Love the invite Iesha! I also had bumpers for my 1st three, although #3 spent ZERO time in the crib (we never even set it up). We will be setting up the crib at least this time, so I can enjoy my 'nursery' room, but doubtful that this LO will spent too much time in the full size crib, especially early on. I'll probably go ahead and leave the bumpers in the crib initially. Also plan on swaddling. My first two loved it, and #3 liked it, although not as long as his sisters. We also have sleep sacks though, and I really do like them for the winter with slightly older babies who have outgrown the swaddle or hate it. We co-slept (baby in same room) and did bed sharing (baby in same bed), but with the first two they would always go to bed in their own crib/bassinet, and would then come to bed after the first night time feed. The sleep blankets can be quite nice and cozy, and in a pinch if you run out of sleepers/jammies you can just put baby in a onesie and in the sack
Kellie -so sorry to hear about GD. I am positive too again this time. As far as baby size, my GD baby was my smallest so far! My OB now suspects that I had developed sugar issues as the pregnancy progressed which was why my first two were 'larger' (both girls were over 8 lbs, my lil guy was about 7.5). I got to skip the dietitian meeting this time, since it has only been 2 years since my last go round. And of course right off the bat they sent a script for the wrong lancets and then I completely forgot how to actually insert the test strips into the machine and had to do two this morning, and then my glucometer ran out of batteries so I missed my after breakfast test! I'm glad my OB thinks I have my stuff together, but man - maybe I shoulda just acted like I was starting from scratch

We'll have to compare notes about what works and what doesn't, but last time around it struck at the hottest part of summer, and I found that I couldn't eat any regular ice cream without massive spikes, BUT - Healthy Choice Fudge Bars were totally ok. Peanut butter also saved my life, along with 'sandwich thins' for bread. You probably are *way* more educated than I am about low carbs though, so I hope to pick your brain for yummy food ideas. First and most pressing question: what are you going to do about Thanksgiving? Forgo the stuffing? Or is there a decent lower carb alternative? Or indulge anyway? I'm leaning towards indulging anyway, *IF* my numbers are looking ok otherwise.
Sacha - I did the same thing with over spend in August

I didn't realize we had basically two 5 week months in a row (July/August), and both hubby and I get paid twice a month but we have several bills set to pay weekly (mortgage, car, probably other stuff I can't remember). I accidentally ran through the ENTIRE food budget for August the first weekend, didn't know it, and ate out for lunch almost every day the next week. I felt like a total ninny the rest of the month; we even had to delay sending a check to my kids' school/daycare and didn't really get all the way back on track until this month!