PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Kellie I am sorry you are having a crap shoot day. Have you tried meditation? Some times that invigorates me!!
thanks ladies. will take acidophilus for a while to help fix whatever damage was done with digestion and go from there. with no more milk!

Kellie- I hope you get some energy back. I think someone mentioned GD wiping your energy levels out :( hopefully you wont need shots, but if you do maybe it will help you feel better and get you some energy back.

Sacha- I hope it doesn't drag for you. are you on every 2 wk appointments now? it seems like things speed up for me when the appointments start rolling in. I just got moved to them so I have one the day after Christmas then 2 in January. all of February and March will be every week.
Melissa - So glad it looks like you got it figured out!

Sacha - I am excited for Christmas break too, but a little nervous. With as erratic as my moods have been, I'm worried I'll snap at the kiddos after a week.

Claire - Happy 8! Hope everything continues to go well for you :) I felt huge early this time too, and switched to my 'fat pants' and maternity clothes about 8 weeks. Felt weird at first, but so much more comfy :)

Charl - LOL @ your hubby! I know what you mean, sometimes they really just don't think things through. We were invited to a wedding ~5-6 hours away, and I REALLY wanted to go, but... it is the end of January. Given that #3 came 10 days early, and I'm due 2/14, and for some reason I just feel this baby will be born on 1/24, I was really on the fence about even trying. But then I got the GD diagnosis and said forget it, not gonna happen. So hubby was like, ok so I'm going solo? Wha?? Umm, no, you get to stay home with your incredibly pregnant wife (or slightly early newborn) and deal with the other 3 kids! Silly men.

Kellie - hope the energy loss is shortlived and you are back to your normal self soon!

AFM, I am SOOOO excited for Christmas and this weekend, but a little overwhelmed and nervous too. Strep throat has started making the rounds through the family (the 4yr old thumb sucker got it first, unsurprisingly), so I'm worried that that will hit at any moment. We've got to rearrange our living room to fit the tree, do all our grocery and Christmas shopping, girls have choir practice, DH is still finishing up his special project that was going to take 3-6 hours (we're going on 2 weeks now...), we have a bunch of laundry to do, the kitchen has to be totally defunked (fridge seems to have gotten away from me a bit, I SWEAR there is something bad in there but I can't find it so EVERYTHING has to come out!), meal plan/activity plan for in-laws visit, deep clean the playroom and arrange the new-to-us kids' shelves, buy a small area rug for our family room, and freshen the bedding for all our house guests arriving next week. Oh, and my mom says she is feeling poorly and commented that she doesn't have any of her external decorations up. Two weeks ago I offered DH's services to hang the lights and she declined. Now that we have zero free time, she seems to be asking (she is the most indirect person I've ever met), so we'll probably try to work that in too.

I think a couple of weeks ago I would have completely melted down under the stress and the amount of stuff to do, but even though I actually have less sustained energy now I just feel kind of excited!!! CHRISTMAS ROCKS!
Melissa yes I am in that period that your going every two weeks, but I have been going every two weeks since the beginning of my pg. So I am not sure it will speed anything up at all LOL

Ok so I really just need to VENT!! DS1 was on the phone with my previous husband family out east. I heard him say something about her talking to me about it. I didn't hear anything else about it until this morning. Ds1 was eating his breakfast and he said that she was going to talk to me about her coming here, picking up the boys and taking them back to Ontario for a couple weeks then bringing them back. Exsqueeze me? Who talks to a child about this before the adult? Now he was all excited about going, expecting me to say yes, and if I don't then I am the bad guy. Ds2 freaking out cause he can't do it. I am sorry that is just the cruelest thing she could have done. She is just trying to manipulate the situation to her advantage, and I am not ok with this. Why in the world would I just let them go over there after that. Plus I said next time they can come here. They are fully aware that DS2 can't just go with anyone!! Are they NUTS? That and she is trying to call the shots here. Well she isn't going to win this. I had a adult convo with DS1 about it explaining why I am disappointed in her actions. He completely understand and is not sure why she is going about it in such a manor. He asked me though why I know that this is what she is doing. I just plainly said the other summer we didn't go out there, she blamed it all on me, right to DS1. 'Well your mom said you can't!' DS1 said he wouldn't even let his children go to someones house far away that would act like that. I apologized that he had to be put through this, but would work it out one way or another. He knows I am hurt they won't come here. I am seriously so infuriated with her right now. WOW what the nerve!!
Charl I think I would send him, but only if he takes all your others with him so you can have a quiet time at home bonding with baby ;)

Feisty Mel I guarantee you I will be losing my mind very shortly after the first weekend they are not in school. Yup I can see it now, on the monday me telling them all off first thing in the morning because they will be fighting with each other already!! Though I do have a u/s that day so they will all be coming with me, DS's in hand.

