PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Guess what they all get for xmas a TV and that is it!! That is what I would tell them!! I would be serious to. Cause santa does give gifts to those that break sh8t!!
Oh and I have to give Kudos to my DH. I went out quick to grab a few things to make chilli and came home to him and the boys cleaning the kitchen for me so I can cook. I was so touched :cloud9:
Awwww so sweet! Well you read my mind, IF I buy a new tv, it will be THE only thing I buy, I was really gonna scale it back this year. They can be so ungrateful. Love em, but ungrateful as hell.
That's really sweet of them to help clean!!

Found out last night that my levels went from 465 on Wednesday to 2200 yesterday and Freckle is DEFINITELY in the uterus!!!!
Sacha I am so jealous today of your man and boys cleaning for you lol - my house looks like it has been hit by a bomb, hubby doing the new bathroom and I have literally nowhere in the house without crap/ wood/ tiles/ or some shit :'(

I am struggling with my SPD and he has piles of rubbish piles of wood tool boxes in every room and I cannot lift my leg over them, I am trying my best to stay out the way but it is hard. And no heating or hot water as the hot water is off, and it is 2Celcius today and to be below freezing again later (was below freezing last night and brrrrrrrr so cold this morning brrrrrrrrrrrr)

On a brighter note I went to another Jack n Jill market and bought a woodlands animals vibrating chair, a newborn snow suit, a baby monitor, 2 hand knitted tiny neutral coloured cardigans, a knitted tiny white hat, pack of 5 muslin cloths and a top n tail bowl for £30 Bargain or what? lol

Hope everyone is having a nice cosy warm day lol xxx


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Iesha I am trying to scale back a lot too. I started to dance when I found out I could save $20 on one of the items we were going to get the oldest. LOL I completely understand!! Mine are the same way about being ungrateful. We even have this talk about making lunch for school, they just expect to have have certain items…. Really angers me.

Brandi that is great news love!! :dance:
And 4 more days until I am counting down from double figures Yay!!!!

Donna OMG OMG I LOVE that chair!! I have a thing for owls with this one, so I just am wishing I could get my hands on something like that!! Oh and as for them cleaning up like that it doesn't normally happen. Especially from DH so this was a treat. But I can empathize about stuff being every where. Doesn't take long when you have as many as we do running around the house dropping as they go. My house isn't small but has a poor floor plan. So it looks like my house is cluttered. Very little storage for things, which end up out in the open. I am planning making/building more storage in this house, like a large closet in the room we are in the process of. then a large built in cabinet in the playroom, for their tv and movies, games, book and whatever else.
Sacha I am loving owls too just now, I already bought a pack of muslin cloths with owls on, a fleecy blanket and a bath towel lol, I want to paint a mural beside baby's crib of a tree with an owl sitting in it lol -hubby not so sure as he/she is sharing our room for a bit haha :) xx

I am dreadfully short of storage too, a the best of times lol...just now with the building going on it is a nightmare -could actually cry, sitting here with my coat and scarf on because it is cold and Dawson just wet himself because he went to the toilet and of course it isn't plumbed in yet and he was too late to tell anyone :( (keep calm- will be lovely when it is done) xx
There is so many owl themed things I m seeing for babies this year. Day 3 for me going offfff on my kids. Everytime I come downstairs I get pissed off. Top it off my husband who never works sundays, jumps up at 7 am gives me some cash and says if u need anything from shop send the kids, as he is buttoning his uniform. Now, I love this man, and am super grateful for how he takes care of us but...ISNT THAT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED TO YOUR WIFE????????????? Like whoa zero communication. If I jumped up he would be like huh? where are YOU going? So my day started off crap, then I come down to sort out some breakfast and see a pile of dishes, counters dirty, and that damn tv with the crack in it. Again I went off, telling them how flipping ungrateful they are, oh and I plan on not speaking to mr fool fool when he decides to roll back in. I also told them Christmas is a no go, which is exactly how I feel. I don't think this is the hormones talking, im literally so tired of working my ass off, I just keep paying and paying, it never stops. They break things, I have to replace them. I shop like a mad woman and barely eat at my house. All this is for them and they just don get it which in fairness I suppose most kids don't. However, I'm just tired. I had no parents growing up, was dropped in this cold country at the age of 12 on my own literally on the street, and I guess its that cliché that I don't want them to suffer like I did, but these brats and surrounding ppl take it to a whole other level. They have NEVER suffered like I have, and they are acting like little spoiled rich kids, which is soooooo far from our tax bracket. LOL (yes I realize I am ranting) ANDDDDD would you believe that my husband actually called himself "Mr. considerate" last night. He forced me to eat some stupid kfc sandwich (which I paid dearly for) my stomach was killing me all night, THEN this jackass ups and goes to work on a SUNDAY? did I mention his garage is not open Sundays??? I want to believe he is doing side work for extra cash, I really do but his lack of communication is something I have said to him before, an he said he would make an effort. *annnnnd im gonna stop now* The kids are making me laugh, after yelling they are all unprompted cleaning the whole house. I am just gonna sit here in my rocking chair like a crazy lady until everything is done. EVIL LAUGHHHHHHH!
Donna :hugs: It is cold here too. Right now at 9 am it is -8C. We have been getting tons of snow too the last day. The boys want to go out and play in it LOL Though I can understand completely that you are cold. As last year we had a giant hole in our foundation. We found that the whole corner of the house's foundation was falling apart so we had to brace the house and remove old concrete and then re-pour. Though we got stuck with out a permit and a very cold house after that. our bedroom was right above the hole so we chilly, and the two downstairs had two or three blankets on their bed just to sleep. I feel for you, I do :hug:
Iesha I have so much love for you girrrrl!! <3<3<3 Sometimes we need to do these things for them, our kids and sometimes husbands, to see how much we have put up with, and how much we will refuse to be pushed around. When my children do something that makes me want to throw them across the room I turn them into my slave. They end up doing what ever I tell them to do and make their life miserable. Out of no where I can call upon them to do what ever cleaning I want them to do. Makes them think twice of behaving like a barbarian.

