My MIL is a nightmare too... She is so controlling over OH its unreal... He was due to go for a vasectomy in April this year, not because i had asked him to do it but because his mother told him, it came the day for his appointment and he went to it even though i had asked him not to, only to find out there was a mix up and he wasn't supposed to be there, he said he felt like he got a get out of jail free card that day ! His mother on the other hand phoned the hospital saying it was a disgrace and demanded they sent him another appointment

Hospital then phoned him and he said he would sort it out himself, she then refused to speak to him for weeks and caused all sorts of grief !!! Also she was up here bitching to me that she wouldn't be able to afford a holiday this year as they would have to loan us money... We hadn't even asked to borrow money from them she was just assuming... OH said to her, but your going away for a week and she replied yeah but not with your dad, me and your dad aren't going on holiday and he said, yeah but that is dads holiday when your away

She also loves to try give me parenting advice and try to make out i cant cope, yet when she babysits my 2 year old (1 at the time) ended up in A&E with split lip and massive bang to his head, after she let him play on her shake machine and my 7 year old they took to A&E needing stitches to his head, i know accidents happen but hate that shes tries to make out i cant cope
Masonsbaby... Lovely name... I always struggle with names, doesn't help that i am team

Really have no idea what to name this baby.
Kellie... Lovely bump pic
My hormones have been crazy too... No crying yet, but feeling rage and angry, mostly directed at OH , poor man, he messed up my Tesco order

and i wouldn't speak to him all night