PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Thank u lovelies! I must be crazy it feels like my skin is bruised and beated under my ribs where my belly is stretching out...anyone else getting this...omg I swear I must have zero memory of daughter told me it's cuz I am old now :( and as she said that 3 guys were calling out sexy mami sexy mami heyyyyy so I turned and waved LOL she almost died...she was like that is sooooooo gross mom cuz your like 30 something and pregnant....honestly...I swear kids say the darndest things...
My lower belly and my ribs feel bruised all the time. Every couple of days it comes back, like every time he has a growth spurt my belly hurts. Today I was getting tightenings and then sneeze and be bent over in pain. I also don't remember having these pains either.
so sorry Iesha!!! that's such crap how they treated you :( whats your dr gonna do now about the stupid test?? hope the kids shape up
Iesha - so sorry your having a rough time, hope you get the GD test sorted and manage to kick those older kids into gear ;)

Sacha - I get terrible round ligament pain too, especially if I sneeze and the pain lingers for what seems ages and stops me in my tracks too :( - I think it is just as well we don't remember the pain or discomfort of pregnancy lol

Oh the kids are already trying to kiss my far as the stupid GD test I'm calling my doc see ifiI can do it again at the lab at his office on my next appt. My pain has really gotten worse. It burns like fire when I bend over..just on the right side under my ribs but in the front top of my belly not my side...any ideas? Pulled muscle? I really don't want to make a fuss and I've told u guys how laid back my doc I don't see him again til the 18th. Last night I bent to take out a load of clothes from the dryer, drop everything the pain was so sharp & severe. My husband rescued me, but I feel so frustrated. There are things to do, I'm not a well behaved invalid LOL.
Iesha my fist was so far up into my ribs he actually moved one out of place on me. I remember the burning pain. I lived in the NWT at the time and had no medical help other than from a nurse. To manage the pain I use Tylenol, and just tried to massage his foot out, which never worked. I am sorry to say I just had to get used to the pain :sad1: Though once he dropped it went away completely!! What a relief. So since this is #5 I am sure she will drop soon. Any where from now. My LO has been slowly dropping too, but I think he is mainly because he is growing LOL
So I am on the outs with DH. BIG time!! He is working on the basement but only doing things that take 10-20mins and then stopping. At the rate he is going baby will be 6 months before the room is done. I am at the verge of tears every time I think about it. I have been trying to be very light hearted about it, laughing instead of yelling, and he turned around and bit my head off. I felt horrible after, so I went on strike and didn't make supper. DH made everyone but me something to eat. Seriously you couldn't make me feel any worse. Why couldn't he just light his own fire and get it done. I could just sit here and cry about it all day. :sad2:
I'm sorry you're still hurting Iesha, if it's not the baby's foot in your ribs, your gallbladder is in that vicinity as well. I had a gallbladder attack during this pg and holy crap was it painful. Although a foot would be "healthier", it could last a lot longer than a gallbladder attack.

Hugs Sacha! I would be really frustrated too! My hubby is actually super laid back about getting anything done for the baby as well, but it doesn't involve other kids and where they will be, so not at all the same. Hugs!!!

When I look in the mirror my belly doesn't seem as big so I'm wondering if J has dropped or at least gone head down instead of transverse. lol I had horribly crappy sleep last night. Waiting another hour to take my blood sugar then trying a nap. I see my doc today, still spilling ketones in my urine too. UGH
iesha sorry your in pain hun maybe mention it to your doc!! and sorry about the stupid arse nurses at thr walk in lad they sound like twats! hope the kids are getting off their arse and helping their clearly HOT mama!!!:haha:

sacha men are such arses arnt they sometimes!!! hope your feeling a bit better:hugs:

