PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

:friends: to you Sacha. We're doing well. Finally settled in our new house, I think.

Now that everything is getting back to normal and I have more time, I find myself thinking more often about that little one I want. I didn't get the blood work my doctor had suggested last month, with being busy and not sure of everything. I had thought maybe we would just be done...two losses in 3 months was enough, but that feeling just won't go away and seems to be getting stronger every day again. I'm going to go get the blood work this month. Hopefully they will get me in on a good day, as my cycle started yesterday, so 21 days would be on Christmas Eve; however, I think I might ovulate at about CD12 as my cycle was 26 days last month, so 7 dpo might be a couple days earlier. So that's where I am. Praying about it and hoping for the best!
Hey Donna! It's wonderful to talk to you again too. I heard about those winds from some other friends on here. That's crazy! Enjoy the snow. We actually had a white Christmas a few years not the norm for us.

Y'all are all so far along now. It doesn't seem like that long ago, but at the same time, it seems like it's been forever. Only 2 months away from my first due date. :cry:

I read a few posts here and there, trying to catch up a bit. I hope the SPD isn't giving you too much trouble. How are you feeling?
Good to hear from you Crystal! My in-laws all live in Texas, spread out across the state, so I follow the weather there a bit, and FIL was talking about how they were preparing for visiting us with the cold temps even in El Paso. Crazy to me!

Kellie - yeah, those fasting numbers are in the 'scary' range for sure; I am so jealous of your after lunch/dinner numbers! Maybe if we got our pancreases together they could figure stuff out ;)

Claire - Such a funny time, early pregnancy! On the one hand, it is always a bit comforting to have pregnancy symptoms. On the other, YUCK! Glad the biscuits worked for you though :)

Sacha - headaches are the worst :( Do you normally suffer from migraines at all? Or really just a pregnancy issue for you? Hope you end up feeling better today :)

Iesha - excessive thirst, and being unable to stay awake about 20 minutes after meals can be a good indication of GD, but many women with GD don't have either of those symptoms, and many women who DONT have GD do. So it is kind of a crapshoot. I am pulling for you to pass your test though so that you won't have to worry about it!!

How is everyone's Christmas preparations coming? I'm going through complete pregnancy hormonal yo-yo right now, one minute super excited and energized and the next stressed out, crying or yelling about something. Hubby takes the brunt of it, but the kids are starting to sense how stressed out mommy is, and it takes a toil on the little ones. Anyone have good stress management techniques? My mom didn't really teach me much - she would just scream at everyone and then cry for a while and then pretend it never happened. Or just stay in bed all day. Trying to find something a bit more productive than that, especially since the staying in bed all day won't work for me, as lovely as it sounds sometimes!
HEY Crystal! So nice to see you! That is SUPER cold for TX. EEK! It's much worse on the normally warm places to be cold. We're used to cold, just not THIS cold. ;)

Feisty, GREAT idea. . .combined pancreas. . .LOL! Waiting to hear from the doc.

Christmas. . .we have our tree and decorations up. . .we get paid today and will do our shopping out of this check, we'll be shipping all of our gifts so Amazon will be our friend. My husband is working Christmas Eve, NYE and NYD (like a close then an open with 4 hours of sleep in between?) so I'm pretty bah humbug in general about it. NYE is our anniversary but he said we'll celebrate a different day. He's not much into those types of "holiday's". He's really just being nice and working the crap hours so his staff doesn't have to, he has good reason, we DON'T have family here, so I understand but I figure I don't have to like it. ;) I'm pretty bored, when I'm normally content. I feel antsy, just waiting I guess. Hub is working 6 days next week. . .just makes the time go slowly I suppose.
Crystal I knew you would be back ;) Losses aren't easy at all!! So maybe you just needed some time, but you are right about that feeling. It will not go away with out giving in to it. :hugs: You will know when it is right for you!! :flower: I am glad you are all moved in alright.

Mel I normally suffer from tension headaches, but this pg they have been pretty good. I haven't had too many. I am sure it was mainly from trying to sleep in those awful hospital beds the other night.
thanks crystal its lovely to see you back! I hope your feeling ok!xxx
Kellie- our anniversary is dec 30, so the day before yours <3

Crystal- so good to hear from you! hope you can do your bloods and they can figure something out :hugs:

Melissa- your mom sounds like my mom :(

Iesha - hope you pass your test!!! mine is next Thursday

Claire- ugh sorry. hope you get to feeling better very soon. the beginning is so rough :wacko:
I got the call from the doctor's office. . .I have to start taking a pill twice a day. THRILLED to not have to do insulin shots at this time at least. I wanted to avoid medication but after following the diet to the letter and stressing about my still high numbers, bring on the drugs. ;)
glad there giving you something to help kellie!

woke up feeling a bit achy today but its eased off and I actually don't feel to bad! kids are off school today as the water pump at school is broken which means they have no toilets or running water, happened last winter too:dohh: but oh well meant I could sleep in a little! off to a pantomime tomorrow which we're all looking forward to just hope dh can make it as he may have to work:nope:

hope everyone isn't feeling to sore or blah today!! xxx
happy 7weeks Claire xx

I am feeling yuk today my 2 youngest have had a vomiting bug over past 24hrs and I think I am getting it. Also it is so cold, our heating has now gone entirely and I am waiting on an engineer coming today sometime to probably tell me we need a whole new boiler and heating system :(

Yukkity yuk :(

Hope everyone else is having a better day :) xx love to all xx
Oh that's just awful Donna! I hope you don't get it full fledged. :( Hugs!

