PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Wow last night I couldn't breath through my nose. I am not sure if I have caught a cold of some sort that is leaving me plugged up or if it is just another joy of pg. I am sure i said this before, that I hate breathing with my mouth open, so I went and found a nasal strip and sorta helped. Only one nostril….. but I took it. Looks like I am going to be steaming my nose and using a netty pot again…..

OMG the dreams I had last night are just off the wall. I was dreaming I was a ghost hunter of some sort. We were doing a tour of sorts going through a broken down town with very few residence. It was so strange as I am no where near being one. I have contact if I want to, to those that have passed, but I don't know the first thing to dealing with hauntings/clearings…...
Hi guys
Iesha def get yourself to the doctors I hope you feel better soon!!

Great news Donna about the bathroom Weldone hubby!!

Kellie you do make me laugh!!! 😝

I hope everyone else is doing ok and I can't believe how close some of you are now!!!

I have my appointment this week and scan next week can't wait but also feeling nervous!! Back is feeling sore I can't lay on my back it's so uncomfortable already ANC I seem to be getting bigger by the day!! Felt sick all day yesterday! And had a horrible headache! Feeling better today!

Any plans for NYE? We're going to a party at our holiday camp where our caravan is so that should be good I am missing being able to have a drink tho didn't think I would as I'm not a big drinker but I am nevermind it's all worth it eh! X
LOL Claire, I miss having a drink on holidays. My anniversary is NYE so it's sort of a bummer. NOT that it matters as my husband works 4pm-2am, then opens again at 7am. . .blah!

Sacha, I cannot sleep if I can't breathe, period. I totally admit that I need nose spray anonymous after the pregnancy. I had the same problem with my middle and I actually could breathe JUST after I had her. I feel like I am drowning if I can't breathe through my nose. Panic attack city.

I felt so weird last night! I'm normally falling asleep by 9:30 (HA) but I was wide awake until after midnight. I felt jittery and antsy and just off. Checked my sugar and it was okay. I had a really uncomfortable day yesterday as well. This morning since I woke up I have period type cramps sort of, but more on one side, like the beginning of appendicitis (I only know because I've had mine out! LOL). . .so I'm just going with this being a good sign that things are moving right along and hopefully my body is starting to prepare for baby coming. I see the doctor today, still having crap fasting sugars so I'm sure she will either up my oral meds or switch me to insulin. FUN!
No plans here, maybe watch a movie…. Though I am not sure I will be able to stay up to bring in the new year :haha: :sleep:
Kellie... How did you get on at the doctors ?

No plans for New Year other than maybe catch up on some sleep... My baby boy was rushed into hospital yesterday struggling to breathe, He is home now thankfully, was a horrible scary time :cry:
Oh Char I have had to do that before! It is not fun! I am glad he is home safe now! :hugs:

Iesha you are in my thoughts…. haven't heard for you in a few days I hope you are feeling better!!
Thanks, I just don't know how to cope. Last night my husband rushed me to the hospital. I could not hold my head up, I fainted in emerg, they treated me for dehydration, my body pain & the surprise discovery of a bladder infection. Charming. I was not able to make work really n truly I need to stop worrying about money. My husband was so sweet n caring it really touched me deeply. He was so attentive, and we had a really stupid doctor that kept saying yea I know your 3 months pregnant that's y you feel husband was like listen im her husband (after he shush him so rudely when he tried to correct him) and he said she is not 3 months she is 8 months and she was having trouble breathing and the reason I am speaking up is because she is so weak its hard for her to speak. We finally got home 2:30am. This year needs to wrap up quick and roll on 2014. I feel slightly better today, as in less weak but I've been in bed all day and slept all afternoon. I have not attempted yet to to normal tasks. I'm still not eating more than a little in the morning, which is crazy because I really need energy but I'm trying :( Hope everyone is ok, already feeling tired after typing this so I'm off until tmrw :) love to all
Char- so sorry about your kiddo :( sounds very scary

Iesha- oh no!!!!! im glad they caught your dehydration and infection, but not fun at all. :wacko: please take it easy! money doesn't matter at all compared to health :hugs:

Kellie- sorry DH has to work so much on your anniv :wacko: sounds like the LO is starting to prepare an exit!

Claire- today is our anniversary. we went to lunch yesterday at a nice restaurant and did some shopping :) DH had to work a couple hours today and will have a couple hours tomorrow, then off til next Monday. we really don't have anything planned. this is the 3rd time I have been due in march and the last 2 times I had a glass of wine on new years eve. (wouldn't do that if I was in the beginning of pregnancy, and I usually don't drink at all in pregnancy) so im not sure if I will tomorrow or not. not really feeling in the mood for wine, but who knows tomorrow I may change my mind. im sure we will be staying home with the kids and just hanging out watching tv :flower:
I am glad you were taken in to the ER Iesha! Make sure you take care of yourself love!
I'm also glad you went to the ER Iesha!!! I hope you're on the road to better now!

