PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Sorry about the aches and pains girls!! And Donna I hate being cold! Hate it!!! So I feel for you! DBS can't bear mess and stuff everywhere when will it be finished??

Iesha I understand where your coming from our kids can be ungrateful sometimes and it drives me mad!! As I didn't have a great childhood my mums an alcoholic so it wasn't fun so when the kids moan about stupid things like not being allowed a certain thing or moan because we haven't gone out it drives me mad! As I didn't get even half what they hsve I no it's not there fault they don't understand so I do try and explain how lucky they are!

I'm feeling crampy on and off and I did hsve a little spotting after dtd this morning, should I be worried? Xx
Iesha- it says a lot about what a fabulous mom you are that your children will never go through the things you have :hugs: I have to eat smaller portions now too or im so full I feel like I will explode!

Donna- the owl bouncer is adorable! great job on bargain shopping :thumbup: and yay for single digits!!

Kellie and Iesha- im def feeling your pain about the round ligaments. I sneezed earlier and nearly fell over. I had to take some Tylenol for the pain. turning over in bed at night has become a huge chore carefully done to avoid pain. not to mention getting up and down to pee.

Claire- I wouldn't worry too much about spotting after dtd. if it were me though I probably wouldnt a minute to be safe. im sure its fine though :flower:
Donna... :happydance: double digits :happydance: lovely bouncer... When will your bathroom be finished... I like snow lol for 1 day then it can go, hate driving in it... hope we don't get much this year

Iesha... I just had to replace the TV in kids room a few weeks ago for exact same reason, 1 of them broke it and wouldn't admit, they have also just broken the virgin box in there too... cracks me up, if i had even half of what they have when i was their age, so ungrateful... Santa definitely wont be bringing much to this house this year !!

Claire... I've had spotting on and off most of this pregnancy... Had some just a couple of days ago, I would worry about it, epsecially after dtd, aslong as its not fresh blood .

Its 5am here and im wide awake... I hate pregnancy insomnia !!
Oh thanks guys! I've not had anymore touch wood!! Do feel lowsey today tho got a tummy bug I think!!! I want my bed but no such luck!! Xx
All of the sudden I have been staying up a lot later than usual. I couldn't keep my head off of the pillow at 9:30 pm and the last three nights I have been up after 11pm. I have no idea why I am up so late. Then I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I don't think it helps when it is so dark in the morning when I need to get the kids up.

I am also going to lose my mind on DH! He did absolutely nothing on the bedroom this weekend…. granted he was working extra overtime, but there was plenty of time before on Sun…. yah so not impressed with that guy. I didn't pick a fight, just tried to stay calm and remind him how many weekends we have left….. Not very many at all, cause that room is going to be done by xmas and he has no choice on that! :gun: :grr:
Rant alert!!

My SIL is kinda aggravating me….. She is not due until Dec 13th and she keeps making these comments that baby better not be born during the Grey Cup, as my brother will be at the game….. I keep asking her if there is any sign of this potential early birth and all she says is that because he is GD baby there is always that chance…. I even asked her if the Dr said anything and nope. I am sure she is not going into labour this early. I am not even sure if she will go into labour early. I have a strong connection to her baby as I knew they were trying when they didn't even tell us yet…. I also knew they were going to have a boy!! (Can't do it for myself, wish I could but I guess it just doesn't work for yourself…. Damn!!) I also knew at the same time as all of this that she will go over her date, not much only like a day or two, but she will go over….

Anyways she is aggravating me with this whole things with him being born that day…. :grr:

Done Rant
Ah don't let her annoy you!! Just ignore her!! Xxx

I'm feeling pretty crap today as I've got a stomach bug I think! It's settled more now tho and the tiredness is kicking in!! Let's hope the sickness stays away!! X
It is just that I get all excited thinking that it could be any day the way she talks about it. She is so sure almost as if she has started to dilate or had bloody show….. It is her first so I am trying to give her patience…. I want to tell her otherwise, but bite my tongue!! I just needed this frustration to go some where, so I can just let it go….
Claire you may just be starting an early set on of MS :sad1: Hopefully it is too bad for you!! :hug:
Iesha - I totally feel the same way; it seems like I've gone off on the kids at least 3 or 4 days in a row, mainly for the same mess! You'd think they would figure out that I cannot tolerate my living room being cluttered. We have a play room, and family room, a nursery (which is off limits to them right now, but still), and the girls' room that they sleep in. Can't we just keep the crap contained to those areas??? I don't have a cracked TV to continually piss me off, but the cat that my hubby just HAD TO save has turned out to be a sprayer. The first time he sprayed the couch and my youngest daughter's favorite hat (looks like a racoon). I was LIVID and ready to be done with the cat then and there, but hubby talked me into giving him another chance, and he is a sweet cat other than the peeing. Then he peed on hubby's pants, which he leaves in a heap next to the bed (typically about 3 feet from the clothes hamper. Seriously). I was angry, but slightly amused since it was hubby's stuff :D

