PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Well I woke up this morning with more flem then usual, I even coughed a bit and could feel the congestion in my chest. I am not looking forward to that. I always sneeze like a mad women every morning due to my allergies, but I think it has finally turned into a cold. Boooo.

Other than that, DH had a miss communication about money and I ended up spending money when I shouldn't have. :dohh: I feel horrible and now I am grounded to the house. Man I hate doing that. :grr:

Oh but the silk pants are the best invention while pg ever!! I had way less pain while in bed last night. :dance:
Glad the silk pants are working Sacha , and sorry about the house arrest lol - we have way spent over this month , with Christmas and the bathroom (so probably NOT the best time for me to be buying baby things lol -but I got a bargain haha) I am going to seriously need to tighten the purse strings over the next few months to allow us to catch up before my reduced maternity pay kicks in :(

xxx But then it's only money and we cannot take it with us when we go lol xxx
that is true…. I did get some good deals yesterday, but the silk pants and nursing bras were full price :dohh:
Love the invite Iesha! I also had bumpers for my 1st three, although #3 spent ZERO time in the crib (we never even set it up). We will be setting up the crib at least this time, so I can enjoy my 'nursery' room, but doubtful that this LO will spent too much time in the full size crib, especially early on. I'll probably go ahead and leave the bumpers in the crib initially. Also plan on swaddling. My first two loved it, and #3 liked it, although not as long as his sisters. We also have sleep sacks though, and I really do like them for the winter with slightly older babies who have outgrown the swaddle or hate it. We co-slept (baby in same room) and did bed sharing (baby in same bed), but with the first two they would always go to bed in their own crib/bassinet, and would then come to bed after the first night time feed. The sleep blankets can be quite nice and cozy, and in a pinch if you run out of sleepers/jammies you can just put baby in a onesie and in the sack ;)

Kellie -so sorry to hear about GD. I am positive too again this time. As far as baby size, my GD baby was my smallest so far! My OB now suspects that I had developed sugar issues as the pregnancy progressed which was why my first two were 'larger' (both girls were over 8 lbs, my lil guy was about 7.5). I got to skip the dietitian meeting this time, since it has only been 2 years since my last go round. And of course right off the bat they sent a script for the wrong lancets and then I completely forgot how to actually insert the test strips into the machine and had to do two this morning, and then my glucometer ran out of batteries so I missed my after breakfast test! I'm glad my OB thinks I have my stuff together, but man - maybe I shoulda just acted like I was starting from scratch ;) We'll have to compare notes about what works and what doesn't, but last time around it struck at the hottest part of summer, and I found that I couldn't eat any regular ice cream without massive spikes, BUT - Healthy Choice Fudge Bars were totally ok. Peanut butter also saved my life, along with 'sandwich thins' for bread. You probably are *way* more educated than I am about low carbs though, so I hope to pick your brain for yummy food ideas. First and most pressing question: what are you going to do about Thanksgiving? Forgo the stuffing? Or is there a decent lower carb alternative? Or indulge anyway? I'm leaning towards indulging anyway, *IF* my numbers are looking ok otherwise.

Sacha - I did the same thing with over spend in August :( I didn't realize we had basically two 5 week months in a row (July/August), and both hubby and I get paid twice a month but we have several bills set to pay weekly (mortgage, car, probably other stuff I can't remember). I accidentally ran through the ENTIRE food budget for August the first weekend, didn't know it, and ate out for lunch almost every day the next week. I felt like a total ninny the rest of the month; we even had to delay sending a check to my kids' school/daycare and didn't really get all the way back on track until this month!
Claire- glad you got the hospital you want and its good to hear things are rolling :)

sacha- sorry you are getting sick and about the money. :( but yay for comfy pants :)