Doc went fine. . .
Insulin at night before bed starting tomorrow after I see the diabetic nurse. Staying on my oral meds that I'm taking now as well. Lost another pound. NST's twice a week starting next Monday and another ultrasound in 2 weeks. She also gave me phenegren for nausea to take on top of zofran if needed, she wants me to try and eat a bit more. I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. One day at a time!
Kellie you have a lot going on girl. I too have another Dr apt on mon. Looks like we are on sink together for our apt LOL. Hope the insulin helps you out.

Hey starting 36 weeks don't weekly apt's start? I am wondering if I will still be getting u/s at every apt or not. I don't think I would need them every week. Plus the Dr did say that we would continue every two weeks. So maybe I will have a normal OB apt. Wow I am actually kinda excited about that. It would be nice to feel normal.

I have been practising my hypnobirthing, well as much as I can with four monsters running around. They suggest to start practising with BH, and I have been with the ones that cause a bit more discomfort, it works. So far I like this!!
Sacha and Kellie- you two are so close!!!

I think my OB starts weekly at 35 weeks. they already have the rest of my appts scheduled and I start every week throughout February. I should have another u/s around 32 weeks and no more til birth day unless there is something wrong. the last 3 I have had weekly u/s at the end. 1 for low lying placenta and 2 for low amniotic fluid. hoping this one is fine!

edit- just looked at my scheduled appts and I have one at 34 weeks, next is a week and half later since we decided to switch to Mondays from Thursdays. so it probably would have started weekly at 34 weeks
Melissa before I was refusing that I getting close, but I am starting to come along with the idea that I am truly am close. I ok with this too. I just finished reading my hypnobirthing book. I am hoping that you have an non eventful pg, they are much more enjoyable!!

Yah I am starting to think that 1 week apt don't start for a couple more weeks.

Oh I could breath last night. :cloud9: It wasn't perfect but I could breath. :dance: Though my LO movements are waking me up. Though I am glad I am finished with those meds. I was peeing four times at least. Now that I am done I only wake up maybe twice tops! That is with me drinking water all through the night. (my throat is dry stupid cold)
sacha- im thinking of looking up a hypnobirthing book. I have some Lamaze ones im reading now. they have spent so much time talking about preparing for the labor im bored with it. I guess they aren't written for someone who has already had a few kids and knows what to expect in labor and just wants the techniques lol. you don't think they start weekly for a couple weeks?? you are already 35! if they started at 37 wks for me I probably wouldn't be seen for 2 weeks before labor even started lol. maybe my history is why my ob is starting me at 34 wks :shrug: idk. I pee 4 times a night normally!!! I would love to only wake twice. as long as I keep falling back to sleep easily after im ok. yay for breathing :lol:!!!!
Iesha... Hope you start to feel better soon !!

Kellie... Hoping the insulin sorts your blood sugars... You have done well to get to 34 weeks before needing insulin.

I should have had an appointment today but because of Christmas / New Year its been changed to next Tuesday... Been told i will get a date then for my c/section :(
Melissa I think you would love the hypnobirthing. For us moms that have done before seem to have it in our heads that there has to be a better way…. am I wrong? IDK maybe it was just me. But I was sure that it just didn't need to hurt or feel the way it did. So yah I am pretty excited about trying a more relaxed approach.

Char they are scheduling you for a C-section? I thought you would be able to try natural birth… I am confused. I sure hope you don't have to go through one. I know you mentioned wanting a Vbac :(
char- if you have to have a cesarean I hope it goes smooth. if I had to have one I think I would want to know the date as much in advance as possible, so at least its good to know when it will be. I think they gave my SIL a date and said if she went on her own before that they would let her try for a vbac.

sacha- I had epidural for 4 of them and that's my preferred choice. my first and last were without. last one was not of my own choice, he came too fast to get one. I would like one again and will be getting one if there is time. since last labor was 45 minutes, I need to be prepared to go without again just in case. I looked at my library for hypnobirth materials (books/videos) and there is none!!!!! we got a Lamaze video, which I did use for my first. was kinda hoping for more than one technique but I guess this is what im stuck with

happy new years everyone!!!!!
I had an epidural with 2 of my 3. . .I'd do it again if the pain warrants. :)

Happy New Year Ladies! It's 9:16pm here. . .I can barely keep my eyes open. LOL

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