today feeling mostly tired even had to have a doze on the sofa this morning before I took Jamie to nursery just feel so tired! and my jeans are now to uncomfy to wear so will be stocking up on maternity wear I think, also need to find n outfit for xmas day and NYE. for the kids too! :hugs:ahhh is it bedtime yet??????????
I swear, I'm feeling so bi-polar. I was so good. . today I'm crying and emotional. My sugars are up again today (having one day decent doesn't mean jack for the long run I guess) and I still am spilling ketones in my urine. The diabetic educator scared me shitless about the ketones, reading off studies about babies having lower IQ scores and such after mom showing ketones. :( I know that's probably long term, over months, not 2 days, but I'm completely irrational these days.
Keytones are honestly from the breakdown of fat cells. Even this is what my specialist said. I had a nurse scare me saying i was dehydrated when I wasn't showing any signs of dehydration. So I googled it. I honestly think it is just because you are eating so well that now your body is utilizing the fat stored vs intake. I don't think you should be worrying at all!!
Kellie... I had the ketones thing last pregnancy... Ended up admitted to hospital and put on a drip because of it... Ive had a trace of ketones last few times my urines been tested... GD sucks :(

Sacha... :hugs: Hope your DH gets his finger out... You must be so frustrated.

Iesha... I was gonna say gallbladder too... Ive had the same burning pain the last few days... Actually feels like someone is tearing something out from under my ribs... So i had to google it and loads came up for gallbladder... Ive never had anything with my gallbladder before... Thinking that or baby is squished against something they shouldnt be :( Hope it goes away soon !!

Claire... Almost bedtime :happydance: Did you ever receive your booking appointment yet ?
no still no appointment hopefully il get it this week!!
I just cant wait til I get to 12 weeks the 1st trimester is so hard!
Oh lord...Gallbladder!!!!! I hope not! This pregnancy is just turning into a nightmare (well for me) I am so used to just going thru the motions...

Kellie-Please dont worry!!!! I have no personal experience with the GD or keytones, but (as Sacha said) I know how hard you are working at controlling everything. Jenessa will be just fine!

I called my doc, she said I cannot wait until next week to do the GD, plus this pain, so I am going in this wednesday which means another day off work. Honestly I know I am probably being paranoid, but this isnt the time I want to miss an extra days pay. Which means more saturdays for me!!! YAY! NOOOTTTTT
Iesha, I'm glad you're being seen this week, even though it sucks to have another day off for you. Better to be safe!

I saw the doc today. She wasn't overly concerned at this point about the ketones. Measuring on track, no weight gain and baby J is HEAD DOWN! YAY! Good girl. ;) She said overall my sugars were improving and to keep doing what I'm doing for now. I see the dietician tomorrow and she said she'll possibly change my before bed snack to help with ketones.

2 weeks and I get an ultrasound! WOOHOO! :)

I think I'm just getting crabby from being uncomfortable and not sleeping well. Hormone city. Whew!
Good stuff Kellie!

Well now I got paranoid about gallbladder, i googled it, but I dont think thats it cuz they all state you would be vomiting or running to toilet. So far so good, so maybe not that...if it is I will be so upset :( I am just becoming a big lump of emotions. My belly is really big now and so would think a strapping fatty like me could bear the size but nooooooooooo boohoo poor me LOL!
Iesha - sounds awful :( Hope your kids realize how rough things are right now and pull it together!

Kellie - my numbers are crap.

Sacha - I had a huge fight with DH this weekend, but I think we are all made up now thankfully. He was being a dolt, but this time I'm the one who put my foot wrong and it was definitely me who was being hurtful to him. I felt pretty bad about it afterward. But it is also related to projects and work being done around the house. *sigh* Why can't guys just figure out priorities and timelines better??

Sounds like everyone is having a bit of a rough time lately - Charl's sister being crazy, Donna's heat situation (not to mention SPD), Claire's fatigue, Melissa's energy levels and packed schedule! I'm sure I've inadvertently missed something too.

