PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

WOOHOO! Congrats Ladyluck!!

So glad your appointment went well Claire!

F-Mel...GOODNESS! Sounds like a miserable amount of sickness! HUGS! How are your sugars with tummy bugs? I can see that going either way.

Donna~ I'm sorry walking is so hard already. . .overwhelming I'd guess. Hugs!!

Melissa~ I sure hope hypnobirth give another option for you and your deliver/labor is much smoother this time around hon!

5 weeks max. . .my current mantra. Whew. Pretty regular bh, uncomfortable pelvic pain, I feel like my belly is stretched to the limit. I can barely stand having clothes on it, let alone anything tight which currently leaves me with 2-3 shirts that I can tolerate. Most of the time I'm just wearing my stretchy bra and either boxers or flannel pants. Sexy, let me tell ya. HAHA!
Kellie- that is a beautiful bump!!! im outgrowing my clothes too. and now that im as big as I was when I delivered the last 2, I have very few maternity clothes that fit. my belly is trying to peek out from my shirts :( I hate to spend more money on clothes I wont wear long

Melissa- I hope you are all recovering :( stupid sickness going around.

Claire- yay for a good first apt :happydance:

luck- whoop!!!!! so happy to see a sticky LO :D

Sacha- I would take any pointers you are willing to give! my college degrees are in psychology and sociology so I already know how to do self-hypnosis. is it similar to that??

Donna- I would def recommend rlt and epo to women who need it!!! im avoiding anything at all cost that may hurry things along or speed anything up lol. I would really like this LO to stay in longer than 37 weeks and to take longer than 1 push so the gunk gets squeezed out of her lungs and any internal bleeding in the baby is lower risk. mine come early and fast enough to bring risk on their health that im not willing to have if at all possible

if this LO comes when the last 2 did I have about 7 weeks left and that really freaks me out!!! :shock:
Melissa - YES! Just like that!! You or should I say "I", need to practise the self hypnosis of relaxing your body or belly to allow your body to take over in the birthing process, because as soon as you have fear then it causes pain. So it is all about letting go of any fear, relax and trust your body will work best with a fully relaxed body with each surge. They say when you have mastered it well you will only feel the tightening or pressure of babies head without any pain. So with each surge your body lets go completely and relaxes. I am hoping I can master it enough to make it all the way through!!
awesome! im gonna start practicing in the evenings and with BH. my BH can be pretty painful and last a minute so I had started breathing through them already :haha:
ive also got to see a consultant this time just to be on the safe side as its my 5th pregnancy otherwise iam low risk, anyone else have this? x
I love the idea of hypnobirthing! For me though, the real fear comes into play for the pushing. I absolutely cannot stand that sensation at all, I fear it, I dread it, while it is happening I am ashamed to say that I scream practically the whole time, and I'm sure the entire staff wishes I'd had an epi at that point. I haven't heard a lot about how to let go of that fear, especially for moms who have been there, done that, and had tears. I did not tear with my last, so I'm really trying to get myself in a good mindframe, but.... I dunno.

So awesome to have you back luck!

Great news about everything being healthy Claire :)

Donna - hope you get some relief tonight :(

AFM & dtd, man... DH and I just cannot seem to get our signals straight. Between stress, illness, and my seemingly random pregnancy pains/fatigue, we are in a drought this month. Going to have to see what we can do to remedy that situation this weekend; I can't imagine stopping entirely until my 6 week post partum!
So during the first phase of labour (thinning and dilating) you need to need to envision the rubber bands of your cervix getting very thin and stretching up and over a balloon (your womb) with slowed relaxed breathing. Then with the second phase of labour (baby moving through the birth canal) you don't push as they say that it make it harder on you and baby. They talk about how you breath the baby down with long hard breaths down your canal.
Sounds wonderful Sacha omg how wonderful if that actually works, I really want to do it now need to start looking for a book .