PMG ladies i thought maybe the ms was a short lived thing. As I am sitting here I am doing my heavy breathing just to will the vomit down. OMG this is horrible. First trimester all over again! YUCK! :sick:
Sacha - that is awful. Your DS1 is only 11, right? I wish I could say I can't imagine anyone doing that, but - if I wasn't in the same city as my mother, she is EXACTLY the kind of person that would talk behind my back and manipulate my kids. Shoot, she already does it, and sad to say I think i do it back. But she says stuff that is just totally at the wrong development level and shows a total lack of judgment sometimes. It is hard to tell precisely if these things are done completely on purpose or if they just happen because the judgment is off, but in your case - if she can travel over to pick them up (which doesn't really sound feasible at all), why can't she travel over and spend time there?

I hope you get something figured out, and just really sad that this kind of disappointment has to happen for your kiddos so close to Christmas. Maybe the Christmas buzz will distract them though :)
I think January is going to really drag as well. I'm thinking I'll make it until the end of the month at the least.

Char, my sugars are still unstable. . .had a couple high numbers yesterday and today as well, some of my highs seem to be getting higher. Ketones are "small" the last 2 days compared to moderate-large, so heading in the right direction.
char and Melissa- I cant believe your DH's thought they would be going alone to those weddings :dohh: I would say what sacha said- only if you take all the kids lol :lol:

sacha- that sounds really messed up. I agree it should have been brought up with you first. I learned a long time ago that my mom and my MIL make a lot of promises they don't keep. they tell us though and not the kids, so we learned to just not say anything to the kids. last year my MIL finally sent the kids Christmas presents that were from a year or two before that. I had completely forgot! she is forever saying she is gonna send things or come to visit and then we never hear anything else about it. my mom keeps saying she is gonna visit once a month but never does. she lives in a city that is about 45 mins to an hour from us so we usually only visit once or twice a year. its just easier for her to come here than for us to pack everyone up and go to a non-babyproofed house.
Sacha - that is awful. Your DS1 is only 11, right? I wish I could say I can't imagine anyone doing that, but - if I wasn't in the same city as my mother, she is EXACTLY the kind of person that would talk behind my back and manipulate my kids. Shoot, she already does it, and sad to say I think i do it back. But she says stuff that is just totally at the wrong development level and shows a total lack of judgment sometimes. It is hard to tell precisely if these things are done completely on purpose or if they just happen because the judgment is off, but in your case - if she can travel over to pick them up (which doesn't really sound feasible at all), why can't she travel over and spend time there?

I hope you get something figured out, and just really sad that this kind of disappointment has to happen for your kiddos so close to Christmas. Maybe the Christmas buzz will distract them though :)

Well that is exactly what she is proposing that she fly all the way here, pick them up, and then another one of their family members fly with them back. You are right it would be cheaper for them to stay here for a week then pay for them to fly out there. I offered for them to stay here and they apparently said they don't want to, to my son. Yes is just 11, going on 16 some days. It costed me to go out there return $3000.00.

Another thing that they apparently conveniently forgetting that DS2 has autism and CAN'T go anywhere with out me, and I am not sending just two of them out there. That is just completely unfair to DS2. This is what they have proposed a number of times.

I think she is going about it this way in hopes that if she gets DS1 excited enough that I will just give in. Guess what NOT HAPPENING!!! I will not play into that at all!!
Exactly Melissa! My mom lives less than 45 minutes away, and we don't see her very often anymore because she doesn't visit. It really does hurt my feelings sometimes, but then I remember how crazy she can be and I figure it is for the best.

