PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Wow I woke up this morning and under my belly is very tender. I am ok sitting or lying down, but standing, and walking is …. Wonder if this monkey went and engaged himself again.:haha:

I have been having way more baby dreams again. One that has me a tad bit upset is I just gas birth and then my baby in a day went from brand new to 3. I was running around trying to find my little baby, and my dh was looking at me all weird saying that is our baby! I just couldn't believe him as I was in a full panic.:blush:
Kellie - glad to hear that things are looking good; hope you manage some actual sleep today!

Sacha - I hate dreams like that; the panicky feeling seems to stay with me all day. Just use it as a reminder to cherish every moment with your new lil one :)

Iesha - still sending lots of positive energy your way! Hoping for the best, and that you've managed to avoid H1N1.

AFM, while I most definitely feel like I'm ready to be done feeling pregnant, I don't have any actual nesting energy or emotion right now. It is so weird. Maybe I'm just daunted by how much I have left to do and how short a time to do it, but I'm having way more difficulty really feeling bonded to this baby than I did the others, and of course that starts the guilt cycle.

Anyone else feeling kind of distant with their lil one?
Mel Yes me. Though with all the movement I been feel lately it is getting better. But I even think to myself, why am I doing this. Did we really need to have another child? But we really wanted one before so, I am sure it is just the anxieties of bring another child into an already big family, and if we are stretching ourselves too thin. I think we will be awesome!! Plus once our LO are here I think all those thoughts will just float away.
kellie im glad shes staying put for now but 6lb is a great weight so if she does decide to join the party sooner then im sure she will be just fine!! I hope you can get some sleep!!!

I think its normal to feel a bit daunted by the fact we're having another baby I no I do sometimes seeing as we thought we had finished and then we changed our minds lol but it will be wonderful once there here! x
I am desperate to get nesting, desperate mentally but physically cannot do it and it is driving me insane lol. Hubby says that is why he is here and I have to just make him a list lol but I am wanting to do it . I am not sleeping at night much am sore when I stand or walk and am basically just grumpy haha and was thinking today, it's only three weeks until the midwives will want to come see me at home regarding delivery and procedures etc lol... So I better get a shuffle on soon.

Maybe tomorrow will be a good day lol, I dread anyone popping in to visit at the moment, the house looks like a bomb has hit!

Donna I hear you. I hate having company just show up like that. I have specific standards for the way company sees my home LOL. :winkwink:

I too am just down in the dumps today. I am extra tired and emotional. Everything seems bad today. I need to crawl into my hole and wait for it to be over!!:argh:

I had my appt today and everything looks good with babe. He is very low in my pelvis, not even a drop of fluid below his head, and so low you can't even see his face!! So no picture,….. bummer! Today my Dr about the thirst and she is running another sugar test and iron. Though she did say we do need more water at this stage.

Ok I think I am off to my hole now…..:sad1: sorry for raining on your parade.
Donna - I hope you get some energy tomorrrow! My DH is willing (not always happy tho) to do the baby prep work, but... I don't WANT him to be sorting through the clothes and doing the baby laundry. *I* want to do that. I just can't do it until Christmas is packed up, and I don't like the way he puts things away. He is pretty careless and just crams things into boxes, so much of it ends up ruined or in pretty sorry shape when I go to get it out next. With any luck we'll both get that magical energy and you can have some relief from the SPD, and all your housework will sort itself out :D

Sacha - *HUGS* I totally know how you feel. I'm having a relatively good day today while I'm in the office and basically just sitting at a computer, but the thought of going home and making dinner and cleaning up and doing laundry and all the other normal things on top of the extra chores for holiday mess and new baby have me overwhelmed. Take some time in your hole and be comfy cozy for today. There is always tomorrow :D
Thanks Mel. I am curled up on my couch with my comfy housecoat on, and already had my second nap of the day. Planning on make a cream cheese pizza dip, something easy that I don't have to prepare much, then crawl back on the couch and not move anywhere for the rest of the day. I am being patient with myself promise, I know tomorrow is another day and will be better. Apparently I need to take this day for me!!
Sacha- sorry you are having a rough time :(

Donna- I feel the same!!! except every now and then I get a bit of energy and try to do something. it doesn't last long and within a few minutes im huffing and puffing out of breath and in pain. I don't even have spd, but a bit of exertion and my back/hips/pelvis hurt so bad!!!! cant imagine what you must feel like :nope: I think most of my pain is just her being so very low.