Donna- so true!
Nesting update - Sacha inspired me; I too am blocked on actual baby nesting activities right now, so hearing about your exploits with clothes and organizing, I got the bug and went to town. Managed to get the girls' stuff swapped out, and have discovered that our lil guy is in need of clothing, in particular pants that haven't been embroidered, bedazzled, or have bows :D So we know what Santa has in store for him! Then a friend told me about a sale from our local community college - it is a pretty neat thing, first time for me but maybe you ladies have seen/done something like this before. They have 'viewing' hours on one day, and the next day they have the actual sale. You can queue up ahead of the doors opening, and they will come out and give you numbers so you can stay in your car if its cold/wet. Each item for sale has a packet of papers attached - the bottom one says 'sorry this has been sold' and the top ones are the ones you take if you want the item. Well, hubby and I have been trying to 'finish' our playroom for over 6 months (4 years if you count that we planned on turning the basement into a playroom when we moved in!), but couldn't quite figure out what we wanted to do for shelves. DH was happy to build some, but with all the other projects he has to get done it just wasn't ever happening. Without a clear storage system, then kids TRASHED the room. Literally trashed (including drawing and painting on the floor DH installed this spring...). Well, what do you think I saw at this sale? KIDS SHELVES! The super sturdy kind you would find at a pre-school or daycare or montessori! I was SO excited - each unit was between $8-10! My friend tried to dampen my expectations by telling me that they probably wouldn't be available when I'd be able to get to the sale (I couldn't queue early, as I needed to get the girls to school). So I went into it just for the experience and to see if there were any books/toys the kids might like (10 cents a piece). Imagine my joy at seeing that 3 of the 4 units I wanted were available! PLUS a square bookshelf on wheels; it is the kind that has the shallow 'display' shelves on two sides, and 'deeper' shelves on the other, about 4' tall) for only $8! I was in absolute heaven. Plus, when I went back to pick up the items (you can pay, and then come back if you need to), the 4th shelving unit was available again! I added a combo cork/whiteboard that is 3'X4' for $3, and just felt like I had won the lottery. Barely crammed everything into my minivan (such a dummy I had all the car seats in, had to take them out of the seats and stack them haphazardly), and hubby unloaded them into our living room. I spent most of last night scrubbing and overseeing the kids' efforts at tidying the playroom. Hopefully my energy and relative pain-free time will continue the rest of the week so I can scrub down the floors and walls and get that room done. The kids really did impress me too - even the 4 yr old managed to stay focused enough to put more things away than she got out. This is a big challenge :D

What kind of nesting activities is everyone else doing? I know I've read about remodeling/renovations, moving, and the like. Hope those projects are all going well for you! :)
Well today I am concentrating on getting my laundry and clothing in order, all my skinnier stuff put away for a bit. I am also going through the boys outerwear as it was really cold today and found out that no-one has any neck warmers. So I am going to spring out my sowing machine and make some fleece ones and save some money. Then today I am working on the front entrance as DH decided it was ok to wear his muddy boots in the house and then just about lost (more like me taking it off) his head when I saw him trying to walk into the house with them….. :grr::grr: I really don't want the baby to walking/crawling across a horribly dirty rug….

I am glad i can inspire someone, cause I have problems doing that for myself :haha:
I have been clearing out stuff to make room for new stuff at Christmas... I actually managed to get rid of a huge ride on dinosaur thing, this thing was massive (kota dinosaur) moved and roared, boys have had him years lol felt like part of the family :haha: but he went to a new home today and i actually made some pennies from selling him... Boys haven't even noticed he is gone... I had all my laundry done at the weekend, but i blink my eyes and there is a mountain of dirty clothes again :shrug: Think i might start on my bedroom next week... I have no idea where this baby and his/her belongings are going to go lol
Kellie -so sorry to hear about GD. I am positive too again this time. As far as baby size, my GD baby was my smallest so far! My OB now suspects that I had developed sugar issues as the pregnancy progressed which was why my first two were 'larger' (both girls were over 8 lbs, my lil guy was about 7.5). I got to skip the dietitian meeting this time, since it has only been 2 years since my last go round. And of course right off the bat they sent a script for the wrong lancets and then I completely forgot how to actually insert the test strips into the machine and had to do two this morning, and then my glucometer ran out of batteries so I missed my after breakfast test! I'm glad my OB thinks I have my stuff together, but man - maybe I shoulda just acted like I was starting from scratch ;) We'll have to compare notes about what works and what doesn't, but last time around it struck at the hottest part of summer, and I found that I couldn't eat any regular ice cream without massive spikes, BUT - Healthy Choice Fudge Bars were totally ok. Peanut butter also saved my life, along with 'sandwich thins' for bread. You probably are *way* more educated than I am about low carbs though, so I hope to pick your brain for yummy food ideas. First and most pressing question: what are you going to do about Thanksgiving? Forgo the stuffing? Or is there a decent lower carb alternative? Or indulge anyway? I'm leaning towards indulging anyway, *IF* my numbers are looking ok otherwise.


