sleep... poor wee thing was struggling to breathe :( have decided no more animals... breaks my heart to have to get them put to sleep :(
Failed the glucose test. :( I have to do the 3 hour tomorrow. Fasting after bed time tonight. I felt sick not fasting. Can't wait. I also have low iron and have to take a supplement. Blah!
Claire-so sorry hun! have you been checked for pcos?? I read with it you can have several times of +opk's in one cycle as though your body is trying to ovulate, but doesn't. I also read that you can have several days of +opks. I don't have it so cant speak from experience, just something I read. hope its not long now!!! stupid evaps.

donna- how nice of her to freak you out! I guess its good to know though. I have anterior placenta and it took longer to feel her, but now I feel her all the time. with my 5th pregnancy I realized I wasn't feeling the baby much so they did a scan and his fluid was very low. went down to 3 and they induced. found out his placenta was deteriorating and detaching so its good they did. then in my 6th I noticed the same thing, and thought for sure it couldn't be happening again. they scanned and his fluid was low also but not as low. he came on his own at 37+4 but I was glad to not have to see it drop so low and worry a lot about him. im sure if I start feeling less movements this time it will be my first thought.

brandi- I was in an emotionally abusive relationship. he wanted to abort my first 2 kids and since I didn't, every time I asked him to help with them he would say "you're the one that wanted them, you take care of them." nice. anyways one day in 2001 he walked out when we were arguing and I didn't hear from him for 3 mos. they were barely 1 and 2 yrs old. it was kinda scary at first, but was strangely peaceful and my home was actually less stressful for the 2 girls and I. he never paid child support and never took them, and since he never helped with them anyways they didn't even ask about him. when I met my current DH in 2005 all of a sudden my ex wanted to be super dad and started taking them every other weekend. I set up child support at $50 a month even though the court wanted to do it at around $300. I gave him a break. for the last year he has went back to his selfish ways and hasn't paid his $50 a month cs and doesn't call them to come every other weekend. its sadder this time cuz my girls are now 13 and 15 and ask if they can call him on his weekends and he turns them down every time saying he has to work. if he is working so much, why cant he pay a measly $50 cs. anyways, I try not to say bad things about him. they pray for him and I know that's good. sucks that he doesn't care for them as much as they do him. :(

Charlene- I hope those antibiotics kick in very soon and you feel better :hugs: sorry about your pet :cry:

Kellie- ugh! hope you pass the 3hr one! those iron pills tore up my stomach last time. im taking a natural one made from plants this time in hopes of not getting anemia again. its gentler on my stomach and I am not constipated from them thank God!!! got them off amazon as recommended by a friend. they are called blood builders if you're interested :)

today is my bday :D DH gave me some gifts last weekend. I got a mug, I love tea and coffee. and some candles and other small gifts. he just called and said to figure out where I want to go out to dinner tonight :)
Thanks Melissa! The brand the doctor's office suggested is Slow FE, supposedly more gentle on the stomach. I'll see how it goes.

Brandi~ I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for 13 years. I don't regret getting out of it one single bit. You're very strong! I hope you have a smooth 9 months.
kellie- that's the kind I was on last time. I hope it does you better! even with all the constipation and stomach aches I was still anemic when he was born :(
Happy birthday Melissa xx

Spatone is an iron supplement that you can buy in UK it is liquid and is easier absorbed than tablet form -I took it last time as the iron tabs made me constipated too xxx

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