PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Which hypnobirthing book do you recommend sacha? I want to try it this time, I see so many videos and programmes with ladies having really fab labours and I want it too low.
Charlene hope your wee boy is okay
Iesha hope you feel better
Kellie hope you are coping okay with your sugars, won't be long now, in a matter of weeks your bub will be here

Anyone started RLT yet, or plan too? Or what about EPO? I am wanting to avoid an induction at all costs so wonder if EPO is a good option this time, supposed to help ripen the cervix but don't know if that is enough lol. Maybe baby is just not gonna come until he/she is ready lol

I had a fab midwife appt yesterday, baby measuring spot on - well still by my dates of a week behind lol and heart beat perfect and all wonderful. Took hubby and LO for f,first t,ime, other than scans lol and LO clung t?o daddy and was not impressed with midwife examining mummy etc, maybe I will need to rethink my home birth plan? He is a highly strung wee boy, and may just get stressed out and be more to deal with when I need to relax and just try cope with labor??

Have a great day ladies. I am waiting in bed for my huge cooked breakfast by hubby yum yum xx
Thanks Donna!
Did my first insulin shot last night, it wasn't too bad, I was more nervous than anything but it didn't really hurt.

I am doing RLT and just starting EPO as well. Not sure if they'll help but I figured they won't hurt.
Donna I am not sure which book is better, but the book I read is this one.0757302661.jpg

As for the RLT I don't think I can. I was reading up on it and found out that those that have endometriosis should completely avoid it….. :dohh: I am not really sure why, maybe it can cause more bleeding?:shrug: So I am going to avoid it….. The EPO I don't think I am. With what the book talks about is using visualization to open the cervix, and you practise with BH, so it should help things along…. I don't know:shrug: I dilated just fine with my guys so I am not thinking I will need the help, watch me eat my words LOL.:dohh: In the book they talked about labour stalling and how to deal with that, and that is what my problem was last time, and because I was in the hospital at the time they pushed medical intervention. "Hugs before drugs" is what they talk about. I am not sure how interested in DTD, but I am sure if I am frustrated with it stopping I would try anything other than the drip!!

Melissa I had the epidural too with all mine. I just was hoping to avoid last time, and felt pushed into medical intervention. So for me I want to give it a good go. I am not completely saying no to it, but last resort kind of thing. There is nothing wrong with it really…. I just don't like he after effects…. and last time I got it too late for it to work anyways….:shrug:

Kellie So how were your numbers this morning? Where they better with the insulin?
LOL nope. . .not better yet. The nurse said it was just a starting point and to expect to increase dosage. I hate that I have had sugars this high for such a long time. Just hope there are no long lasting effects on the baby.

The one delivery I did without the epidural was by far my easiest recovery, I felt like a million bucks afterwards and didn't have all that swelling.
Kellie well that sucks about the sugars I think I would worry to. It is natural to do so. Have you talked to your Dr if he/she thinks there could be an issue?

Yes that is what I am hoping for. All the moms that I have talked to that have had the epi with one and one without, told me what you just said! I totally want him more awake and want to be able to get up and move around sooner!! My one GF said even though she was in excruciating pain (labour went too fast for the epi) she said she felt like a million bucks after! I want to feel like that. I don't feel so hot after the epi, and my babies are so sleepy afterwards.
I see the doctor and the diabetes education people all the time, no less than once a week. I think they maybe just start insulin at a baseline level, not knowing how much they will have to go up. Really don't want to have a huge baby. :( That should be low on my list of worries, I know. . .I've never had a c section, would prefer to not start this time either. I've had ketones in my urine for 4 weeks (since starting to test) as well and there are studies of learning disabilities and such with them. I'd just really like to get everything under control or just have the baby. A couple more weeks would be ideal though.
I would love a VBAC but my consultant and the midwives i have seen are really not supportive at all... They make me feel like im being totally irresponsible even considering a VBA3C... I have read loads on the risks of rupture etc and seems its just as safe to have a VBA3C than a repeat c/section but no one seems to want to listen to me... I will see what date they give me and hopefully i might go into labour before then, doubt it though as sons numbers 1 and 2 where both late. So if anyone has any tips to get into labour before my due date...

If i do manage to get my natural birth, id like to just have gas & air for pain relief... Ive never had an epidural but i assume its similar to the spinal block you get for c/section and i totally hate that... Hate losing the feeling of my bottom half, actually don't know whats worse... when it all starts to go numb or when the tingling & pin n needles starts when the feeling returns... Hate the hours spent in recovery, shaking, itching and being numb :(
There does not seem to be a very proactive natural / home birth team where I am either :(
Not that I am fighting for VBAC or anything but I just get the impression that they cannot be bothered and say anything to put me off my home birth - I actually am considering going in to have my baby just to save money buying a pool and the stress of worrying how my little boy will cope, but am sure all the negativity I have received has attributed to this decision too There is one midwife I really cannot stand and if she was on shift I would probably even prefer to deliver unassisted or even go to a hospital further away .... And isn't that awful that one person can make a person feel like that :( xxx
donna- I agree that's awful you would want to go to such extremes to avoid her. I know how you feel though. there is an on-call dr where I will be delivering who is awful. if she shows up at all I will demand she leaves the room! I wont be doing rlt or epo. its supposed to tone the uterus to help stop hemorrhage, but i used it last time and still did. it also makes it more efficient and my contractions are efficient enough with a 45 min labor :( im not sure if it contributed to speeding things up last time, but i want a much slower labor this time. if i had slow labors i would def consider it. we dtd almost every day which is supposed to be better then epo, but again i was dilated a lot by the time labor started and we are looking for slower progress this time so no epo and will be using condoms to keep prostaglandins away this time.

char- im sorry your so pushed to not have a vbac :( hope it all goes smooth anyways :hugs:

i can honestly say the epi births i had were so much nicer. the babies were absolutely the same in all my births with or without. my recovery was exactly the same. the only difference i could note was that in the 2 i went without the epi i was in so much pain during and after labor that i couldn't hold the baby right away. :(
Donna that is awful. Why do some people have to be like that. Makes you wonder why they do that job in the first place if they don't like it?!?!?

