Good to hear from you Crystal! My in-laws all live in Texas, spread out across the state, so I follow the weather there a bit, and FIL was talking about how they were preparing for visiting us with the cold temps even in El Paso. Crazy to me!
Kellie - yeah, those fasting numbers are in the 'scary' range for sure; I am so jealous of your after lunch/dinner numbers! Maybe if we got our pancreases together they could figure stuff out
Claire - Such a funny time, early pregnancy! On the one hand, it is always a bit comforting to have pregnancy symptoms. On the other, YUCK! Glad the biscuits worked for you though
Sacha - headaches are the worst

Do you normally suffer from migraines at all? Or really just a pregnancy issue for you? Hope you end up feeling better today
Iesha - excessive thirst, and being unable to stay awake about 20 minutes after meals can be a good indication of GD, but many women with GD don't have either of those symptoms, and many women who DONT have GD do. So it is kind of a crapshoot. I am pulling for you to pass your test though so that you won't have to worry about it!!
How is everyone's Christmas preparations coming? I'm going through complete pregnancy hormonal yo-yo right now, one minute super excited and energized and the next stressed out, crying or yelling about something. Hubby takes the brunt of it, but the kids are starting to sense how stressed out mommy is, and it takes a toil on the little ones. Anyone have good stress management techniques? My mom didn't really teach me much - she would just scream at everyone and then cry for a while and then pretend it never happened. Or just stay in bed all day. Trying to find something a bit more productive than that, especially since the staying in bed all day won't work for me, as lovely as it sounds sometimes!