thanks ladies - Sacha they cannot offer me light duties as the nature of the job is so unpredictable and we don't know when the next emergency is likely to happen ... however that is why they have to pay me full pay when off sick so financially I shouldn't suffer too much, maybe lose out on a few unsocial hours (they tend to pay you as though you would have been on days when I do mainly nights lol). But anyway, after going to the shops there and practically being stopped in my tracks with pain and nearly bursting into tears in the middle of the aisle I think I have decided to call it a day

Hubby says I should, he is scared I end up on crutches every day like last time and I spent a lot of time actually crying form pain then too :'(
Charlene , I am not due on until Friday night again , so will wait until tomorrow morning and see how I am, then that still gives them over 24 hrs to cover my shift but at least then I will feel I have given my body a chance to recover and see how it goes.
Probably letting them know now would be easier for them too , I have a run of 3 shifts together at the end of December and there is no way I can do two together never mind three lol so at least this way they have time to cover shifts before hand.
Feel I am letting them down though, even though I am sure as hell not irreplaceable lol anything; only a number in the chain, a cog in the wheel lol
Thanks ladies xxx hugs xx