Although I did low carb for many years I have never tested my sugar! LOL! Honestly, on the stuffing, I'll probably just have a little. I don't have my education appointment until the Monday after Thanksgiving so I will have no idea what my numbers are. HAHA! We're still 4 hours from home until the day before Thanksgiving so that's the soonest I could get in. is an AWESOME resource for recipes! I followed the board for years. There are tons of holiday recipes and snack ideas and such. I have found that Rye bread didn't seem to affect me too much, so I got some of that with peanut butter. . .I LOVE peanut butter! :thumbup: Snack wise (since we're still in the hotel another week) I picked up some string cheese, eggs to hard boil, avocado, green and red peppers, cucumbers, cottage cheese and some greek yogurt. I can't really cook much here, no oven, just a couple burners and very limited dishes so I just picked up easy snacky stuff. It's MUCH easier for me as I don't have a family to cook for otherwise, just me really. My hubs takes care of himself. ;) Once we're home I'll delve into the recipes more and cook some things ahead of time. I used to cook chicken breasts and refrigerate for a few days or chop them up and freeze them to use in chicken salad, to add to broth and make soup (now that dreamfield farms has low GI pasta, I'd consider doing chicken soup!), throw it in with some veggies, use in a salad with other toppings. . .if I find some really good stuff I'll be sure to share! :D
No nesting, cleaning, sorting, NOTHING for me until I stop working. It's madness. I feel like I am never home. If I am we huddle in bed and try to catch some sleep, to et up again , shower, get dressed head out and repeat all over again. *sigh*

Bump pic 27 +1


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gorgeous Iesha!

no real nesting for me. maybe in a few weeks when I get some energy. :thumbup:

all the thanksgiving food talk is making me hungry!!!! cant wait til next thurs!!! we always do thanksgiving here so DH's dad has somewhere to go. we will have to start pies and deviled eggs the day before. turkey will go in the fridge this fri. its 22 lbs so needs 5-6 days to thaw. DH likes to make it dance after he gets it all cleaned up. he also names it :haha:
Love your bump Iesha! :)

No nesting for me. . .I just want to sleep all day long. LOL
Great looking bump Iesha!!

Well I just learnt a lesson….. don't sit on the floor sorting clothes. I almost could not get up off the floor. :dohh:
Iesha - great bump! I also can relate to how you feel about work and life and stress and I don't even work as many hours! How many days until you take leave?

Sacha - that is a good public service announcement. I have such a hard time - can't stand up and bend to do it, can't really squat and stand and squat and stand, so floor it is. But in another week I won't be able to stand up again without help ;)

Melissa - I want to eat Thanksgiving at your house!!! Also - my mom does that same thing your OH does with the turkey. She does it with chickens too, and we would call it the naked chicken dance. I told my hubby about my mom's naked chicken dance, and he looked horrified! It took us a while of talking, but we realized he'd envisioned my mom doing the chicken dance, naked. I about died laughing.

Kellie - Great info! Peanut butter was great for me last go around, but this time I'm craving pasta and Italian food so often that I'm more nervous. Are you having any of the GD symptoms so far? Excessive thirst or anything like that?
I didn't realize that excessive thirst was a GD sign (yeah, I'm not too bright sometimes! LOL) but I've had that in spades. . .the entire pregnancy. I drink SO MUCH water every day. Otherwise, I had some episodes of feeling faint/hot and sort of blacking out earlier in the pg as well.

I have NO clue on diaper bags either!! It's been 15 years. . .haha! I don't know what I need or what would work best.
Omg Kellie! Diaper bags are SOOO different and have become my dilemma, and I mean jeez I had a kid 9 yrs ago. Like whoa. I couldnt even find one I am used to (or what i think is normal) to put on my registry.
One thing that shocked me with diaper bags has been the PRICE. Holy cow - I had super sticker shock. Of course I'm pretty cheap with my purses too (second hand, hand-me-down, gift, or sale... I don't think I've ever spent more than $9.99 on a purse, and I get a new one maybe every 5 years). I might just splurge this time though, with LO and the 2 yr old still needing changes.
The Soho brand has quite a few that are reasonable. I registered for this one:

but also registered for one that was a bit more expensive that will probably hold up longer/better. I have had good luck with durability in the past with Lands End and Eddie Bauer, with back packs and book bags for the girls.
oh i love it kellie!

I am still using a good diaper bag I bought with the last one. its black with black/gray/white stripes on top so not sure if im getting a new one or not. if I do it will be girly even though we still use the one we have now for the other two boys diapers and the four boys sippies.
Iesha lovely bump but you seem to be missing your head lol!!!!
I can't wait to start buying stuff but il have to wait til after Xmas! But there is a mums market on Saturday so I might pop to that for some bargain maternity wear!! Xx

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