Iesha - sounds awful

Hope your kids realize how rough things are right now and pull it together!
Kellie - my numbers are crap.
Sacha - I had a huge fight with DH this weekend, but I think we are all made up now thankfully. He was being a dolt, but this time I'm the one who put my foot wrong and it was definitely me who was being hurtful to him. I felt pretty bad about it afterward. But it is also related to projects and work being done around the house. *sigh* Why can't guys just figure out priorities and timelines better??
Sounds like everyone is having a bit of a rough time lately - Charl's sister being crazy, Donna's heat situation (not to mention SPD), Claire's fatigue, Melissa's energy levels and packed schedule! I'm sure I've inadvertently missed something too.
AFM, now I'm worrying about all kinds of things. A friend just had her baby last week 5-6 weeks early, after they discovered baby wasn't growing anymore. She had the SEVERE morning sickness (lost 40 lbs during the pregnancy), and apparently she was in worse shape then the baby; total system failure was starting, including kidneys and heart. They seem to be totally through the worst of it, and on their way to recovery, but holy cow that made everything seem more real to me. Plus I am having a hard time with my sugars during the day - I don't seem to be able to find a good combination of food eating out, and I quite frankly don't have the time to actually make food for myself. If I had to, I'd end up just going hungry. And I'm also having evening contractions. Just BH, but painful and obnoxious. But the real icing on the cake for me it the digestive issues. My heartburn has gotten increasingly worse, as expected, but now I'm waking up at night with **WARNING GROSSNESS** dinner back in my mouth. I can't actually throw up, but its like it comes back, is gross as hell, I feel like crap, and I'm not sleeping. LAst night was the worst so far; DD2 had her Christmas program, but fell asleep hard on the way home, and when I got her out of the car realized she's running a decent fever (~101 F), and she complained of a 'really really bad sore throat' and wondered 'why my legs are shaking mommy??'. So I was worried about that. Didn't bother eating (fed the kids McDonald's and I can't have any of that right now), and finally made myself a PB&J after the kids were down. I absolutely could not sleep. It is like the sandwich never went all the way down. I ended up with really horrid abdominal cramps - they would alternate between BH and intestinal crap. Couldn't get anything out either end though, and just felt miserable from 1am to almost 4am! I have zero appetite, my blood sugar was high this morning, and I have no idea what the heck is going on.
The mention of gall bladder has me thinking there might be something going on with me, but I can't imagine this is that. There was a short period of time where I thought my appendix might be bursting, but it passed and I didn't get a fever or anything, so figured just REALLY bad heartburn and digestive stuff. Managed to get everyone taken care of this morning so I could be at my ultrasound and doc apt on time, only to arrive and realize those are TOMORROW. So. Still no real appetite although I feel VERY HUNGRY right now and I can sense I'm getting a headache over it, but I'm hesitant to actually eat anything because of how crappy I felt yesterday, and I really thought I'd be seeing my OB today to discuss it.
On a positive note, my mom has REALLY been coming through for me lately, and this is a big achievement. I hate having to rely on her at all because she's been so unreliable, but she has been completely fabulous lately. She started flaking last week (was running late and instead of saying 'ooops, I didn't leave on time' she claimed some really ridiculous car trouble that magically fixed itself when I decided to come get her...), but still showed up to watch the kids, made it to DD2's Christmas program, AND met me at the girls' school to transfer DD2 this morning. Maybe doesn't sound like too much, but to me, this is a bit of a Christmas miracle