PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Claire- :hugs: sorry hun :(

Melissa- things are getting really busy for us and my body isn't keeping up so I know how you feel. my mind says I need to do this and that... but my body is too tired. on top of that we had a class, our normal grocery shopping (that takes 3-4 hrs), now a tour. next week my apt, then every 2 weeks apts. still have Dh's bday next week, then ds birthday, then christmas, our anniversary, and new years. I have a refresher bfing class and a childbirth class coming up in January. on top of that when we did our grocery trip yesterday I started having cramps, backache, and my feet were killing me. started having painful BH by the time we were done. my hips felt like they were falling apart when we got home. last time I felt this way was at 18 weeks and I lost some plug a couple times. hope I haven't overdone it :( guess DH will be doing the grocery shopping alone from here on out. im exhausted and in pain.
Feeling your pain ladies! We did groceries last night, health food store and grocery store. . .2 hours and far too much money (LOL) and at nearly 5am I am still hurting from the trip. Crampy, mid back ache, pelvic pain and swollen ankles. Sexy beast, as usual. :D
lol Kelie - I too am a sexy beast lmao NOT haha

Norovirus got me too, and my hubby and eldest son came home with it - so 5 / 5 of us . I was having cramps and backache and was pretty sure it was from retching and from the tummy bug but was still a bit scary you know??? But we are all on the mend today, isolation for another 24-48 hrs though and hope that it is gone, Dawson had symptoms Thursday then seemed a bit better yday, then was sick all night again xxx

Another gas engineer coming today, got some heating on yday yay; but new boiler needed (at least)

Melissa I know the feeling, I now only go for small amount of groceries at a time, cause otherwise we all have to go together and DH can't handle shopping with all our boys, he gets way too frustrated with in 10 min of us shopping with them. But if I need anything big, like costco, he has to come to push cart and put it in the van. The last time I did it I couldn't get off the couch :( Then again I am sad to say that I over did it making supper last night. :blush:

Kellie girrrrrrrrrrl the end of the day I am always a mess!! One nasty hot mess :rofl:

So last night I finally washed some baby things just so I can put in the diaper bag incase I end up back in the L&D and baby decides not to be stopped. Probably because I am going to avoid going in until it is too late :dohh: I am also nesting in th fact that I don't care we don't have room right now for any extra baby clothes but I am going to get DH to grab our stuff from my bro's, as my SIL in scheduled for induction on Fri. I am sure she wants that stuff out.
I kicked A$$ on Christmas today, thank you AMAZON! I also kicked it hard on my blood sugars, which means the meds are WORKING! YAY! Honestly, I have more energy today than I've had in a LONG time. I hope it's just because my sugars are normal and I'm not nesting too much yet. :)

Glad you got some heat Donna, I'm sorry about the new boiler. It's always something!

Sacha, LOL! I bet we'd all make quite a pretty picture by end of day. :D
I have been busying myself today with sorting through all of my baby clothing. I have found I have tons too much and I offered my SIL what ever I had left over and she down right refused? I have up to 12 months and she told she only good up to 3….. These are free hello? Anyways I am now selling a very large garbage bag full of 0-12 baby clothing for $40. They will make someone happy!! I am even selling my old bedding. I used them for three others so I want this LO to have something new!!

I feel really good though that we have everything we need right now. So what am I going to ask for if this baby shower actually happens??
Kellie- good job on Christmas purchases!!!

donna- hope you guys are feeling better very fast. get that heat on lady!

Sacha- we have everything we need too and its driving me crazy! you would think I could relax now that my 'baby needs' list is complete. I even have my bags mostly packed already :blush: well everything the baby will need. just need some pj's and snacks for me, plus the last minute items like the mp3 player and my phone charger

Donna.. Hope you are feeling better :hugs: and get your boiler sorted !

Kellie... Glad you have your blood sugars normal and the meds are doing their job :) Almost finished my Christmas shopping, done most of it on Amazon too, just a few wee things left to get.

I haven't even thought about my hospital bag yet... Usually pack it a week before.