P.S. I am sorry that you had such a crap shoot growing up. I wasn't alone but my parents were very tight so I grew up not knowing what every one else had, which is still nothing what you endured. We lived in a rich area because my parents wanted that for us, a big house in the nice area, but that was about it. I guess you can call it house poor. I too am trying to teach my children the value of money, which I don't' think is working too well either.
Iesha what a day you are having - hugs xx
Sit there and enjoy watching them clean lol

My kid do that too, If I really start going off on one, the appear and start doing little jobs that normally I would need to beg and threaten them to get done haha

-8 Sacha Brrrrrrrrrrr, glad we are still above freezing just now lol, and hopefully heating will be back on tonight. We are expecting snow this week -I LOVE snow, but we don't get that much generally, normally more slush and ice than nice fluffy crispy snow -and it is always fleeting.
Donna maybe just turn your oven on and dryer on just heat up the house a bit. Make some cookies too, why not LOL. It is cold but not as cold as it normally will get down to. So I will live with -8, a lot better than -40&#8230;..

Ok so I just felt a very painful poke from my LO, like he was trying to rip out, which just caused a painful contraction. He must be running out of space. Seriously that HURT! I just hope that wasn't him pulling on the cord&#8230;. he needs to leave that in place. I am going to have to talk to that little guy!!
Thanks you guys! Thank you Sacha...<3

Donna dammmmmn girl open the oven and turn it on! I would freeze! It's kinda cold in my house too, but I believe its because the heat is pretty low...duh!:dohh:

I can always count on you ladies on understanding the life & trials of moms like us!

Speaking of pain, shortly after my last post I sneezed and I literally though maybe my appendix shot out. It was such a sharp pain on my side...I wanted to keel over...30 minutes later its still tender! wth!
Iesha girl! Big hugs!!!

<3 the owl bouncer!!

YAY for single digits! :)

I slept better last night, thank goodness. I think I'm just in allergy hell. ;) Sinus pressure, drainage, sore throat. I swear, I feel like such a whiner, there's something new every day to whine about. LOL! When I torn over in bed I'm getting sharp pains, must be ligament stuff. Maybe my age is a contributing factor. haha
Kellie my ligaments are excruciating turning over or moving in bed too , and it doesn't go away straight away either can be agony for a good few minutes then I fear needing to move again lol - Am sure I never had so many aches n pains with my first lol but then was that because it was my first, or because I was fresh faced 21 year old? ;) lmao

Just cleared the hall from all the debris, swept the stairs and hall and got some of the wet soggy towels from all the leaks hubby has caused in the washer, got the lounge cleared of all debris and tiles too (lovely son number 2 helped with that) and feel much better that the place looks liveable again lol.... and bonus feel warmer now too, bit of physical exercise sure does heat me up haha.

Gonna get dinner on (more heat) and then cosy under a duvet with my little one and a heated wheat pack on my hooha lol

Kellie I too have issues moving around in bed. I have had to change the way I move, otherwise it feels in the inside of my thighs are going to rip right off&#8230;.. I have been scotching my butt instead. I think that I may use Donna's tip and buy some silk pi's so that I can move better&#8230;..
That really is a great idea, I'd like to find some sort of silky capri pants and a tank or something.

I was 21 when I had my first as well. . .haha. . .I don't even remember that pg it was so long ago. ;)
Ok, so everyone is feeling what I'm feeling. I was preg at 19 with my first but had him 3 months after my 20th bday. Oddly enough I felt this same pain with him, so if its any comfort its probably not cuz we are now old broads Lmao! I've decided I must b going thru slight depression. I realized at 4pm I hadn't eaten all day. Wth is wrong with me. I did eat a little now, but it was a toddler portion n my belly feels like its gonna explode. This madness needs to do one...real fast!

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