Melissa I completely get why you want another one then, maybe if my experiences were like yours I would be like sign me up LOL What ever it takes to hold our babies the soonest!
Donna that is awful. Why do some people have to be like that. Makes you wonder why they do that job in the first place if they don't like it?!?!?


sacha- yeah I would like to have one again if I can. the 2 times without were awful. I hated not being able to hold them. my body was shaking uncontrollably from the pain and I was so tensed up. I had to wait for them to get something in an iv and then wait for it to kick in enough before I could even hold them :nope: not good memories. it could happen too if my labor is fast again. I had used Lamaze in my other 4 labors before getting the epi and it worked really well. then when I got to 5-6 cm I would decide it was enough and relax the rest of the labor with the epi. it never effected my labor or pushing negatively and I was able to hold my babies immediately. I need to be prepared for not getting one this time though in case it goes that way. im doing everything I can to have a slower smoother labor this time, but no promises in labor for us! I heard a lot of good things about hypnobirth and wanted to look into it, but it seems easier for me to find Lamaze resources for free.
Merry Christmas and Happy boxing day and Happy new year.!

My in laws visit went well but was so busy then somehow I volunteered to host Christmas day dinner and then family was ill. Had a crummy Tummy issue and didn't eat for 2 day. Then had to cancel or annual new year eve party (we host friends and family and do the count down on east coast time even though we live on the west coast) Because dd2 was ill.

Just catching up and Sounds like most had a good time of it

Sorry to hear about your situation is Iesha and I hope you get better quickly

Can't believe our babies are due so soon. I am totally freaking out.

I am also trying out a new toy. My in laws gave fil a new tablet and he decided to give his old one to us. I am not loving the typing and autocorrect so forgive me typos and whatnot.
Sorry for all the illness feisty, really puts a dampener on things when anyone is ill especially the little ones, hope everyone is recovered now xx

My last two labour's were quick too Melissa, only needed a help to get started last time lol. So EPO may help me with that, I am hoping lol, and RLT is only supposed to help with second stage and I am all for short pushing times ;) And as for prostaglandins lol I'll be praying I am not too sore to try and get things moving that way naturally lol.

Today, however I can't walk :'(

I am in so much pain, the thought of another 10 weeks scares me.

Take care all, some of these babies will be here SO soon, so excited for all of you ahead of me xxx

And Sacha thanks for the hypnobook advice xxx
3rd time lucky? I have waited and waited to rejoin this group after my last 2 joins ended in me leaving :cry: but here I am in the second trimester and I feel 'safe' enough to join again :haha:

Hi everyone :flower:
3rd time lucky? I have waited and waited to rejoin this group after my last 2 joins ended in me leaving :cry: but here I am in the second trimester and I feel 'safe' enough to join again :haha:

Hi everyone :flower:

Oh I am so glad this one stuck for you. I have been waiting for you to came back!! Welcome…..AGIAN!! :happydance:
Melissa well I can try and help you with some of the hypnobirthing process if you want.

Feist mel oh having LO sick during holidays really suck. Is everyone feeling better now? Oh tablets are fun. Though I usually use mine for reading. An expensive e-reader LOL, but I did put some movies on it for when I am stuck in the Dr office or something and then DS4 has something to watch.

Donna :sad1: that doesn't sound fun at all. I hope that you can find some relief, even if it is enough to be able to get around.

Ok so I posted this on my journal, but I wanted to see if any of you have thought of doing this. Placenta encapsulation. I have been fighting the thought for a very long time because of it seeming a bit gross but came to the conclusion that the benefits out way the ickiness of it all….. anyone though of it or heard of it or done this already?
hi ladyluck!! congrats your slightly ahead of me and we're preg with our 5th too! xx:happydance:

hope all illnesses have buggered off and everyone is feeling better!!
donna I hope the pain eases up can you take anything for it? or maybe have a long bath!!!!:hugs:

ive had 2 epi out of 4 births! I prefer it with out it as I find it easier to push them out, main reason for having the epi was ive been put on the hormone drip 3 times and it just makes the pain awful!! I had group b strep with my 2nd pregnancy and ever since ive had to have antibiotics before labour and which would lead me on to the drip to hurry labour along as I have quite long labours shortest being 10 hours roughly. but ihave have horrible after pain anyone else have this? and its gotten worse with each birth, dh has to be mummy for the 1st half an hour as the pain is horrible which upsets me as I want to be able to hold them to begin with rather than focussing on the pain im in. il be using EPO anything to help the cause:thumbup:

i had my booking apt today all went great blood pressure was fine and the mw was lovely and has 4 children herself which was nice as some people to get shocked at the amount of children we have lol. bloods taken and wee fine. feeling more excited now that weve seen the mw and im not so tired roll on next week for our scan i can relax more then as i still feel a little nervous :shrug:
Claire that is great news!! Glad the apt went so well. Only another weeks and you will in the 2nd trimester and you can relax a bit more!! Wow time is flying. Wasn't it only yesterday that you told us you were pg!!
I no it feels like it lol time is going quickly I cant wait for next week!! and for 2nd tri!! getting excited now which is nice.

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