Melissa- :hugs: im sure you will bond more and more every day. cant say I feel the same, but I feel for ya! maybe it is like everyone said and its just anxiety from adding another :shrug: we would like more if its possible so I haven't experienced that. what do you feel like its from???

Kellie- im hoping and praying for you and LO :hugs2:
***Warning - long fussy post to follow***

There are probably a lot of reasons why I am feeling distant/disconnected. I really wanted at least 4 children, but this is #4 and DH has said we're done, so being my 'last' is overshadowing the actual pregnancy. It might be that the last 2 pregnancies were associated with significant loss as well (MIL with #2, dad with #3), and I'm just holding my breath that great-grandma makes it for #4 (she plans on visiting us after baby is born). Or it might really just be about my job. I was a workaholic before having kids, and it was a bit of a rocky transition to go from 80+ hours a week working to playing a smaller and smaller role at the office as I spent more and more time at home. My satisfaction at the office has gone downhill big time, in no small part because I just feel like I'm not spending enough quality time with each child, and I'm missing some of the joys of their childhood.

But... I'm terrified of being a sahm. My mom did not work outside of the home my entire childhood, and she's an emotional train wreck. The rational part of me knows that it wasn't cause & effect - she didn't become so crazy because she stayed home, she just was fairly unemployable. I do take after my mom in certain ways, and I'm scared that spending more time with me would be detrimental to my kids and that I'll become my mother. So I keep wanting to find a parttime solution so I can spend more time with the kids, but still differentiate myself from my mom. But I can't find anything that makes sense financially, and it stresses me out so bad.

So I guess #4 is just forcing me to revisit it again, and rethink my priorities - do my preschoolers really need to go to the montessori program I picked out? Will DD2 be scarred for life if we DONT go to Disneyland for her 5th bday, since we went for DD1's 5th bday? Do the kids need to go to the parochial school my dad went to or would switching to the public school make more sense? All these things that I really don't want to think about, and don't want to have to sacrifice versus working a job I no longer take any joy or satisfaction from, surrounded daily by people who either want me to do things that are a waste of time or actively prevent me from doing anything useful.
Melissa- I know somewhat of what you mean and my heart goes out to you so much!!! my mom was a sahm til I was around 13 or 14. she was really depressed and laid on the couch a lot, yelled a lot, and well was pretty much an emotional wreck. not that after she started working was any better though. she was just around less so us kids got wild and did what we pleased. not good! I was a work-a-holic too!! I have 2 degrees and even was working on a masters. I worked for the government here and even when I got sick of it I didn't give it up. when we were surprised with #3 I was forced to take time off, but planned to go back one day. I was terrified of being a sahm and being like my mom. I thought I would go crazy at home and just hate it. now I wouldn't change a thing!!! im nothing like my mom. I stay so busy with homeschooling the kids and playing with them, some days fly by incredibly fast. I could never see myself laying around or being emotionally distraught all the time. I really love it and cant imagine doing anything else. I know my purpose raising my kids is greater than anything I have ever done with my time and I wish I would have started earlier. there is not a chance I will leave and go back to work even when they are older. I know what trouble me and my siblings got into with both parents working. my girls are 13 and 15 and need just as much direction and guidance as they ever have, just in different ways. im sorry your DH has just decided this baby will be the last without discussing it or anything. I hope he realizes its something you should both agree upon. and im sorry its stealing your joy from this pregnancy. im afraid I would feel the same. :hugs2:
Thanks for all the wishes, I just skimmed as I'm wiped out. Wanted to let you all know I'm HOME! Baby Ness is still INSIDE the belly. :D I'm still contracting but for 24 hours the contractions did not affect the cervix so she sent me home on procardyia. I'll have NO clue probably when real labor starts as these contractions HURT like a big dog and have periods that are VERY regular and very close together. We shall see! LOL!

Having a lovely evening home with my husband listening to jazz, had a hot bath and he made dinner.
aw good man taking care of his honey! sorry your still in so much pain. and all the meds they have you on making you feel like crap. what we mommies do for our LO's! :hugs:
Mel - :hugs:

Kellie - Oh that is great news!! glad you are home.