And apparently at some point Saturday night or Sunday, he peed TWICE in the girls' room. Once in the corner where their clothes hamper usually is, on their pile of dirty clothes (filthy now...), as the hamper was by the laundry room and I never got it back upstairs last week. That was bad enough, but... he also apparently sprayed in their closet, on their box of 'dress up' play dresses. That was it. I told hubby our choices are to take kitty to a shelter or throw him outside and feed him through the winter, but he CANNOT be an indoor cat. I suspect he never was an indoor cat! Who would tolerate the spraying?? Hubby's basic response was 'fine, you can kill him if you insist'. Blah. Not on my happy list, especially since our littlest is sick today, and hubby is staying home with him but used it was an excuse to sleep in and still not help with morning chores, during which I was trying to deal with more cat pee.

My sister's family is staying with us right after US Thanksgiving (next week), and then OH's family is staying with us the week before Christmas... and all I can think is my house smells of cat pee. *sigh* He really doesn't understand that literally EVERY SINGLE TIME I get a whiff, I feel the same anger and helplessness all over again at ever getting things clean and fresh. It is like an open wound until it is dealt with, kind of like the unfinished trim we've been living with on the main levels for... 4 years now. At least he's got the guest room almost done (and it DOES look spectacular imo!), so I"m trying not to be a total harpy, plus if I do go off on him, he typically reacts like a 6 year old and pouts and declares that he won't do ANYTHING.

In much happier and less ranty news, I had a great experience at my 3 hr - the clinic had a comfy & cozy area for me to curl up in while waiting between blood draws. Still skeptical that I'm going to 'pass'. I've had a history of low blood sugar, which apparently is an indicator that you are at risk for GD and type 2 later in life. Lovely. Plus with having it last pregnancy, I'm all but convinced I'm already having sugar issues.

Even better than that, and I got the first pre-Christmas gift for my oldest - we're going to go the Nutcracker Suite! I haven't been in YEARS, but my dad used to take me every year, starting when I was about 6 or 7, and I absolutely loved it. A little nervous that I'm leaving my younger girl out, but she's only 4 and I think it would be a bit much. As for other Christmas items, hubby and I really haven't done much yet for it. Every year Santa brings one 'big' item that is sharable amongst the kids, or if nothing seems quite right, brings some 'medium' things for each kiddo. We typically wrap 1 present (almost always clothes) for under the tree. My mom and DH's dad send up quite a few other things (my mom is nutso at Christmas time - I literally had TWENTY packages one year from my parents not counting any Santa stuff), so we try to really underplay it to avoid overloading the kids. I also typically confiscate all the toys and then let the kids 'discover' them throughout the year, and only play with them if they can identify spots to store them. I really dunno how my dad managed to pay for all the stuff my mom would purchase - we're currently a dbl income family and we could never afford all the stuff my mom would buy!

As for teaching the value of money, I haven't done too much yet, but a friend of mine with older children (oldest is turning 17) turned me onto the Love & Logic series, and I really like that approach to money and discipline. It is a bit rough for me to come up with stuff and enforce rules sometimes (just wasn't how I was raised at all...), but I'm seriously hoping my kids can turn out 'better' (more stable, better adjusted, less likely to make the same hare-brained decisions I did in my teens and early 20s...), so I'm happy to try something different than what I was raised with.

Holy cow - that was a super long post, and I didnt even mention how awesome Donna's owl bouncer looks, or how excited I am for Claire, and about 20 other updates I was going to talk about. Sorry guys - I'm so wordy today!
FeistyMom... Loved reading your post... About your cat... Is he/she neutered ? I used to have an indoor cat, had him from a kitten, when he got to around 6 months he started spraying stuff... Straight to the vet he went to be neutered and never sprayed again... I have to admit cat pee is 1 of the worst smells to try and get rid of and i couldn't imagine having to deal with it more than a few times... I cant think of anything else to suggest, but maybe your vet could suggest something ? When do you get your GD results ?x
Yes, as I was posting my rants, I though of you feisty mel LOL...I was like oh I totally understand her emotions now FOR REAL...