Those are my kind of days off Claire, totally unexpected. :) Happy 7!

I'm SO glad my hubs works an opening shift today and tomorrow and is then off on Sunday. He can worry about the dog in this bitter weather. ;) Currently it is -20F which is just stupid cold. We ARE going above zero today, all the way to 5. Hopefully the warming trend continues!!
Lol its funny for me to read about your cold weather coz in Perth Australia its been 30-35 degrees Celsius the last couple weeks. Our Christmas is always very hot I have never even seen snow - I would lov to! Christmas day is usually in the high thirties early forties temp wise
Well I couldn't imagine our heat being out right now&#8230;.. that would suck Donna I hope it gets fixed really soon for you. We are currently at -33 but feels like -44 C

I have one little guy that has had a cough now for about a week and he is feeling worse today. He sounds like he has croup. I am taking him in to the Dr today just to make sure he doesn't need anything extra to help him get over this.
No heat is not cool at all Donna! YIKES!

Pretty freaking cold Sacha! Are these norm for you? It's much colder than usual around here.

Speaking of which, my feet are freezing while under my belly is sweating. I'm looking like a sexy beast today, tank top, leggings and big, thick socks. :)
Donna - that is awful :( I hope they can get your heat fixed up quickly!

It is colder than normal here too, but not even close to the lows sweeping the rest of the country. My big beef is that it went from too warm to snow, to too cold to snow. I don't mind the snow and ice because it makes everything kind of pretty in the winter and compensates for the darkness and the cold. Cold & dark with no pretty snow is completely obnoxious!

I am in a conflicted nesting stage. I have a TON of mental energy and I am constantly thinking about the stuff I need to do at home, plus the fun of planning for my in-laws' visit in less than 2 weeks, plus I am daydreaming/planning a Disney vacation for the fam for sometime in 2014 (I will make it happen darnit!), but... I don't seem to be able to spend more than 5 minutes doing my actual work at the office :D Then, when I get home, I'm exhausted! My poor playroom, which needs to be completely finished BEFORE the in-laws come, as my SIL is going to sleep in there, is an utter wreck. I haven't managed more than 5 minutes of work in there all week though. Hopefully Saturday I will have a nice rush of energy to go along with all the projects I need to tackle.

In related news, I'm leaning towards ditching the turkey in favor of doing a roast beef or prime rib style dish for our pre-Christmas dinner with the in-laws (they fly home Christmas Eve). I've never actually done anything like that before though, so trying to get a gauge on whether its more than I should tackle. My SIL is going to help with lots of the cooking, so I'm not really worried about side dishes - she's fabulous in the kitchen. Anyone have experience with big beef roasts? Favorite recipes?
Oh Donna hope kiddies are well soon its awful when there being sick isn't it! There was one time with us when all 3 girls were being sick all night I literally had to sleep on the sofa with them and be ready with a bowl that was not a good night!
Is it that noro virus? We had that last year! I hope you don't get! And I feel for you with no heating I hope it doesn't end in a whole new system!

Wow -33 I don't no how you cope I'd never go out! That's crazy cold!

Afm I'm getting more than pissed off with my cats, before we moved they used to go out and go to the toilet and jinx was out more than she was in, but since we have moved they don't go out unless I literally chuck them out and are still going in a litter tray YUK! And of course I'm the only one who cleans it out ( which as you no I shouldn't be) I'm just so fed up with it and. I'm pissed off being dh can't come to the pantomime tomorrow because of work related stuff, we've hardly seen him all week because he's not been getting in til gone 9pm every night and by that time I'm knackered he is super busy at work but with the move and the amount of work he has I'm feeling a little neglected silly I no and I feel the pregnancy has been over shadowed a little bit by everything. I no I'm being ridiculous sorry rant over! X
HUGS Claire! Sounds super frustrating and everything is worse with pg hormones. My husband just called to say he would be an hour late and I started crying. Ridiculous of me, he works way too much all the time, it just bothers me more now.
Fiesty Mel I am with you with all these things you want to get done but wow I just can't keep up to my mind!! Like tonight I couldn't even stand after making some Thai food. Looks like I might be making quicker foods from here on out!

Claire got to love the hormones!!

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