Claire I never had to see a consultant at all, everywhere is different though depending on budget, staffing levels etc I suppose. Consultant will probably see you once then sign you over to midwife care, if that is what you want.

Kellie gorgeous bump hun xx

Lucky woop congrats on your BFP, nice to see you back xx
I seriously hope it does for me! I have heard those that practise lots have done it without any discomfort at all. That would be heavenly!!
in college we heard about people using hypnosis for dental procedures and surgeries so I have no doubt if you do it right it would work. of course if it goes fast for me I will try anything, but im still hoping for enough time for an epi to just lay back relaxed and enjoying the moment lol
I don't no what to do this time around as I have to have a lot of medical intervention what with the antibiotics because of the group b strep and then that mostly always leads on to the bloody hormone drip and with the horrible after pain I get I don't no wether to go for an epi early on if I no im going to have the drip and hopefully feel comfy after ive given birth or to just try to do without it as I have to admit I do feel a sense of achievement when ive done it with just gas and air but this time maybe I would just like to sit and relax pain free??? I don't no what to do???

anybody else really glad its January:haha: its all over and done with and im so looking forward to the summer!!!!
Ok so I have been doing some research on the pain i have on the inside of my thigh/groin area. Apparently it is SPD, it is just that my symphysis that isn't bothering me but on the inside of legs only, but apparently that still counts. They are getting really really BAD! To the point I have to move my legs with my hands, if I have to bring them closer together. So moving in bed is getting excruciating.

So Donna this question is for you. Which birthing position is best for this? I am trying to look up the best ones but there doesn't seem to be a ton of info on this.
Ok so I have been doing some research on the pain i have on the inside of my thigh/groin area. Apparently it is SPD, it is just that my symphysis that isn't bothering me but on the inside of legs only, but apparently that still counts. They are getting really really BAD! To the point I have to move my legs with my hands, if I have to bring them closer together. So moving in bed is getting excruciating.

So Donna this question is for you. Which birthing position is best for this? I am trying to look up the best ones but there doesn't seem to be a ton of info on this.

Aww hunny - that is so sore, I have to lift my legs with my hands too :shrug: -Best for delivery is on all fours, water births highly recommended. You should measure your pain free gap, if you have pain opening your legs and cut alength of ribbon to attach to your birth plan and ensure no-one positions your legs further than that. Epidurals are not recommended (I know you hope not have one anyway) as they can cause irreparable damage from extended your hips too far. No stirrups, no lithotomy position, no forceps -if baby needs assisted then ventouse with you on side is better.

Here is a website that you may find useful xx

OW ow ow - feel your pain hun xxx a heated wheat pack between my legs is my life saviour just now haha :blush::blush:
There does not seem to be a very proactive natural / home birth team where I am either :(
Not that I am fighting for VBAC or anything but I just get the impression that they cannot be bothered and say anything to put me off my home birth - I actually am considering going in to have my baby just to save money buying a pool and the stress of worrying how my little boy will cope, but am sure all the negativity I have received has attributed to this decision too There is one midwife I really cannot stand and if she was on shift I would probably even prefer to deliver unassisted or even go to a hospital further away .... And isn't that awful that one person can make a person feel like that :( xxx

Have they said you cant have your home birth or are they just trying to get you to change your mind... I have a midwife like that also, most of the midwives ive seen are lovely but there is one who tried to have a go at me for having so many appointments, like i had nothing better to do with my time than sit at the hospital for nearly 2 hrs each appointment, she was saying she would get her knuckles rapped for seeing me so many times, but yet its the consultant that decides all my appointments, not me ! I have no idea what i will do when it comes time for my c/section... I will probably end up going for it than be made to feel like im risking my life and babys life for wanting a natural delivery, i know i have had 3 c/sections but the thought of going through another one, knowing what to expect is filling me with dread. I hate that instead of telling you actual facts or risk %s my consultant simply says no, rupture risk is far too high :(
Donna - I actually have no pain to have my legs all spread eagle, I seem only to have the pain when I need to get them together. When I try to use my muscles there that is when I have a problem. DTD doggy style (sorry TMI) actually doesn't bother me too much while I am in that position. Afterwards is sometimes a bit of a different story!!

