PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Sacha - very glad to hear little one is staying put! Sorry about all the abdominal pain though :( I've started to get BH or something going on regularly each evening, but somehow this pregnancy seems to be less painful than my last one. I can't imagine that I'm in better shape or something, but I did switch beds last year, and I think that really helped. Hopefully you can find ways to be comfy though, even with all the issues you're facing!

Iesha - not sure if I managed to post this or not early, but WOWIE! You are one hot mama! Great pix, and no wonder you have admirers :) Hope your pain issues are easing up too, but at this point in pregnancy it seems like we have no hope of decreased discomfort, you know? Your new niece is so precious! Scary birth experience, but so awesome that mom and baby are doing well.

Donna - Glad you were able to get off work; I know what you mean about feeling bad for calling off, but feeling bad for not being able to really put in a full shift worth of work. I somehow managed to work up until I went into labor with my first, and that has stuck in my head as how I should be able to be ever since. Hasn't worked out that way, and especially with my last one I would have been MUCH better off if I had taken time earlier. Hopefully your arms will get used to your crutches soon, and your SPD will improve or at least not get any worse! It is so hard to prep for labor when you have SPD, because it seems like all the recommended exercises are exactly what you are supposed to avoid with SPD.

Welcome to our newest member too! So exciting to have another BFP!
I snack on almonds and cheese already. Blah. LOL! I have been following the dumb diet to the letter, so I'll just assume I'll need some medication to get my fasting numbers down. Having issues with my 1 hour numbers after breakfast as well. I'm doing decently well after lunch and dinner.
Kellie - don't get too down this early on. It takes at least a week to get a gauge as to what foods will screw you up and what will help. Are you doing a bedtime snack right now? That can help if your morning number is high.

You might also experience carb cravings. I know I have, and it is ok to indulge a little bit, the trick is to make sure to try to pick the low GI (glycemic index) carbs and pair them with high quality proteins (nothing beats meat, and from my experience a bit of fat seems to help, oddly enough).

Currently my bedtime snack is a frozen chocolate yogurt bar from weight watchers (the bedtime snack does need to have carbs, otherwise you end up getting low over night and your body purposefully releases more sugar into your system, which is how it was explained to me that 'fasting' numbers can be too high), and my morning meal, which sets the tone for the entire day, is a TON of peanut butter on whole wheat bread. If your after breakfast number is high, odds are the rest of your day will trend a bit high too - so don't feel too bad about your lunch/dinner numbers, if the breakfast one is messed up.

I did 2 weeks of charting so far, and I was all over the map. My fasting is typically 75-78, but had plenty of 80+ when I skipped a bedtime snack. My after meals numbers have ranged from 100-165 (almost had a heart attack - I do NOT recommend Arby's OR Burger King...), but I hadn't made an effort to change diet yet, and was mainly just curious about how bad some of those meals were.

Advice I was given last time that definitely helped, was to load up on nut and seed based snacks for during the day. Definitely helped me, because I tend to snack on cheese and dairy related items, which are fine for the GD (not so much ice cream or flavored yogurts), but ... caused me some bathroom issues, and eating prunes caused me sugar issues. Nuts/seeds seemed to help a bunch. I'm currently trying pumpkin and squash seeds that I roasted with some season salt, and it seems to be working.

Hang in there! This is hard work! Feel free to check out a thread I have on the complications forum (I forget the link).
Sach!!!! LOL yesssssssss!

FeistyMel- Thank you darling...I blush I blush...I am so gushy over my niece I think my co-workers are about to jump

Kellie-honestly I dunno if I dont pass my test what I am gonna do...this just all sounds too much for me. I dont usually have snacks at bedtime or anything, and I just get irritated for you guys when I hear what the GD makes you go thru...arghhh the testing....piss take!
Yeah the testing is a major pain in the ass... I have to do it 7 times a day plus 2 insulin injections... It really frustrates me when i try so hard and i get days where my blood sugars are outta control... baby is growing perfect though, just under the 50th centile... 2lb 15oz yesterday, oh and im still team :yellow: I am definitely going to make major changes with my diet once this baby is here, i just couldn't do this blood sugars and insulin for the rest of my life.
I think I asked this before, but is there any signs that I could have GD?
Well drugging the boys didn't work as good as I hoped. The sleep I did get felt like two minutes when it was closer two hours. I am dealing with a massive headache that is not going away. I told DH he will have pick up supper cause I'm out of order.
I'm sorry about your headache Sacha!

