Welcome and congratz! Hope this one stays sticky for you, and very sorry for your losses. *hug*
Sacha - looks dropped to me! Have you had any heartburn/breathing relief? Or just additional pelvic pain and waddling?
Donna - DH and I are going through the same thing right now. He went into panic mode on Monday getting everything done.
AFM, Unfortunately, DH is still being a bit of a jerk about making plans and whatnot; I dunno why he can't just admit I'm better at planning and scheduling stuff, and let me handle it. But he keeps changing stuff at the last minute, which throws everything else off. Like sleeping arrangements for our guests - we have so many people coming into town that the girls will be displaced, but their room is supposed to go to the 2 that arrive late Friday night - that way school morning routine wouldn't be interrupted. Well, he arbitrarily decided that his sister was going to sleep there, so we had to have the girls in our bed last night, because I didn't have time to get their mattresses and sleeping bags setup for the nursery, and we also had to wake his sister up because I didn't have their clothes laid out. I was so frustrated. Also found out that we have ZERO full days all together as a family, as our last arrival comes in *late* Friday night (technically 12:30am on Saturday), and our first departure is noon on Saturday. I'm frustrated and annoyed and disappointed and trying soooo hard to not really show any of those emotions. I have given up the entire week, I'm refusing to plan ANYTHING at all to try to cater to this crazy airport schedule, and I'm just informing Chris of what commitments are unmoveable (last choir practice before kids sing in the Christmas Eve mass) and what things can be cancelled but need advance notice (gymnastics Saturday morning).
I miss my MIL so very, very, very much. We would have had everything hashed out last month

And I feel like I'm being unfair to FIL's gf, but... I don't care if she is in our family pictures!!!! I want to see the family all together, and while she's quite lovely and I like her and they *may* get married in the future, they aren't now so I don't really care if she's leaving at noon; we could still do a family picture. Ugh. DH is completely clueless - even when I spelled out yesterday that it hurt my feelings that he completely ignored everything I was trying to say, and that my words meant so little to him that he couldn't remember stuff from one day to the next. He told me that was dumb. I know I'm more sensitive cuz of the hormones and the time of year, but seriously - how exactly did he expect me to react? It is like when one of our girls is crying and he yells at them to stop. Yeah, please let me know if that EVER works on a crying girl