Anyone else here worry that you are going to become like that? The sense of inevitably becoming my mother literally has kept me up at night sometimes! Seems even worse when I'm pregnant, but that might be due to the 'baby brain' issues that make me feel like a total flake when I forget things.
Sacha - to quote from somewhere, 'that b**** be crazy!'. Didn't realize DS2 was autistic. That just makes it soooo much worse. Maybe she's in denial? Or something? I thought my mom was bad when he continually forgets how old and what sizes the kids are in (she bought size 6 clothes for my then 3 yr old, size 0-3 month clothes for my 1 yr old....) but 'forgetting' something like autism is just... well wow, I don't have any polite words for that.

So sorry you have to deal with this right now :( Has it distracted you from the ms at all?
Melissa I have my out-laws living about an hour away, and I get it about hauling them all out there being harder then them just coming here. Don't get me started on the state of their house. Completely unsafe for anyone to be in let along my boys!!

Feisty Mel She KNOWS that he has it, though he is very high functioning, so she didn't see everything in the short period of time we were with them this summer. I am guessing she will say we can handle him. Well if he doesn't feel comfortable being without me, and them "handling him", that is more than enough for me to always say eff off, not happening. He is fully aware of what is going on with him. He knows that things happen that he can't control and it is very scary to him to be with someone that doesn't know how to handle his melt downs, cause when he is really bad he runs, and he would be sooooooo lost out there and that would be way tooooooo traumatic for him! I think they refuse to see it, or I am very good at keeping him in more control!

As for distracting me?…… unfortunately no :(
My mom is half whacked most of the time and I never know what to expect. She wasn't thrilled with me being pregnant at my age, but I think it's more that she's unhappy with HER age. Eh? I'm glad we live 1000 miles away many days but I do wish she'd refrain from the rude comments. I'm sorry you guys are going through all this junk.

I should hear back today. Just spoke with the nurse so we'll see what the doctor says. My fasting numbers are down a bit, random other numbers have been up. She thinks that the doc will wait until I see the dietician next Tuesday to see how I do over the weekend. I hate the waiting and the scare when I have crap numbers. Sorry to be the big whiner all the time these days. I'm pretty ready for this pg to be over I think.
Sacha - such a bummer :( Was hoping there was some kind of bright side out there for ya today, but sounds like everything just stinks.

Kellie - I lived 1000 miles away from my mom for only 4 years, and then moved back to my hometown for a job. It has definitely been a mixed bag! Hope your numbers straighten out for you this weekend.
Hi guys, I feel like I never have time to do individual responses...hope everyones health is ok, or at least giving not too much trouble...

we are going into the home stretch ladies (well Claire is going to catch up real soon LOL) It feels like just yesterday we all found each other and just got our bfp's!

Quick update (I am at work and have 5 minutes left on my break) AFM-ex's family-mine completly ignore my children (the ones that are here in Canada) but my ex has a habit of speaking to my son (i have 2 with him, but the little one doesnt speak to him) and try to make sly arrangements without asking me. A HUGE NO NO. I mean HELLLLLL NO. Good thing is he is a low life and nothing ever works out so he really hasnt probably seen my kids in over a yr and half, but regardless, I would put my foot down and NO one is gonna make arrangements without asking me 1st. I completly agree, even if your child is high functioning autistic I would NOT have him go anywhere without mum if he isnt used to it. Period.
My mother didnt raise me, and she is a very quirky lady, lives about 2 hours from me with her old redneck man (who used to refer to me as the "white N. word" (Charming) and she only speaks to 2 of my kids (because the other 2 according to her, dont like her). Add in abandoning me in Jamaica at 3 months, alcholism when I came here as a 12yr old, and putting me out on the street, oh and a million other things, she is frankly lucky I am civil. I do not agree with her favoritism of the kids so I keep her at arms length. More like "this lady I know" than a mom. My MIL is my "real" mommy lol....