Sigh. . . .LOL! I am having a bed time snack, dietician recommended whole grain toast, peanut butter and some dairy so I have been having half of a yogurt. My fasting has been in the 120's. . .an hour after breakfast this morning was 161. I'm following the diet she gave me for the most part. I had my carb withdraw a couple weeks ago, I think that's why I was feeling so yucky. I do have a hard time getting up to the amount of carbs they recommend, 45 for lunch and dinner is really tough for me. I have found some crackers that are 15 carbs for 4 of them, multi grain. . .those with salami or lunch meat seem to work okay for me. Having a lot of salads with a bunch of stuff in them, veggies, hard boiled egg, a little cheese and some ranch. That seems to work well for me. It's my fasting and after breakfast numbers I'm struggling with every day so far. The doc mentioned possibly a pill before bed and before breakfast, so we'll see what she says. I have to call tomorrow and report on my numbers from yesterday and today.

Iesha, this is about all I've seen symptom wise: Copied

Symptoms Often Mild

Insulin resistance is the inability of the body to process sugar in the blood for energy. There are often no symptoms of gestational diabetes. However, when they are present, they are often quite mild. Symptoms include conditions that are commonly experienced in pregnancy, such as increased thirst, nausea, the need to urinate often and feeling tired for no apparent reason.

Other Symptoms

In some cases, the symptoms are common to diabetes. One symptom that raises red flags is sugar in the urine, which can be found only by testing. Among the more serious warning signs or symptoms of gestational diabetes are blurred vision, extreme hunger, irritability and tingling or numbness in the hands or feet.
Iesha my SIL has GD and she had no real symptoms at all other than weight gain. She never kept track but you could see it on her. Poor girl, it is her first so I am sure it will all just come off with no problems.
that's interesting to know. my last 3 pregnancies I was sure I had GD since I would feel very ill if I had too much sugar. I was surprised I wasn't with any of them. I guess there probably isn't any way of really knowing without the test. im glad they test here even if I have always been negative
Maybe if I felt sick with too much sugar I wouldn't have eaten like a FIEND until a couple weeks ago. HAHA! :) No regrets. I loved each and every sweet I splurged on.
I hope you crack it kellie sounds like your doing a great job tho!!

I managed to force feed myself 2 plain biscuits when I woke this morning and it actually worked! I felt sick for about 2 mins then I felt a normal human form of myself again! so ive managed to get kids to school while not feeling green and do some much needed housework! tiredness is kicking in again now tho but atleast ive managed to do some stuff today, it makes me feel so guilty when ive not done a lot at home like ive been a big lazy bum! oh and ive put on 1lb and a half too!! dh keeps joking that's its twins as im bigger this time!! we will see!!
called the hospital yesterday and they told me I would have my appointment by next week so that's good!
Claire I liked those days too in the beginning just so I could feel normal for once. Hope it continues. As for the twin? Maybe! Or maybe it is just extra bloating. My bloating with my 4th was soooooooo bad that people new I was pg before I told them, cause I looked 5 months at 2 :dohh: this time I was so happy that I was not like that at all!! bloated yes but hid able, I could at least say it was PMS :haha:
Glad you're feeling a bit better today Claire! People could pretty much tell I was pg at 7 weeks this time. . .how RIDICULOUS is that mess? LOL! By 12 weeks I was sporting quite the bump. ;)

Calling the doc with numbers today, my fasting is high again today. I'm to the point where I just want to tell her to give me the medicine so I can stop freaking about it. LOL

It's bitter cold here, the temp last night was -18 and the wind chill -33. Just plain ridiculous. While we do live in a cooler climate, that's NOT normal for us. My dog is basically on strike, he walks 2-3 feet then wants you to hold him and warm his feet, not an easy task for the large pg woman.

Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Kellie is that C or F for your temp? Either way it is a lot colder there then it is here. YUCK!! you may have to get booties for your :dog:. My mom does that for her older dog cause other wise she gets stuck out side and won't come in. They really do help her, and she is really old!! :jo:
LOL, that's F (THANK GOD)! We SO need booties for the dog! He's only 8 but he acts much older and he's blind. I need to try and find some online today. :)
Oh goodness, Kellie! That's too cold! That front showed up here (Texas) today, and it's going to get down in the teens at night and is not supposed to get above freezing through the weekend. Not near as cold as you are, but way below normal for us. And it was 80 degrees yesterday!

My little 4 pound dog stays on her bed and curls up in her blanket and shakes the whole time. We had cold temps a couple weekends ago too, though not nearly as cold as it is this time, just hovering around freezing temps. But when it got warm again, Emmi would lay in the sunlight and make herself pant just to soak up the warmth. Seems like we might have a real least for us...this year.

I hope all of you are doing well, and I see congratulations is in order for Rics!
Crystal my lovely friend, so good to hear from you again!! :friends: I hope all is well other than the weather. That does sound cold for you guys.:cold:
hey Crystal - lovely to hear from you , I was wondering how you were xxxx hope all is good.

We have had a flurry of snow today, only a flurry so far but still it's exciting watching the big flakes fall down, really feels chrstmassy with snow. Gail force winds earlier though, not so nice, all the trains were off, red alert traffic warning for all road users -trees down everywhere lol


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