My sister is unbelievable... Last week i was looking for a new coat for my youngest, i seen a lovely 1 online and sent her a picture of it to see what boots i should order to go with it... Right away she tried to put me off the coat and the next day her boyfriend phoned me and said that they had a coat that they had bought for his brothers wee girl but they never gave her it and asked if i wanted it... I took the coat from my sister even though i wasn't that keen on it and thought my wee one wouldn't get much wear out of it, its a 12- 18 months and she really needs 18 - 24 months to get any wear out of it... Anyway my sister phoned last night and the conversation went like this.... Sister said to me 'Do you want me to take the price for that coat out of the boys Christmas money ?' I was totally confused like what do you mean price of the coat ? My sister says ' Yeah we were going to sell it on eBay for £35, it was brand new' Eh well no one told me id be buying the coat from my sister !! And had i known she wanted money for a coat for her niece I'd have bought the 1 i had originally seen online... Totally don't understand her... She is unbelievable... Id never give anyone something then turn around and ask them for money, especially family, told her she would get her £35 but i give up with her !!
Charlene - OMG your sister is nuts :mad: - why would you do that to family.. or anyone??? Now if you had seen if for sale on EBay and had phoned and asked for it, then maybe that would be a bit different but still , she should have offered you it first IMO.

Glad you are getting organised for Christmas -it is so soon now in't it?? I have a few things to wrap, want to but some chocolate santa's / or reindeer -one each for the kids and hubby and would love to get my hands on PS4 other than that I am finished - oh except my mum arrived home from Spain this week -not due back until March, but she was ill and ended up in hospital, needs further tests but is okay thankfully - so I need to get her prezzie sorted too- thought that one could wait til after lol

Kellie great news about your blood sugars and getting Xmas sorted too xx

Sacha I love getting hand me downs lol - I never refuse anything, some people are just weird that way lmao -my nieces drive me mad, both became young mums last 2 years running, both expected their mum to buy the most expensive prams, cribs etc and turned their noses up at anything handed down. I gave my eldest niece all my unisex baby blankets etc but I am sure she threw them out as I have never been offered them back - I would have rather she said no thanks - a lot had sentimental value to me :( They both sold everything on as soon as the babies had outgrown as said they wouldn't use them again on any other baby as they had to be everything new -I mean newborn stuff and 0-3months etc which had hardly been worn. I do not mind anyone being like that, but if they work and pay taxes like I have done for ever. Neither of them work, and both seem to have more money than me and their children get all the time - irks me lol -you would never have guessed eh?? LOL I bought lots of stuff at the nearly new baby market this time and will re-use my pram, but they both turned their noses up at going to that too, and both have asked me what pram I am getting this time lol. The eldest one is now pregnant with number 2 now too, and is already looking at getting the most expensive double pram she can find :(

Moan over for today lol xxx

have a super day ladies xx
Charlene, I'd NOT be happy. . that seriously is nuts!!!

I SO wish we had someone to give us some hand me downs to start out with. I've always gotten lots with my other girls. We have only lived here for a year and really don't know many people so nobody has offered. Just for the basics it would be wonderful!

My hubs did say after the holidays we could get some of the basics. LOL! We're running behind, still waiting on things people say they are sending. I'm trying not to panic. :) I just want some onesies and sleepers really. . .and to stock up on a few packs of diapers.
I love hand me downs too... When i had my daughter she was my 1st girl so i bought her everything new, but my neighbour had a baby girl a few months older and she gave me lots of stuff, would never say no... This time around i have no newborn girl clothes as i gave them all away to my cousin... If i have a boy then my other cousin has offered me all her boy stuff which i am more than happy to take, If i have a girl then i have clothes from around 6 months plus lol... I have had loads of hand me down that where either hardly worn or still had tags on them.