I like animals, think they are cute, I have "yard" or guard dogs in Jamaica but could NEVER have pets here as in indoor ones. The fur, pee, poo, oh god not I. We didnt grow up with the kind of domesticated animals you guys have, so all that is pretty foreign to me. I did rescue kittens whose mother got into my basement and abandoned them. Felt pretty good, we put them in a box, fed the buggers milk & gave them over to animal rescue. My jamaican instinct told me to fling them outside and find another hideout, but the Canadian in me felt like no they will certainly die, better not do that LOL.

On a brighter note, my husband surprised me by putting quite a big of money (well a lot to me) and told me to order a bunch of big ticket items for the baby and I'm very excited with what we ordered, although the prices were so much cheaper!!! here are the pics of what we bought. Our bed is a cherry wood sleigh bed, so we decided on the same theme. Crib & a lovely dresser. We got this bundle with carseat/stroller/playpen & highchair from Costco, and I thought it was quite reasonable. $379.99 for the travel gear & the crib & dresser with tax came to $537. Here is what I ordered...


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Charl - OH took the cat to the vet when we rescued him, and he said the cat was neutered. I'm going to double check with him though. On the one hand, this kitty has a super sweet temperament, and is much nicer than our existing cat. On the other hand, I've had to put down 3 animals so far, ALL OF THEM male. I'm kind of done getting emotionally attached to pets just to have to watch them get sick, or in the case of my long-time female kitty, disappear from the yard one day and never return. I didn't really want any pets after she disappeared, and I especially didn't want any male pets, so I wasn't thrilled when I found out it was a male kitty that OH was bringing home. At this point, I kind of want to just deal with letting him loose or taking him to a shelter before I care too much.

Iesha - Those are gorgeous! I love the look of cherry wood :) And that does sound like a very good price on the travel system stuff. I'm not really going to do any shopping for this LO until after Christmas, in part to see if anyone is planning on doing a baby shower (doubtful, its my 4th baby in 7 years...), or if anyone was going in on presents (my sister coordinates that kind of thing). But also because I will go way overboard since this is probably my last, and overspend, and then not have any $$ for actual Christmas ;)

Hopefully the crazy will subside today, but I think if I walk into the house and it still smells like pee I'm going go off again. Poor family.
very nice Iesha!!! beautiful stuff <3

feisty mel- ugh cats! we grew up with plenty and once one of them peed on the burner so when we turned it on it would stink to high heaven! when I met DH he had 2 cats. we got the girl fixed and she started peeing everywhere. used to make me so mad! we got rid of her and then got rid of the boy since he was attacking the baby. they both tried to lay all over his stuff and would get hair everywhere. one day I caught her laying on the baby while he was asleep. that was the end of her time with us lol. recently my DH talked me into getting another. he never poops or pees outside his box(thankfully he was already fixed), but he still has his claws and im afraid he will attack the babies. think he must have been an outdoor cat before too. he is such a scavenger! will try to eat anything. the other cats weren't like that at all. he will be getting declawed or he is going bye-bye too. im not a pet person, but I will deal with it for DH and the kids.

one more appt in December and then two week appts start!!! exciting :)
Thx guys! Yea my husband is the one who was kinda in a rush to buy this stuff, but I'm not gonna buy anything else until after my shower which is Nov 30th. I didnt put any bigger items on my registry cuz I really dont expect people to buy such expensive stuff...
<3 the stuff Iesha! I'm not shopping for anything until after my shower either, although I'm having a small one in December, the online moms group shower people have said some can't afford to give until after the holidays. LOL! (It's a surprise, one of my friends told me about it because she didn't want me to buy everything) So I have NO idea what I should buy or not. I have a feeling I'll go early and my husband will be at the store getting essentials while I'm in the hospital. LOL! At least he likes shopping.
:dohh: where did I come up with that?? thought maybe my book said 28, but it says 25 wks??? its so confusing when each place has different standards lol. regardless... I don't think I said congrats! :happydance:
Woop Kellie -third tri -I never noticed earlier either (I would say 27weeks too :) )

I bought a new pram yesterday , well preloved (you must see a pattern here lol, I love a bargain haha) - I didn't need one, hence how I was not looking for a new one, but someone local to me posted it on fbook and I couldn't resist lol -It is identical to my old one, so my car seat / carry cot will still fit, but it is red/ green whereas my one is blue / green (and according to my daughter it is FOR a boy and would look wrong if we have a girl lol) Anyway - it is better condition than mine lol, only been used for a few months and has a really snuggly cosy toes with it, and a matching changing bag -for £30 lol

Not buying anymore -although keeping my eyes peeled for woodland animals stuff as I love those little owls and the colours match my pram now lol xxx


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