This is all why I would love to just breathe baby down vs push him out. I think the pushing is going to really cause me issues.

Char - wow you sure have a great birthing team (insert sarcasm). I can't believe you have been given such a crap shoot! Hope that you don't get nasty MW for your birth.
Sacha - you have me sold on the breathing the baby out vs pushing! Holy cow!

So as to birthing positions, I know from last delivery that the OBs at the practice I go to don't seem interested in anything but lithomy. I didn't really know any better with my first 2, but with #3 I specifically wanted to try a different position, mainly because I had torn with #1 and #2. The delivering OB basically looked me straight in the eye and said he could ensure no tears if I listened to him and did what he said. Well, sure enough I didn't tear, but #3 was also a full pound lighter than #2 and had a MUCH smaller head. So I don't know how much was his expertise vs basic physics :)

Donna - I had wanted to do an all-fours, but that was really not encouraged. I'm not sure I dig a water birth, and don't think that would be all that encouraged either, although I know they ARE possible at the hospital I'm delivering at. Just might not be something my OBs would handle. We'll see though.

Thanks for all the great info ladies!!

Claire - I know what you mean about epi. I'd always planned on having one with #1, and when I didn't have time for it, it was rough but I survived and my recovery time was pretty great, and I did feel a kind of empowering sense of accomplishment. So with #2 and #3 I was gung ho for zero pain meds. This pregnancy is getting so painful, and I KNOW I am not in as good of shape, that I'm starting to think maybe I should go the epi route instead with #4, ESPECIALLY if I end up getting induced.

Charl - what a cantankerous midwife. Sorry you have to put up with her! And all the discouragement for vbac is tough. There are documented risks for both vbac and repeat c-section, so I don't really understand why your consultant wouldn't want YOU to make the decision. I know I wouldn't want to make that kind of decision for anyone, but I guess there is a reason I'm not in medicine :D

AFM: Had an ultrasound and OB appointment today! Blood pressure was ridiculously low (90/60), didn't gain any weight in 2 weeks (but methinks flu was responsible), but baby is happy and healthy and BIG. About 79th%, at 5 lbs or so, and we could see such chubby little cheeks! Everything looked so good that I have one more 2 week break, and then weekly appointments, with an ultrasound each time. Finally - the only positive part of having GD; I get to see my LO more!
Sacha - what is the name of the hypnobirth book you are using again? I want to put it on my 'new to me' tablet so i can read it at night. Should I worry about CDs at all?

Thanks! :)
Melissa- yay for a healthy LO :happydance:

Sacha- I hope your leg pain doesn't get much worse, but since its spd im assuming it will be here to the end :(

char- I have to agree with mel, certainly there are risks for both ways. its crap they wont even discuss it with you :growlmad: I don't think anyone should be bullied into birthing a different way than they want to try. of course we all may have to change plans if things don't go our preferred way, but others opinions shouldn't be our only option :hugs2:

Claire- I hope you figure out which you would like to do! you have a minute to think about which works out for you :hugs:

I have to decide if im ok with them scheduling an induction at 39 weeks if I make it that far. of course, that would ensure I made it to the hospital and would even ensure that I could get an epi. the 2 inductions I had were fabulous experiences so I cant say im nervous about that. silly enough my main issue is that it would likely be scheduled 1-2 days after my youngest ds 2nd birthday and I would like a little extra time between their bdays. I know how silly that sounds :roll: and its 2 weeks further than my last 2 labors began so I may not even make it, so im not sure it will matter anyways. this is silly too, but my other reason is that its very sweet to me that they pick their own birthday. I don't know why I feel that way though :shrug:

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