Cant wait till Christmas... My 2 year old asked for a dino that he saw in Tesco, He keeps reminding me he wants this orange dino, he is gonna be so excited on Christmas morning, i love when they are this young and simple things make them happy :)

Yeah my sister is a major pain, she causes me so much drama and grief that sometimes i wonder why i even bother with her... I'm already stressing about Christmas day, she will want me to visit with the children, which i do every year, but she lies in her bed all Christmas day then she will bitch and moan at me for spending time with OH family and leaving her till last... OH family come to us, I do feel sad for her as she has no family (that talk to her) apart from me and my brother... She does it to herself though, she causes arguments and stop talking to people for no reason, then she takes it out on my children, we go to her on Christmas day but she wont have any presents for them and promises them presents and tells them to come back on boxing day and she will have them wrapped etc, but its always after new year they get them... Every year she does this and i know that Christmas isn't all about presents but try telling that to a 2, 4 and 7 year old that are all excited as she has promised them presents :( I try with her, i try really hard but sometimes i wonder if its really worth the stress :(
Donna hope your feeling better and family too! Noro virus is not nice!

I love a hand me downs don't no why you wouldn't!! Lol xx
all on the mend thanks Claire xxx

Charlene - I would make her come to you to visit - I presume she has children and you are supposed to take your little ones out on xmas day away from their presents and new toys to go see her, and she doesn't even have anything for them ????Christmas is about presents when you are little lol ;)

we (my sisters and I and all children) all get together on Christmas eve and exchange gifts then - too much to do on the day to visit everyone xxx
Char that sucks that your sisters being a bum! If I was you then give it back to her and left her try and sell it. I would be like "I am sorry I didn't know you were gong to do that" then hand it over. I couldn't deal with it either.

My SIL and brother took ALL of my stuff years ago when we thought we were done, so I am guessing they are really bitter with me for being pg. Though I told them long ago that they can still have something cause i did get more handy-me-down from someone else. So I have a very large mountain of things i will not use. Now that I have my stuff, I don't need (actually I like my taste better LOL, weird how we all have different taste in clothing we put on our babies) all of this other stuff. SMH they are going to find out how expensive their little guy is, and fast he will grow out of the 3 month stuff.

I went out last night to a xmas party it was really nice to get out, but by the end of the evening I was soooo sore from sitting I could hardly walk. The insides of my legs felt they were ripping with each step. It was all worth it!!
yikes char- your sis sounds like a real piece of work :(

I want to catch up, but please understand when I say my eyeballs are sore, but I didn't want u guys to think I've gone awol lol...

I worked yesterday and today my kids again are whining & complaining about the simplest of tasks, my daughter had me take her to the mall to get some all black dress or skirt outfit for her school variety show...and I literally thought I was gonna drop. I feel really frustrated I cant do the errands that need to be done, and my older kids for some reason are just turning in spoiled terrors....

so this is my Christmas planning...nothing. I have no idea how we are going to manage, I do not think they deserve any gifts, we are strapped for cash and I am really feeling frustrated....oh and update on my f'n (sorry I need to cuss about this one, pardon me) GD test, I got up early Saturday, drank a can of soda as my doctor instructed (which I really hate first thing in the morning) went to the lab, showed them my requisite, and explained what happen and these 2 women proceeded to embarrass the shit outta me in front of about 30 ppl in the lab, and refused to draw my blood. They said they cannot do it from a can of soda (which is bullshit, because it used to be flat orange soda they used to give u until they now have a fancy glucose drink) and even went as far as to want to "show" me the drink like i'm a damn idiot.

Not gonna lie, cussed like hell & stomped out. That pretty much was a highlight on a crap week. My husband , bless him, is really disgusted with my kids because they are so lazy and he really does everything as a natural father does. I cant even defend them, they are disgusting me never mind him. He has already forgiven them and is joking and laughing with them. Not me. I have confiscated all technology until further notice. No smiling. *END RANT*
My belly has decided to pop overnight, and I am having so much pain under my ribs, and my back...I wish I could order groceries online LOL...
Please forgive me for not mentioning everyone specifically but I hope your all doing well or will get better soon. xo
Awe man Iesha. . that SUCKS! All around! Hugs! I hope this week is MUCH better for you! <3

I also LIVE in yoga pants. :) They are the bomb.

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