LOL Claire, I miss having a drink on holidays. My anniversary is NYE so it's sort of a bummer. NOT that it matters as my husband works 4pm-2am, then opens again at 7am. . .blah!
Sacha, I cannot sleep if I can't breathe, period. I totally admit that I need nose spray anonymous after the pregnancy. I had the same problem with my middle and I actually could breathe JUST after I had her. I feel like I am drowning if I can't breathe through my nose. Panic attack city.
I felt so weird last night! I'm normally falling asleep by 9:30 (HA) but I was wide awake until after midnight. I felt jittery and antsy and just off. Checked my sugar and it was okay. I had a really uncomfortable day yesterday as well. This morning since I woke up I have period type cramps sort of, but more on one side, like the beginning of appendicitis (I only know because I've had mine out! LOL). . .so I'm just going with this being a good sign that things are moving right along and hopefully my body is starting to prepare for baby coming. I see the doctor today, still having crap fasting sugars so I'm sure she will either up my oral meds or switch me to insulin. FUN!