Healthwise-waiting to hear about GD results, finally got it done properly. Oh and the pain under my rib....THIS LIL MISS DISLOCATED MY RIGHT RIB!!! Ouch!!!
Sacha- there have been years we only make it to her house on Christmas, but after we leave I know why. and since its not baby proofed its a constant stress of chasing kids around having them put down knick knacks and keeping them off the stairs. when we leave we are totally wiped out and wonder why we stayed so long. :wacko: that's horrible they don't respect your sons autism. just horrible :(

Melissa- I am deathly afraid of being like my mom and yes it has literally kept me up. she didn't believe I was sexually abused by her brother so teased me about it. got all her family to antagonize me about it as well. threatened to put me in a girls home for acting out in anger that she didn't believe me and wasn't helping me. that's just the tip of the iceberg. there is so many horror stories I could tell, but im trying very hard to forgive her. I cant stand it when I say/do something she used to say or do. and yes, when im pregnant it bothers me even more than usual. not sure why :nope: I felt abandoned by her so many times. with the abuse and then when she left my dad for one of the men she had an affair with she talked to my siblings but I didn't hear from her for months. maybe being pregnant makes me feel more dependent and those abandoned feelings come to the surface??

kellie- what is your due date?

Iesha- that dislocated rib sounds very painful!!! and oh my, im afraid I would choose not to know your mom :growlmad: im awaiting GD results either today or Monday.. most likely Monday since its so late here today. hope we both pass!
I'm super scared to end up like my mom. . .the things that bother me the most though, are things my husband would bring up IMMEDIATELY. She's SUPER negative and he'd never let me fall into a pit of negativity, he's Mr. Positive, 24/7. I live that far away now, but we're planning to move back closer to home by the end of the year. We're hoping I can keep my psoriatic arthritis in remission as it is now and that having insurance will allow me the freedom to live in the climate of the midwest again for at least a few years. I want to be closer to my daughters and our extended families with the new baby so she has the chance to know them as well. We aren't planning to live in the same town, but are hoping for an hour or two away, in between both of our families. It really is a mixed bag. . .

I just heard from the doctor's office, they just want me to add another glyburide pill just before bed for now, so that's EASY peasy. :)
I am sure we can all say something about our mothers. I don't agree with mine all that much but she supports me and helps me out when ever I need it. That support has been huge through the years. Though if you asked me as a teen I would have told you something completely different.

Iesha that sux that you that your mother was not so much of a mother at all, and glad your MIL is much more that woman. :flower: Though you know with out her being the way she was, you may not be as strong of a woman today!! I truly believe that we go through the things in our lives to make us the people we are today. So I am grateful regardless all the crappy stuff that happened to me. Oh and the rib… ouch!! :nope: I hear you girl. My first did that to me!! NOT FUN AT ALL!! I never did get that one back into place, sure looks funny if I am lying on the beach, as my rib cage is all lop sided. I hope that she drops soon.

Melissa i hear you!! Even when we go to the out-laws even out side makes me stressed out. The boys want to into all the old broken down vehicles out there that cats have turned into large litter boxes, or old buildings that are out there. It just scares me. When we go in the house I don't want them taking off their shoes as hardly any of the cats us the litter box, so the smell almost is enough to knock someone out. Not to mention all the cats have a upper respiratory thing that has covered their furniture with snot. Which stresses me out that the snot will transfer to our cats at home and make them really sick. They also have nothing for them to play with, so they would whine that they are bored with in 30 min and ask to leave. It is so much easier for them to just come here, they just take it an insult we don't come out there. They don't smell anything and don't think there is a problem with safety.

Feisty Mel I am good, I am hungry now. Just can't think of anything to make for supper or to eat!

LOL I am so glad I bought DS4 duplo lego for xmas cause right now he is using the tissue boxes as building blocks.
wow sacha I would not be happy either!! I too don't get on my my mum and haven't spoken to her in over 3 years now as she is a constant let down and chooses alcohol over her children, she has tried to play with my childrens minds by writing things in their birthdays cards like don't ever forget me ellie! could you imagine how upset she would be to read that and she would feel so bad how dare she!!! I cant stand people who use ther children like that!! your son sounds very mature tho and understanding to the situation your obviously doing a great job!!

maybe that's why we have larger families due to our up bringing?? ive never wanted to be like my mum and try not to be but sometimes I hear myself saying something which is something my mum would say and I hate it!!

its lovely to no that dispite our upbringings we are 100% for our children and they come first!!! the way it should be!!

ouch iesha!!! that sounds so sore!!! I hope its feeling better!!

good luck with the test results girls!!

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