AFM, now I'm worrying about all kinds of things. A friend just had her baby last week 5-6 weeks early, after they discovered baby wasn't growing anymore. She had the SEVERE morning sickness (lost 40 lbs during the pregnancy), and apparently she was in worse shape then the baby; total system failure was starting, including kidneys and heart. They seem to be totally through the worst of it, and on their way to recovery, but holy cow that made everything seem more real to me. Plus I am having a hard time with my sugars during the day - I don't seem to be able to find a good combination of food eating out, and I quite frankly don't have the time to actually make food for myself. If I had to, I'd end up just going hungry. And I'm also having evening contractions. Just BH, but painful and obnoxious. But the real icing on the cake for me it the digestive issues. My heartburn has gotten increasingly worse, as expected, but now I'm waking up at night with **WARNING GROSSNESS** dinner back in my mouth. I can't actually throw up, but its like it comes back, is gross as hell, I feel like crap, and I'm not sleeping. LAst night was the worst so far; DD2 had her Christmas program, but fell asleep hard on the way home, and when I got her out of the car realized she's running a decent fever (~101 F), and she complained of a 'really really bad sore throat' and wondered 'why my legs are shaking mommy??'. So I was worried about that. Didn't bother eating (fed the kids McDonald's and I can't have any of that right now), and finally made myself a PB&J after the kids were down. I absolutely could not sleep. It is like the sandwich never went all the way down. I ended up with really horrid abdominal cramps - they would alternate between BH and intestinal crap. Couldn't get anything out either end though, and just felt miserable from 1am to almost 4am! I have zero appetite, my blood sugar was high this morning, and I have no idea what the heck is going on.

The mention of gall bladder has me thinking there might be something going on with me, but I can't imagine this is that. There was a short period of time where I thought my appendix might be bursting, but it passed and I didn't get a fever or anything, so figured just REALLY bad heartburn and digestive stuff. Managed to get everyone taken care of this morning so I could be at my ultrasound and doc apt on time, only to arrive and realize those are TOMORROW. So. Still no real appetite although I feel VERY HUNGRY right now and I can sense I'm getting a headache over it, but I'm hesitant to actually eat anything because of how crappy I felt yesterday, and I really thought I'd be seeing my OB today to discuss it.

On a positive note, my mom has REALLY been coming through for me lately, and this is a big achievement. I hate having to rely on her at all because she's been so unreliable, but she has been completely fabulous lately. She started flaking last week (was running late and instead of saying 'ooops, I didn't leave on time' she claimed some really ridiculous car trouble that magically fixed itself when I decided to come get her...), but still showed up to watch the kids, made it to DD2's Christmas program, AND met me at the girls' school to transfer DD2 this morning. Maybe doesn't sound like too much, but to me, this is a bit of a Christmas miracle :D
Feisty Mel Dh and I are a bit better. He knows i am still not happy with his action, but he did say he was sorry, and that is at least something.

As for the heart burn have you tried anything stronger like pecidAC or Zantac? I find it works for me really good, the Zantac that is. I know Kellie uses pecid, and she likes that. It also works for the indigestion too.

I am sorry your LO was so sick. This time a year just bad for all those things.

As for me I am all done xmas shopping for my monsters. Done and done! I just have to find a red purse for my mother, and a gift card for some place nice to eat for my bro and SIL, then of course DH but I was hoping to do something nice for him…. Just not so sure it will happen….
Yes we are all kinda having a week arent we. I am actually relieved for the day off tommorrow,alhough I am going to work saturday...I'm just gonna push until I break...I bet u any money the doc is gonna fan off my pain and tell me keep my chin up. Piss off!
I'm sorry things are so crappy Mel!! Hugs!

To add to this lovely week. . .I'm weary from the roller coaster. The dietician today was worried about the ketones, I had a higher concentration of them in my urine today, so 3 days in a row. She also thinks I need to go on insulin shots to get my sugar under control a bit more as my fasting numbers are still up. The doc said I could wait until Friday, give them 3 more days of numbers and see how it goes. I have to eat something between 2-3am as well now (I'm usually up anyway) to see if that will help with the ketones. My BP is creeping up as well. 122/94 today, 128/87 yesterday. One more thing to watch. None of it is end of the world horrible, but it adds up and stresses me a bit. She might put me on 2 different kinds of insulin, a long acting and a fast acting, all I hear in that is "Let's stick needles in you all day long". . .blah. . .few more weeks!

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