Yes, I'm a single mom. My three do see their dad, but he barely contributes anything. He sees them MAYBE 6 days out of the month while I'm at work, and he pays for half of daycare, but doesn't pay child support, rarely takes them overnight, I buy them all their clothes, food, sports, field trips, glasses (got two in glasses, so it gets expensive). I do it all for them, and then I take the emotional beating when they're angry at their dad for not doing more. It's hard, but totally worth it.
I did want a 4th child. My ex was abusive and forced me into a tubal ligation when the youngest was only a few weeks old. As soon as I came out of the anesthetic, I cried, because I knew this wasn't what I wanted and I started plotting a reversal. I left him a year later when he put his hands around my throat in front of my son, and then told my kids to blame me for him walking out. So, I gathered some clothes and a few other things and when he got back later that night, we were gone and never looked back. That was September 2012.
Once I got out, I was able to put more money each month down on the reversal. In that house I paid for EVERYTHING on a minimum wage job. He refused to work for more than a year, so it was hard.
In August 2013, I finally finished paying off the $5800 surgery, and had the surgery September 24, 2013. While I paid it off, I made sure to budget and pay for all our needs first and set a little bit aside for monthly emergencies, and whatever was left went to the surgery. Before the doctor put me out, he told me he didn't want me to worry if nothing happens immediately, because most women take 6-8 months, or even longer, before achieving a pregnancy after a tubal reversal.
When I saw the doctor at my two week followup, I asked him how long I should wait before TTC (I used a donor, so this baby WAS planned),and he said I could start right away. One donation, one time, 18 hours before I felt ovulation pain, and it took on the first try.
Here I sit, 4w2d pregnant, 7 weeks out of surgery today. My mind is still boggled at how quickly I became pregnant. It wasn't until it happened that I suddenly became a bit scared, but mostly excited, at having 4 kids on my own. Can't wait to hole Freckle.