AFM I forgot to mention I had this period like smell when I was changing out my liner this morning. I thought it very strange, but with everything else going on I guess I forgot. Well I just googled it, and many women seem to get it late in their pg's. Yet there was no definite answer so I messaged my friend who is mw in a different province. She said that smell is usually from the plug coming loose or blood show. Then when she found out my due date she said guess he may just be early.

Any of you ladies ever get this smell before labour?
Thank you Melissa that is exactly what I needed to hear!

Kellie - so glad you are home safe and sound! And that lo is staying put and baking a little bit longer :)

Sacha - I get that too!
kellie ah im glad your home and baby is safe and sound!! I hope she stays put for a while longer!!! and what a good dh!!:thumbup:

donna I hope you can be a bit more mobile and get the things done that you want to! I no how frustrating that is wanting to do stuff but not being able too!!:hugs:

mel I hope your mood brightens and you feel better im a sahm and I do love it and think its invaluable but eventually I will go back to work I think once their a bit older but it will have to be a job which revolves around them and not the other way! my mum was a sahm too and crap at it an alcoholic and didn't no where we were from one moment to the next! and my goal has never to be like her and im definitely not like her! im not perfect but I put our children first, so don't feel bad about it you will never be like your mum because you care too much!! try and forget everything and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy xx:hugs:

iesha where are you:nope:??? xx

when did everyone first feel their baby move?? I was laying on my side in bed last night and im sure I felt a little thud? might be too early tho. x

1 more sleep!!!!:happydance:
Claire... :happydance: 1 more sleep... With baby no2 i felt him around 15wks, before that i wasn't sure, no3 was between 13/14weeks, numbers 4 & 5 where both around 12 weeks but for some reason this 1 was way after 20 weeks for definite kicks/movement :shrug:

Kellie... Glad you are home and baby is still inside !!

I have no energy either just now... Feel like i have lots to do and no time/energy to do it... Trying not to stress about it... Had consultant appointment & scan yesterday... Baby is still on 50th line... 5lb 12 oz... Looks cute and chunky... Baby wouldn't co operate at all... Wanted to hide but finally got a cute picture... Didn't get to see my own consultant so no date for c/section and back in 2 weeks... Then i should only have 3 weeks left :happydance:
I have to register my 4 year old for school next week and my 2 year old for nursery... They are getting so big so fast :( Well i am away to sort the boys clothes... Shouldn't take much energy... See what i can keep and pass between them... My 4yr old is in clothes for 6yr olds and my 2 yr old is in 2/3 yrs... So means holding on to clothes for around 3 years before they finally fit him... Wish i had more space.
Mel - I wonder how early he will actually be? As I woke up a bit uncomfortable again, not as bad as yesterday, but I didn't walk around as much. I am going to test this, I am going to take a walk around walmart and see if that makes me lose more plug. The tops of my hips feel stretched and sore LOL.

Claire with this baby i thought I felt him around 10 weeks a couple times and then nothing until closer to 18 weeks. Only 1 more day? :wohoo: That is exciting!!

Char I know exactly how you feel. I need to do so much in my home, but I really don't want to, to be honest. Though I know it needs to be done…. so maybe I will do a couple things and then nap…. LOL I also understand the space thing for clothing. I have bins and bins full of clothing to pass to the next child. i too only keep the good stuff, anything worn out I either give away or trash it. You will get things done. You will, just be patient on yourself. Take a sleepy day if you need to, I feel way better after taking mine. Not that I have all the energy in the world to do much, but I am not nearly as moody ;)
Claire - I am just starting to feel wriggles and kicks now :flower:

I burst into tears this morning, I was sat on my own in living room watching one born; what happened next? and I burst into tears because I realised I'm having another baby :rofl: gotta love hormones!:dohh::dohh:
I'm sorry you're feeling so down Mel! BIG hugs sweetie!

LOL Sacha, I burst into tears about things SO much more minimal than watching One Born! :)

Thanks so much for all the well wishes! I slept SO great last night. From 8:30 until 7am, only peed twice! So amazing. :) Hospital bag is packed for the most part, a few things for Jenessa in a separate bag. Mark is going to install the base of the car seat today as well. We have a REALLY old car, so hopefully it will all be okay. I feel weird, they were so sure she'd come while we were there, now it's days or weeks or maybe hours. I want her to stay in a bit longer, but the anticipation is much different now. Funny how the brain works that way. :)

Such a whirlwind!

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