PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Iesha - I'm right with you on if the doc tells me to suck it up, I'll probably sock him. :p Seriously - this discomfort is worse than labor, although to be fair I guess we do have that natural hormone or whatever that helps us forget the complete intensity, but I feel gross and unnatural and like *something* is very wrong somewhere. Not life threateningly wrong, but just... wrong. So hopefully your doc will get you fixed up. Also - I have big happy thoughts and energy going your way that your GD test works out great!

Kellie - that bites. My blood pressure was up a TON last appointment, but it started so low that the nurse didn't seem to think anything of it (ok, so it was only like 120/95, but considering I'd never been above 100/70 this pregnancy, that seems like a pretty incredible jump to me). I haven't been testing ketones daily, but because my numbers are not great, I'm in for weekly OB appointments until they stabilize or the baby is born. Yay. For the insulin, last pregnancy I had heard that the slow-acting insulin is pretty effective at getting the overnight numbers right, but that you have to start having a candy bar or something high sugar by your bed.

Sacha - Between DH's office party on Friday night, taking DD1 to the Nutcracker on Saturday night and to dinner, I think I messed up my system right proper. I just can't seem to eat ANYTHING. My old standby of peanut butter makes me queasy now. I'm supposed to try Zantac for the heartburn, but this is really unlike previous bouts of heartburn that I've had where I can figure out what is causing it. This is just randomly painful and I feel like I'm a balloon slowly being filled up with gas too. I am super impressed that you have all the shopping done for the kids! I haven't even started! Egads!
Honestly, trying to find the balance between the highs and lows with sugars is just overwhelming as hell to me. Add the dumb blood pressure and low iron and man. . .I think I'm really ready to get this over with. LOL!

I'm to the point that if anyone told me to suck it up, I'd have to have SERIOUS words with them. ;)
Yes we are all kinda having a week arent we. I am actually relieved for the day off tommorrow,alhough I am going to work saturday...I'm just gonna push until I break...I bet u any money the doc is gonna fan off my pain and tell me keep my chin up. Piss off!

Oh I don't want you to do that, I am sure no one wants to see you come to that. I sure hope something helps you.

I'm sorry things are so crappy Mel!! Hugs!

To add to this lovely week. . .I'm weary from the roller coaster. The dietician today was worried about the ketones, I had a higher concentration of them in my urine today, so 3 days in a row. She also thinks I need to go on insulin shots to get my sugar under control a bit more as my fasting numbers are still up. The doc said I could wait until Friday, give them 3 more days of numbers and see how it goes. I have to eat something between 2-3am as well now (I'm usually up anyway) to see if that will help with the ketones. My BP is creeping up as well. 122/94 today, 128/87 yesterday. One more thing to watch. None of it is end of the world horrible, but it adds up and stresses me a bit. She might put me on 2 different kinds of insulin, a long acting and a fast acting, all I hear in that is "Let's stick needles in you all day long". . .blah. . .few more weeks!

Oh crappy well that is not good. but if it helps to be poked all day long I think it is for the greater good. Sucks that it may have to happen!!
Melissa- sorry about everything going on :( ive got terrible heartburn every night and the BH start every night as well. very painful, I know just what you mean. im glad your mom is helping though. :flower:

sacha- we are done with shopping as well. takes a load off! :winkwink:

Iesha- I hope your doc takes you seriously! :hugs:

kellie- you have so much going on health wise it makes me feel like anything I have going on is very small. im so sorry you have all this at once :hugs2:
Oh goodness, we all have our own battles! I have had it SO easy up until now, I think my starting weight, activity levels and my age are all contributing factors. ;) Not too much longer! Just have to keep on hangin in. I just feel better if I can whine about it to you guys. We're alone here, no family, few friends (none close) and my hubs works his ass off, tons of hours so I get emotional and worked up easily it seems. Thanks for putting up with my hormones! <3
mel sorry your feeling crappy I hope you can get back to eating soon!! and get a good nights sleep!

kellie you are a trooper im not sure I could cope with a change in diet and the possibility of injections!! not long now tho!!

iesha I hope the doc can help you and not just fob you off!!!

sorry if ive missed anyone my brain isn't working at the moment. im soooo tired MS isn't too bad thank goodness and as long as I eat it seems fine! I just want to sleep but I cant:cry: as I have things to do and kids to drop and pick up, getting up in the morning is so hard!!:sleep::sleep::sleep:
Big group hug for everyone - what a week, hope everyone starts to feel better:hugs:, sugars start to behave :thumbup:and hubby's get their asses in gear:wacko::blush:

We still have no bathroom floor, only half the tiles up and no shower lol :haha: not stressing now, the bath is in - and I need my baths , helps with SPD and gets me 5 mins peace of an evening lol - although if Dawson is still up he jumps in too :winkwink:

please please have it done for Xmas lol

I had my 28wk appointment yesterday, baby HR161 head down and measuring 27 weeks (so more accurate with my dates at the moment) - I may have an UTI - awaiting confirmation, and had my GTT yesterday too -so waiting on those results too
I done something very stupid though lol - had my first set of bloods and lucozade and waiting on my second set when the Health care assistant comes in a gives me a mint :wacko::wacko: I took it without thinking :blush: She then proceeded to offer me a cup of tea - I said I don't think I am allowed tea :wacko::wacko:, ands in fact I should not have accepted that mint either. LOL She looked panicked and asked me not to tell anyone lol -hope it doesn't adversely affect my levels :blush::blush:

Donna - Yay for the bath tub! I'm sure the project will finish up soon :) And funny about the mint! Hope it doesn't impact anything!

Everyone - thanks for the well wishes. I had an ultrasound this morning, and baby is measuring a tiny bit on the big side (~4lbs 2 oz, about 77th percentile), but I was actually down a pound or two from last week. Which makes sense, considering I barely ate anything the last couple of days. Doc is happy with my resting sugars, but gave me that 'look' about my lunches ;) Just in a 'you know that eating out is going to make this hard, right??' kinda way. So I get to go back in a week instead of having a 2 week time frame. He did say that weekly ultrasounds will start at 34 weeks, so basically beginning of January. Have to admit, I'm a bit excited about that. He also told me to take Zantac twice a day to see if that helps with my reflux/heartburn issues this week. Overall I'm in great spirits, only damper is that DD2 is still very ill, with a high fever and extremely sore throat. She's always so matter of fact about being sick it breaks my heart even more (mommy, I know the medicine will make me feel better, but my throat hurts too bad to swallow it right now, can we wait a little bit?).

Iesha - holding my breath for you that your appt goes well!!

Claire - First tri fatigue is so hard to overcome in the morning! I hope your kiddos give you lots of help :)

Kellie - Hang in there; hopefully the hassle of doing injections will be more than countered by the relief it brings you! Plus I've heard that the insulin is significantly less crummy than the actual finger pokes, so hopefully that won't be too awful if they do put you on it.
Everyones apt sound really great! Hip hip hooray for all that healthy babies we have!! Just a triple booooo to all of us suffering for these monkey's!! :haha:
:) Sacha is right, we all seem to have pretty healthy little bub's for all the problems they are causing the mamas!

I think it's really good that your fasting sugars are good Mel, that's what I'm having the most problem controlling. (I'm not too worried about the needles, she let me see one and practice on a stuffed toy and it's very tiny).
Melissa- I hope the heartburn stops for you now with your meds. hope your LO feels better soon. enjoy your ultrasounds :)

Claire- hope your 1st tri goes fast and you reclaim some energy.

Donna- hope the bathroom gets done by Christmas

afm- tmi- I have had diarrhea and loose stools for 3-4 weeks now. haven't been sick or anything so not sure what its from. think its taking a toll now. :( had a contraction that lasted a good half hour, maybe more. and I mean clinched up without letting go. then had painful contractions the rest of the night. thought today it would be gone, but nope still here. thought about going in, but my apt is tomorrow as it is. sipping on some alfalfa tea and soaking in Epsom salt to hopefully calm things down
That is no fun Melissa! I hope the tea and epsom salts do the trick for you. Hopefully LO isn't trying to come early.
Blessed Mel you sound like me, I am wondering if it isn't your uterus unhappy with all the loose stool stuff. Not that I have had bathroom issues in that sense, but I have had get tightenings because of going to the bathroom. Yes I have had it were they seem to be clenching all day!! They always tell me to go just to make sure that they aren't changing my cervix. I sure hope it isn't.
thanks mel and sacha. I don't really know what to think right now. still happening and my back is hurting. I do think its related to the bathroom issues. if anything, im usually normal or constipated in pregnancy. never had this issue.
Melissa - could you also be mildly dehydrated? I know that can bring on cramping/contractions and the like. The salts help at all?
You know one thing to think about is that the tightenings are causing the loose stool. I find every once and a while I will have a loose stool after a good tightening.
Melissa- I have thought about that. im trying to drink all day long and even adding Gatorade in case im losing electrolytes. I was always told if you are having a lot of contractions from dehydration it should ease up if you drink plenty. im wondering if im just losing more than I can replace or what? im at a loss. will be bringing it up with my OB tomorrow. the Epsom salt is supposed to have magnesium sulfate in it which is what they give to stop preterm labor. so im hoping if I keep soaking in it a while I will absorb some :shrug: could be way off with that thought though. idk. will see tomorrow.

sacha- I have no idea. I hope she has some answers tomorrow :( don't like all these cramps and contractions or the bathroom issues. thought maybe I was just getting rid of a virus or something even though I wasn't sick, like maybe my body was just passing it through... but I wouldn't think it would last this long.
Melissa - hope you and baby are okay and that is was just a bug running it's course - I agree with the dehydration thing though, when I had norovirus over the weekend I knew I was dehydrating but couldn't keep much of anything down and my BH were increased and uncomfortable, was having back ache too and it was really worrying -luckily my vomiting only lasted about half a day and the nausea subsided by the next day so have been drinking loads now to try and recuperate

Hugs! I hope you are feeling better quickly!! I've found that coconut water helps immensely for hydration.
Today is going to be a great day!! I am feeling awesome!! Achy but awesome!

I spent most of the evening last night on youtube watching 'One born every Moment'. I think I need to watch more hypobirthing video's though cause most of these ladies on the show have crazy panic attacks which cause more issues with getting baby out&#8230;. :shrug:

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